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Leaving the bathroom and Team RWBY behind, Yuri skipped across the house’s barren landing. Hmm, she thought, bounding past the empty window. This place could really use a nyice plant, nya.

Bouncing into the empty expanse of the bedroom, she skidded to a stop. It looked like a little wooden cavern, bare save for the wallpaper and carpet. A little window allowed in some sunlight–a nice plant would really touch this room up too.

A few minutes later, Dr. Ie* skipped into the room, still pulling up her pants. The cat’s eye camera bobbed along behind her, trying to get as good a view as possible of her ass. “Okay!” she said, clapping her hands excitedly. “It’s time for the final room, nya! Let’s make it a grand finale!”

* Pronounced ‘ya’, as in ‘ya ever wonder what we’re here for? What’s the point of all this? Why we were all dumped here on this cold little rock to wander aimlessly till death comes to yank us offstage like a vaudeville crook? Ya ever wonder about that?’

Yuri suppressed the urge to giggle in delight. “Which universe did they vote for this time, nya?”

Dr. Ie chuckled darkly. “Ooh, they picked a very appropriate one.” She licked her lips. And snapped.

The cat’s eye turned to face her and clicked. Dr. Ie beamed even wider. “Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the final part of House Cat! We’re finally come to the last room on our list, the room I hope nyou’ve all been waiting for, ‘cos as everyone knows, it’s the most important room in the whole big wide house. That’s right, we’re in the bedroom, nya!” She whirled around, as if there were anything to show. “And nyou’ve picked a really fun universe to fill it! Without further ado, let’s get started.”

She drew her pointer with a magician’s flourish, aimed it at the center of the room, and–


Yuri closed her eyes and pressed her ears flat against her head. Was it just her, or was Dr. Ie’s pointer especially obnoxious?

The screeching died, replaced by cries of shock and confusion. Yuri sniffed and scented humans, or–No, not quite humans. A wave of tangled thoughts washed over her mind: surprise and horror and a delicious knot of lust. She licked her lips; she couldn’t help herself.

She opened her eyes. A pile of what appeared to be young women (especially busty young women) lay on the floor of the bedroom in positions they really shouldn’t be in if they’d naturally fallen.

“Hello!” said Dr. Ie, leaning over them. She held out her pointer like a mic. “Welcome to House Cat!, nya. Does anyone want to introduce themselves?”

A red-haired girl with especially large breasts leapt to her feet, fists raised to fight. Unfortunately for her, Dr. Ie had no intention of humoring her.

Ie’s pointer met the girl’s groin. Light flashed–sparks flew. With a scream, the redhead dropped, clutching her sex and moaning in something other than pain.

“Hmm, well, I don’t speak that language, nya, but according to my translator, she said ‘Rias Gremory’. Say hello to Rias, everyone!”

“Hello, Ri–” Yuri cut off as Dr. Ie glared at her.

Flicking her pointer, Dr. Ie raised Rias into the air. Pulling the redhead back like a pebble in a catapult, she slung her straight into the gaggle of her friends, who’d just about found their feet again. With a series of screams, they ended up back on the floor in a pile.

“Don’t worry–I’ll get to nyou soon enough,” said Dr. Ie. “In the meantime, let’s start with someone a little more vanilla, nya. How about
” She studied the pile. “Nyou!”

“M-me?” squeaked a little woman with blonde hair and bright green eyes.

Catching her in a pointer beam, Dr. Ie dragged her across the room and planted her on her feet in front of the camera. “That’s right! Nyou, nya! Say hello to all the cats watching at home!”


“Just say nyour nyame, nya.”

The blonde swallowed. “Asia A-Argento.”

“Asia Argento, everybody!” said Dr. Ie, taking her by the shoulders and spinning her round to face the crowd (which in this case meant the far walls of the bedroom). “Isn’t she cute, haha? Adorable. 
What kinda disgusting crap should we turn her into?”

Asia Argento froze, as did the rest of the tangle of women. In their heads, confusion warred with the strength of Dr. Ie’s statement. ‘What does she mean?’ ‘That can’t mean what it sounds like, can it?’

The redhead–Rias–and another girl with dark hair were already struggling to their feet, minds overflowing with protective aggression. Yuri flicked a glance at Dr. Ie, who gave her a little nod. Swallowing, Yuri took a deep breath.

As the redhead and the second girl (who Yuri couldn’t help but notice was even bustier) threw themselves into a charge, Yuri allowed her senses to speed up, slowly time down to a stop.

Kicking off her sandals (they floated frozen in the air), she planted her bare feet on the carpet of the floor and willed the dead wood to flower.

Thick vines burst through the carpet and surged towards the frozen girls like a nest of floral serpents. They tangled around arms, around legs, around other, squishier assets. They squeezed and they groped and generally they entangled–nothing would move so long as they kept their grip.

Yuri released her breath. Time sped up again.

With a sound like a thousand whips cracking, Rias and the other girl flew back into the pile, where they and their friends lay as if they’d fallen into the brambles, their bodies entrapped by tens of thick, pulsing vives. They couldn’t have landed in a more compromising position–Yuri laughed as the crowd of girls squealed, struggling to escape their lascivious bindings.

Asia Argento trembled. “No!” she cried, rushing to her friends’ aid.

Dr. Ie flicked her pointer, freezing the nun mid-step. “Thank nyou, Yuri,” she said. “Nyow, back to business. What shall we do with this one, nya?”

Yuri tapped her chin. “Hmmm
 Oooh! Oooh! I know!” Bouncing over to Ie, she stood on tiptoes and whispered her suggestion into Ie’s ear.

Dr. Ie grinned. “Oooh, excellent idea, nya! Every bedroom nyeeds one of those!”

She gave Asia a push, knocking her to floor in a heap. “Get ready, nya!”


Yuri shielded her eyes as the familiar lightning of Dr. Ie’s pointer swept out of the device. It struck Asia Argento like a divine punishment, making her entire body shake with its energy. “Aiii!” She threw back her head and screamed. “Nnn~ Ah!”

In a second flash, her nun’s outfit exploded into thousands of burning scraps, leaving her exposed body to shimmer in the pointerlight. She squealed and strained to cover herself, but her limbs refused to obey her. All she could do was raise her arms and bend under an invisible weight, like Atlas carrying the globe on his shoulders.

From the arc of her back sprouted something bulbous and glassy, swelling till it filled her arms. Asia squealed again–perhaps due to its weight, or perhaps because her entire body was shrinking, compacted in the face of a universal pressure. “Nnn~! Ah! Stop! Stop, please–! Nn~!”

“Asia!” cried Rias.

The nun continued to scream, scream and shrink as her body, already so shiny, turned a bright, glossy gold.

Finally, she stopped, and from her feet sprouted a little golden base for her altered body to sit on. Between her legs, her tiny, tiny clitoris trembled and swelled into something considerably larger, so large it was almost phallic. It filled the gap between her thighs, just begging someone to touch it.

Dr. Ie gave Yuri a nod. Giggling, Yuri gave Asia’s clit a flick.

Click! The lightbulb on her back flickered on. Dr. Ie burst into laughter.

On the other side of the room, amid the tangle of Yuri’s vines, Rias Gremory and the rest of her congregation stared at the two of them in horror. “What have you done to her?!”

“We made a lamp,” said Yuri, beaming back at her. “Look, and her clit is the switch, nya! When nyou flick it, she turns on and off!”

Click! Click! Click!

Rias simply stared at her. “Stop doing that!”

Yuri shrugged. Even if Rias didn’t like it, Asia certainly did. Yuri could feel the pleasure radiating from her little golden head. 
There was a lot of panic too, but the lust was the important part.

“Nyow,” said Dr. Ie, “since we’ve made a bedside lamp, I think we nyeed something to put it on, nya. Any suggestions?”

“Hmm.” Yuri stopped stroking Asia’s nipples to tap her chin again. “How about

She pointed to a twin-tailed ginger. “E-eh? Me?!” She tried to leap to her feet, clearly ready to fight, but Yuri’s vines held her down as surely as chains (and also groped her for good measure). “Just you trrrry—!” She squealed as Ie’s pointer wrenched her out of the bush and across the room like she weighed nothing.

Landing on her feet in front of the House Doctor, she blinked and struggled to escape, but Ie wasted no time in catching her in a bear hug. “Say hello to Irina Shido! Self-proclaimed bedside table, nya!”

Irina’s eyes opened wide. “Self-proclaimed what–?!”

Dr. Ie’s pointer struck her before she could get an answer. Zap!

With a scream, Irina flailed like a paper doll in the wind. “Nnn! Ahhh!” Her clothing burnt away in a flash; she squealed and tried to conceal her body. Dr. Ie, alas, didn’t give her much time.

Twisting her wrist, Ie forced Irina to bend over and plant her palms on the floor. Moaning, Irina bent her legs and stuck her butt up in the air–the rest of her friends’ faces reddened as she flashed them.

“Irina!” cried Rias.

Irina squirmed, struggling to escape the pointer’s grip, till at last it snapped her back straight, and she froze, face locked in a mask of mixed fear and pleasure.

From her hands and feet spread a wave of textured brownness, smooth and polished, yet with a visible grain. Dark, as if it had spent a hundred years aging in the depths of a Victorian mansion. Like mud, it washed up her body and coated her, smothering her thighs, her nipples, and her face beneath its color. Once her color had changed, her back began to tremble, and from her spine sprouted a rectangle of wood. It twisted itself into existence, spinning till it covered the entirety of her form. Resting on her back and head and ass, it settled at last into place, and with that, the light died, and the transformation was over.

As Dr. Ie lowered her pointer, Yuri bounded forward and plopped the golden form of Asia onto the cabinet with a smile. “There,” she said, “it’s purrfect, nya.”

Someone in Rias’s group whimpered.

Dr. Ie merely chuckled. “Exquisite taste, Yuri. Nyow, let’s figure out what we’re making nyext.” She turned her eyes on the remaining girls hungrily and licked her lips as she sorted through their figures. “Personally, I think it's time for the centerpiece, Yuri. Any objections?”

“Nyot at all, nya!”

“Purrfect.” With a flick of her wand, Dr. Ie snatched Rias out of the tangle and planted her on her more-than-impressive butt.

Rias Gremory looked up and grit her teeth. “I thought you said you were leaving me for last!”

Dr. Ie chuckled. “I didn’t say that as such, nya. I'd like to, but it’s hard to plan a bedroom when nyou don’t have a bed, nya. So I’m going off-script a little. Sue me.” She smirked.

A bead of sweat dripped from Rias’s face.

“Don’t worry, nya~. I promise nyou’ll enjoy it.” She raised her pen, already sparkling with light.

Rias, to her credit, struggled to fight even as the beam flew towards her. Leaping to her feet, she threw her fist at Dr. Ie’s face. It made no difference whatsoever.

Nanoseconds after Rias chose to throw her punch, the pointer’s beam struck Rias’s generous chest, making her boobs shake like a pair of dumplings in an earthquake. Breaking off her punch, she threw back and screamed in utter delight, juices spurting from her sex as the pointer’s beam excited it. A long moan escaped her lips.

With a smug grin, Dr. Ie flexed her wrist and sent Rias sailing across the room and towards the far wall. There, she came to a stop in mid-air and flipped onto her back, stretching out her limbs and folding them down towards the floor.

Dr. Ie twisted her wrist. The pointer’s energy beam flared, and her Rias’s clothing burned. Her screaming doubled in intensity, while her body bulged as if something were trying to escape it.

A second later, she exploded.

In an instant, Rias doubled in size, body expanding to fill a giant cuboid mold. Her boobs and butt, squished against its invisible walls, flattened against it, while her stomach and back, curving in, stretched out to fill it instead.

As her torso grew, Rias’s head snapped up so she could look down at her changing body, and her face, writhing in lust, flattened and stretched outward, forming a thin, flat board. Her knees, growing upward, did something very similar.

Once her shape her finished changing, it was time for her material: like Irina, splotches of brown appeared on her hands and feet and flowed rapidly upward, converting her limbs into wooden legs.

The remainder of the change happened in mere instants. The wood coated her limbs, her back, her head, and her knees, while her torso–retaining its color–plumped into a thick, comfy mattress with two bright pink patches near the headboard.

With that, Rias dropped, slamming into the floor with an abrupt thud. Dr. Ie lowered her pen with a smirk. The pink lightning died. Where Rias had been lay a bed, her lustful face etched onto the headboard.

As the remaining girls stared at their former leader in shock, Yuri skipped across the room and jumped onto the new bed with a giggle. The mattress springs squeaked as she flipped and bounced, coming to land at last in a naturally saucy pose. “Wanna join me, Ie?” she asked, rubbing the pink patches that had once been Rias’s nipples.

“Maybe once we’re finished,” said the doctor. “We still have some items to go, after all! It’ll be pretty uncomfortable in that bed with some pillows, to start.”

“Oooh! Oooh! I know just who we should use for that, nya!” Leaping back to her feet, Yuri flexed her wrist, and her vines hauled a girl with dark hair out of the tangle.

The doctor laughed. “Of course! She’s already got the right qualities, nya.” She gave the girl’s impressive bust a squeeze. “Say hello to the camera, Akeno!”

“R-Release me!” snapped Akeno Himejima.

“Nyah,” said Ie. “Sorry, pillows.” She gave her pointer a little twist. ZAP!

With a scream, Akeno shot across the room to the bed formerly known as Rias. Hovering above her, she clutched herself and moaned as her clothing combusted, leaving the body beneath to shimmer with sweat in the face of pointerlight.

As she screwed up her eyes and flailed feebly as her pussy, Akeno’s boobs pulsed as if struck from the inside. Opening her eyes, she stared at them in shock, watching in pleasured horror as her assets trembled one last time and began to swell with endless fecundity. Throwing back her head, Akeno clasped them and moaned.

Like two sacks full of milk still attached to the udder, Akeno’s boobs fought to grow, jostling and jiggle and rippling with the force of their fresh fertility. Akeno herself moaned, squeezing them so tight, so that the fresh fat spilled over her arms like water overflowing a bowl. Soon enough, she could barely hold them at all.

With one last scream, Akenko released them, allowing the fat, jiggling sacks to bounce and slosh freely. Growing to the size of beanbags, they jostled and rippled in the air, milk spurted from their swollen, plate-sized nipples. And still they continued growing.

As her boobs swelled, the rest of Akeno’s body shriveled like a punctured balloon. Her thighs sucked up her lower legs and feet, while her hands collapsed into her arms and folded up into her shoulder. Slowly, second by second, she shrank till she was more boob than woman, a pair of fat, bloated melons, and little more.

Dr. Ie watched, smirking in satisfaction.

With one last scream, Akeno’s head sagged, and what remained of her body shrivelled out of existence, sucked into her breasts. With one last pulse of growth, they ceased growing to hang in the air, fat and sloshing and busty leaking.

Like a conductor, Dr. Ie swept her pen sideways; with a pop, Akeno’s boobs split apart. As they dropped towards Rias’s head, they shivered and changed color, the beige of skin and pink of nipple turning to the smooth white of a linen pillowcase.

With that, they struck the bed with a sad little thwap and sagged a little, unsupported. Dr. Ie lowered her pointer. “There,” she said, “how do they feel, Yuri?”

Giggling, Yuri leapt back onto the bed and seized the pillows in her paws. Licking her lips, she squeezed them tight. A blast of pleasure exploded from Akeno’s trapped mind. To her, it felt as if someone were playing with exactly what you’d expect. Yuri chuckled. “They’re purrfect, nya.”

“Excellent. Nyow for the sheets.” Her eyes turned to one of the few girls remaining in the pile, a blue-haired woman who looked like she still wanted to leap to her feet and fight
 despite the fact Yuri’s vines had wormed their way inside her outfit.

With a flick of Dr. Ie’s wrist and a snap of breaking plant matter, the woman shot across the room and landed at the doctor’s feet. “What’s your nyame?” Dr. Ie asked, thrusting her pointer at the struggling woman’s mouth.

The woman threw her a glare. “As if I’d tell you any–”

Dr. Ie stuck a pair of fingers in the girl’s mouth. “Well it doesn’t matter to me, nya. I know nyour nyame anyway, Xenovia.” She shrugged. “Anyway, since nyou don’t wanna play along, let’s get right to the fun part.” She licked her lips.


Screaming, Xenovia flew across the room. Leaping off the bed, Yuri watched as she crashed into it, earning a silent scream from Rias and Akeno both.

Immediately, Xenovia struggled to escape. It didn’t work, of course–a simple twist of Dr. Ie’s wrist picked her back and held her there, squirming.

As Xenovia strained, her uniform burnt away in a flash, and her dripping pussy spurted all over Rias’s nice, clean mattress.

“Tut tut,” said Dr. Ie, shaking her head sadly.

Another twist of the doctor’s wrist, and Xenovia threw her head back and moaned, before spreading her legs far wider than they had any right to go.

Yuri watched, head cocked in amusement, as the devil’s legs spread like a pair of scissors, and the sex between them gushed like a fountain before opening like a pair of curtains. Xenovia screamed like a fourth simile, which is to say, loudly.

Without a pause, the warrior’s sex yawned, stretching wider and wider, as if she were giving birth to a giant, invisible child. Xenovia screamed, eyes wide in horror. Yuri leaned in close and smirked in amusement.

As her sex grew, the rest of Xenovia’s body began to crumple, hands folding into arms and arms into shoulders, legs sucking up feet and collapsing into thighs. Soon enough, all that remained of her was her torso and her head. The latter gave one last scream before sinking into her neck.

For a moment or two, her headless, limbless torso squirmed on the bed, sides stretching as it assumed a more rectangular shape, and her pussy spread to cover the entire bottom end of her body. By the time she stopped growing, she covered Rias’s entire mattress and then some.

Finally, she ceased squirming, and her skin darkened to the blue of her lost hair. In this state, she slumped, lying flat and empty on the bed.

Dr. Ie, smirking, swept her pointer in a circle, as if she were spinning cotton candy at the fair. Sure enough, something very much like cotton candy appeared: white and fluffy as a sheep’s coat, it clouded around Ie’s pen in increasingly larger clumps, till at last she thrust her arm forward and sent it spiraling into the open hole of Xenovia’s pussy.

The newly-made duvet couldn’t scream aloud, of course, but Yuri heard every silent moan that echoed around the former devil’s mind as Dr. Ie rammed a thick insert into her gaping sex. They were quite loud.

As the last few inches of stuffing disappeared into Xenovia’s body, Dr. Ie flexed her wrist, and the devil’s pussy buttoned itself up with a series of little clicks. With that, it slumped, thick and fluffy and inanimate. Only a Bakeneko could hear the moans of lust radiating from its head.

“Ta-da!” said Dr. Ie, lowering her pointer. “And with that, I think we’ve finished the bed, nya~.”

Yuri gave her an appreciative little clap.

“Of course, that doesn’t mean we’re finished with the room, nya.” Smirking, she turned on the remaining girls–only three were left struggling against the vines. “After all, we still have so much material left~. What else do nyou think we could add, Yuri?”

“Oooh, oooh! How about a pl–?”

“Don’t start with plant shit again.”

Yuri swallowed. “Maybe, um, er
” She skipped back over to the much-reduced pile of women and picked out one her vines were paying especial attention to.

Tall, curvaceous, pink-haired, and clad in an exquisitely tight suit–the woman moaned in lust as the vines hauled her across the room and plopped her in front of Dr. Ie. “E-eh?” She looked around as they released her, clearly a little stunned.

“What nyour nyame, nya?” asked Dr. Ie.

The pink-haired woman blinked. “R-Rossweisse.”

“Rossweisse!” Dr. Ie beamed. “Welcome to the show, Rossweisse! We’re going to turn nyou into
?” She looked to Yuri.

“I was thinking, like, a nyice comfy pillow nyou could hug and squeeze and maybe kinda grind against at nyight, nya.”

Dr. Ie smirked. “A dakimaruka it is, nya!”

Rossweisse blinked. “A wh-what–Aiiii!”

Screaming, she shot into the air, writhing as her suit burnt away like paper held over a candle. “W-w-wait–Stooop!”

Dr. Ie twisted her wrist, and with a flare of lightning, Rossweisse’s panicked questions cut off, replaced by a tremendous moan of lust. Wailing, she clasped her naked body and squeezed viciously–almost as if she’d been waiting for the opportunity to explore herself.

The doctor was happy to help her along, of course. With a few flicks of her pen, she seized Rossweisse’s left hand and planted it firmly against her breast, before grabbing her right hand, extending two of its fingers, and slamming them right into the pink-haired woman’s pussy.

“Ah!” Rossweisse screamed in renewed lust, squirming and shaking and sweating. Her body shimmered like a dancer’s in a strip club.

Slowly, Rossweisse stopped moving. And her body began to puff up. It happened strangely, unintuitively, as if, at the same time she was expanding, she was actually flattening out. A thick white cushion formed from her back and sides, though her front remained the same, if a little more two-dimensional. It was a little like watching popcorn burst out of the kernel.

It took several seconds for the cushion to finish growing and then, just like that, the transformation ended without fanfare.

Rossweisse–or the dakimakura she’d become–dropped out of the air. Grabbing her, Yuri held her up for inspection.

Like a typical dakimakura, Rossweisse had two images on her: the front showed her as she’d been zapped, one hand on her breast, and the other tickling her pussy. The rear showed something even saucier: Rossweisse lying on her front with her butt up in the air, squeezing her cheeks and spreading them apart, all while she looked back over her shoulder and silently begged her new owner to stick something long and hard between them.

Conveniently, she had an actual hole in just the right spot. Yuri poked it with her finger; it felt plasticky.

In the fluffy confines of her new body, Reissweisse screamed in lust.

Dr. Ie burst into laughter. “Purrfect!” she said. “Remind me to use her later.”

Giggling, Yuri tossed the love pillow onto the bed, and with that the pair turned their attention back to the remaining girls in the pile. Only two were left.

“Hmm,” said Yuri. “Nyou know, this room could really use a wardrobe, nya.”

“Ooooor we could just keep making sextoys?”

“Or we could do that.” Yuri tapped her chin. “Oooh! Oooh! How about some nyice cuddly ones?”

“Nyice, cuddly sextoys?” Dr. Ie sounded unconvinced.


“Well, if that’s what nyou want, nya

A flick of Dr. Ie’s wand extracted the two girls: both short and slender; one with short white hair and the other with long blonde drills. They struggled to fight as Dr. Ie planted them before her.

“And what are nyour nyames?” she said in the most patronizing tone possible.

The two girls both glared at her.

“Okay, fine, I’ll introduce nyou. Say hello to Koneko and Ravel, everyone!”

No one said hello. Obviously.

Dr. Ie shrugged. “Well, let’s get to the fun part. I think I know exactly what to do with them~.”


Koneko and Ravel’s screams intertwined, become indistinguishable, as they shot into the air. Writhing in the pointer’s grip, they squealed in sync as their uniforms burnt away and bared the slender bodies hidden beneath. Neither had much in the way of curves, but the light did what it could to highlight them anyway.

Chuckling, Dr. Ie twisted her wrist. Koneko and Ravel’s wails doubled in pitch.

Slick with sweat, pussies pouring, the two moaned as their bodies changed. Koneko sprouted a cat’s ears and tail, while Ravel unveiled a pair of bright orange wings.

What followed was a little more extreme: like loaves in the oven, they plumped up fast, flesh thickening and rounding out, though they didn’t gain any curves. Meanwhile, their limbs shrank to flat-capped stubs, hands sinking into lower arms and lower arms disappearing into upper even as their thighs sucked up their lower legs and feet.

Other, stranger, changes followed: fluffy white fur coated Koneko’s body, while a layer of bright orange feathers sprouted from Ravel’s, including a cone of tail feathers that sprouted from her butt.

As their bodies changed, the two writhed and moaned, screwing up their eyes so tight they appeared to disappear entirely. When they opened them again, their eyeballs were gone: replaced by two pairs of adorable little buttons neatly stitched to the plush of their faces.

Their mouths contorted, struggling to moan.

As the transformation progressed, they lost a little of their size, and their holes–lips and labia and anuses alike–all rounded and swelled, forming six fat, pink, and intensely fuckable donuts.

With that, Dr. Ie lowered her pen, and two plush little fucktoys dropped to the ground, one styled like a cat and one like a bird. Yuri stooped and picked up the former. “They came out so cute!” she said, tracing a finger around Koneko’s swollen labia.

The nekomata screamed in her mind, pleading with Yuri to release her.

“They’re a little too much for my taste,” said Dr. Ie, “but if nyou want them in nyour house, that’s nyour choice, Yuri.”

“I do!” Snatching up Ravel, Yuri smushed the dolls together. “Say hello to Miss Kitty, Birdy! ‘Hello, Kitty! It’s nice to meet you!’ ‘It’s nice to meet you too, Birdy!’” She broke into peals of laughter. “‘Would you care to share a double-ended dildo, Miss Kitty?’ ‘Oh, I’d love to, Birdy! Thank you!’”

Holding the dolls in one arm, Yuri rummaged in her cleavage and withdrew the titular sextoy. Giggling to herself, she wormed one end into Koneko’s pussy and one end into Ravel’s before forcing the pair together so it was all but invisible.

Silent screams sounded from the dolls. She chuckled.

“Haha,” said Dr. Ie, flatly. “Well, folks, that brings us to the end of the bedroom, and with it: this episode of House Cat! But before we go though, let’s take a look at all of the rooms we’ve furnished today!” She snapped her fingers.

In a flash, she and Yuri were standing in the living room. “Oooh!” cooed Yuri. “We’re back in the living room!”

“Nyes, that’s right! We’re back in the living room!” said Dr. Ie, looking away from the camera just long enough to give Yuri a glare. “Do nyou all remember how plain and boring it looked before?”


“Rhetorical question, nya. My editor will splice some old footage in.” She turned back to the camera. “Wow, it looked terrible.”

Yuri looked around, feeling a little out of the loop.

“But nyow
!” Dr. Ie paused again as the camera twirled around, showing off every angle of the room, including the confused figure of Yuri. “Isn’t it beautiful, nya? Just look at this pretty carpet, made from a young woman who still thinks we might turn her back, even though I’m rubbing my feet all over her, nya.” She pressed her shoe into Serena and laughed.

“Or this delightful sofa three-girl sofa.” She threw straight across the room and onto it, making its springs squeak as she landed. “Oooh, just feel these amazing cushions, nya!”

Misty, May, and Dawn squealed as Ie massaged their boobs.

“And who could forget this exquisite little armchair with its matching (thematically, nyot, like, in color scheme), ottoman and footstool?”

She planted her butt in Mallow’s lap and rested her feet on Lana’s back. Leaning over the former’s arm, she gave Lillie a little pat. Yuri giggled at the moans of pleasure emanating from the three of them.

Smirking, Dr. Ie hopped back to her feet. “Nyow, let’s check out the dining room!”

Yuri made to approach its door, but Dr. Ie simply clapped her hands and teleported them there.

The instant they appeared, a blast of thought struck her head:


Yuri flinched, instinctively flattened her ears.

Beneath Aqua’s cries for Kazuma came a long, drawn out moan of lust from the yellow-cushioned chair beside her. Darkness had obviously given into her masochistic urges.

Between them, the red-cushion form of Megumin squirmed–or struggled to squirm–furiously. Yuri felt the former wizard’s anger striking her like a laser beam.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, bouncing over to her. “Are nyou sad ‘cos nyou’re nyot as plump and cushy as nyour friends? Don’t worry, nya, even flat chairs can be comfy!”

To prove her point, she pulled Megumin out and planted her butt right in the chair’s lap, wiggled her ass into the seat and rubbing her back against the arch-wizard’s flat little cushions.

Megumin’s squeal of pleasure was almost louder than Darkness’s.

“...Isn’t it an improvement?” asked Dr. Ie, twirling around the table. “Three delightful man-made chairs, and one of their close friends as a table!”

She bent down and rapped one of Yunyun’s wooden boobs. A scream of pleasure washed into Yuri’s head through the table.

As Ie rubbed Yunyun’s pussy with her foot, Yuri turned her attention to the remains of Princess Iris. Only half the candle–her navel and below–was left. The rest of her lay in a puddle of molten wax around her feet. Wails of utter, mindless pleasure sounded from the globs.

“Wow!” said Yuri, leaning in close. “Nyou lasted a really long time, nya! Great job!” She gave the candle’s pussy a poke, just for the fun of it.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ie snapped straight. “Nyow, let’s head to the kitchen!” Another clap. Another rapid room switch. Yuri felt a little dizzy.

“And heeeeeere’s the kitchen! It used to be so trash I couldn’t even look at it! Nyow it’s
 mostly the same, but with some nyice electronics, nya?”

She fiddled of the knobs of the oven, making Peach wail in lust. To her, Ie might as well be playing with her clitoris.

“Oooh, and who can forget the simply divine bin we made?” Approaching Palutena, Dr. Ie raised her foot and planted it quite firmly on the goddess’s pedal.

Palutena screamed as D.r Ie pressed her down on her clit.

Reaching into her cleavage, Dr. Ie pulled out a bag of trash she’d prepared earlier and forced it into the goddess’s open mouth before releasing her pedal. Palutena’s lid slammed shut, and her mind roiled at the taste of her meal.

“Fancy a cold drink, Yuri?” said Dr. Ie.

“Of course!”

Grinning, Dr. Ie approached the refrigerator, where Samus’s frozen figure remained plastered to the door. “What would nyou like?” she asked, resting her arm on Samus’s breasts.

“Oh, just some juice, please, nya.”


Fingering Samus’s handle, Dr. Ie wrenched the former bounty hunter’s top door open and fumbled inside for a nice, cold beverage. “Hmm
 Where is it, nya
? Where

As the doctor worked, Samus spluttered and moaned in lust. To her, it felt as if Ie were rummaging in her vagina.

“Ah-hah!” With a triumphant cry, Dr. Ie pulled out a little carton of juice and tossed it to Yuri before slamming the fridge door shut. “Nyow, let’s move on.”

 this is empty, nya.”


The bathroom looked as clean and pristine as it had when they’d left it roughly fifteen minutes ago. Yuri wondered if a recap was really necessary. Just how short were their viewers’ attention sp–oooh, a butterfly!

Four main voices struck her mind as they entered: the first she focused on was Ruby Rose, still in tears after Dr. Ie’s abuse of her.

“What’s going to happen to this place once we’re finished here?” asked Yuri, as Ie prepared the camera.

“Oh, we’ll probably auction it off,” she said, planting her butt on Ruby’s lid and leaning back on the whimpering toilet’s tank. “There’s always at least one person with the right combination of interests to buy it.”

“Oh, so they’re all going to get lots of use, nya?”

“Oh nyeah! The people who buy these places go crazy with them! The last house we made
 the buyer brought in a whole troupe of maids just to live there and use the place. Rosie here, or whatever her nyame was, is gonna see a lot of use in the future, I promise nyou. Shoulda made her girlfriend into a plunger.”

Rosie whimpered.

As Dr. Ie started filming, Yuri turned her attention to the silver nipples of Blake, pinching them and turning them. As water gushed out of her taps, Blake screamed a silent, mindless thanks. Yuri chuckled.

Blake wasn’t the only one feeling pent-up. Picking up the tiny figure of Weiss, Yuri thumbed its little penis, smirking in delight as the bottle’s mind lit up.

Finally, leaving Weiss to whimper on her stand, Yuri turned her attention to Yang. Having her pussy turned into a basin full of water and the rest of her team play inside it had left the former brawler a little traumatized, to say the least.

Leaning over her, Yuri noticed they’d never unplugged her–Yang’s sex remained full of lukewarm water, infused with the sweat and juices of everyone who’d used her.

Let me cum
! wailed her trapped mind. Let me cum! Please! Please! F-fuck! Let me cum!

Giggling, Yuri fingered her plug. “Nyou want me to let nyou cum, nya?”

Nnn~! Please!

“Aren’t nyou worried about nyour sister?”

Even through the mists of pleasure, Yang’s mind flashed in panic–Yuri was pleased to see Yang hadn’t forgotten her sibling.

“Okay, I’ll let nyou cum, nya.”

She pulled the plug. Yang’s scream made her ears hurt.

“Nyow,” said Dr. Ie, “moving on to the bedroom.”

“Can we walk?” asked Yuri. “It’s only across the landing.”

Dr. Ie waved a hand airily. “Pfft, sure,” she said, as if Yuri were the one being lazy.

As they crossed between rooms, Yuri couldn’t help but notice the landing was as barren as every other room they’d visited had been to start. “Can’t we do something for this place too?”

Dr. Ie tapped her chin. “I suppose we do have some leftover material,” she said. “It wouldn’t hurt to use it here
” She drew her pointer.

In a flash, a trio of women appeared between the two of them. They looked at each other like strangers, eyes wide in shock.

Dr. Ie grabbed one–a short blonde dressed like a princess–and hauled her wriggling in front of Yuri. “Okay, what shall we make, nya?”

Tapping her toes, Yuri used her vines to raise a squirming, pink-haired magical girl out of the pile. “A plant! A plant, nya!”

Dr. Ie rolled her eyes. “I suppose I should have expected that answer. Go on, make nyour plant, nya.”

Squeeing in glee, Yuri flexed her leg and sent the squealing Madoka flying across the landing. As the magical girl landed in the windowsill, Yuri reached into her cleavage and drew out her light green pointer. “Let’s see
” she said. Zap!

Madoka screamed, writhing in the light like an insect beneath the magnifying glass.

As Yuri twisted her wrist, the magical girl’s body pulsed and wavered and changed. Her lips face stretched, her lips plumped up, and her boobs burst out of her bodice, swollen and dripping, while her legs shriveled into roots and her arms flattened into a pair of large green leaves.

A large pot of soil materialized beneath her, and with a casual downward gesture, Yuri planted the new succplant. Madoka’s lips smacked and drooled as she landed on the windowsill, desperately begging to be fed her one new favorite food.

Dr. Ie chuckled. “Excellent work, nya. Anything else nyou’d like to see?”

“Oooh, oooh! A clock! A clock!”

“Okay~. One Mia clock coming right up.” Licking her lips, Dr. Ie threw the squirming Mia at the wall, and–just before she hit it–raised her pen.


Mia screamed as her clothing disintegrated. Spinning around, she slammed backfirst into the wall and spread her arms and legs as if making a snow angel. Squirming, she froze in this pose, her face assuming a pleasant smile, while a second face–the golden one of a clock–formed in her sternum and expanding between her breasts. One by one, the numbers painted themselves into existence.

Finally, Dr. Ie twisted her pointer, and a golden pendulum materialized between Mia’s legs. Capped with a head like a penis, it slammed straight into her sex, wiggled deep
 and began to swing back and forth, once every second.

Tick! Tock!

Tick! Tock!

Dr. Ie smiled in satisfaction. Mia smiled too–in fact, it was the only expression she’d ever make from now on. Her thoughts were a little different though.

“Okay, what else?” said the doctor, turning back to the one girl remaining in the pile: a short, white-haired woman with a shark’s teeth and tail. She flinched as Dr. Ie looked her over.

“Hmmm, how about a nyice piece of art, nya?” said Yuri. “This spot looks kinda plain.” She patted an empty spot in the wallpaper at the very top of the stairs.

“Whatever you like,” said Dr. Ie. She raised her pointer. ZAP!

Gawr Gura squealed as the pink lightning struck her, playing her out of her clothes and flinging her at the empty spot on the wall like a fastball. With a splat, she struck it and flattened, her body reduced to a thin layer of flesh trapped in a compromising position: butt stuck out as if she were begging for someone to touch her.

That wasn’t enough for Dr. Ie though. With a twist of the doctor’s pen, Gura reached back, seized her cheeks, and wrenched them apart to expose her anus. And with that, she turned to paper and paint, while a gilded frame spun itself into existence around her.

As the pink light faded, Yuri reached in and gave the new piece of art a quick stroke. “Oooh, she’s 3D, nya.”

Gura moaned as Yuri stroked her.

“Nyow,” said Dr. Ie, folding her arm. “Can we please move on to the bedroom?”

Yuri giggled. “Of course! Sorry!”

The familiar faces–or rather, furnishings–of the bedroom greeted them like old friends. Or intensely hated enemies. As they entered the room, Yuri could feel the hatred pouring out of its occupants’ minds. It was almost as strong as the pleasure.

“And with that, we’re back to the bedroom, nya!” Dr. Ie put her hands on her hips and beamed at the camera as if she’d said something provocative. “I probably don’t nyeed to go over it so soon, but let’s take a quick look for the sake of completion! To start, look at this beautiful lamp!”

She picked up Asia and kissed her golden nipple as if the former nun were an Oscar trophy. “Isn’t she shiny?”

Asia wailed. Yuri giggled.

Plopping Asia back on the bent form of Irina, Ie turned her attention to Rias Gremory, i.e., the bed. “And here we have the main feature, nya: a beautiful king-sized bed with a beautifully comfy mattress! And just looked at the stupid face etched into her headboard! Just imagine how silly she’d feel when nyou smother with nyour pillow! Speaking of

She picked up Akeno, both halves of her. “Here we have an especially pillowy pair of pillows. Mmm-mm, just imagine fluffing this fat pair of cushions.” Chucking, she squeezed Akeno’s halves together and rubbed them hard, prompting a silent squeal from the former shrine maiden as Ie’s fingers caught her nipples.

Next in Ie’s queue was Xenovia. Heading to the end of the bed, she popped one of the duvet’s buttons and rummaged around inside her. “Just making sure the insert is packed nyice and tight,” she said with a wink at the camera.

Xenovia wailed–to her, as it felt as if Ie’s whole arm with in her vagina.

Leaving the former devil to enjoy her afterglow, Ie picked up Rossweisse and gave her a friendly squeeze. Yuri took the chance to grab Koneko and Ravel, who, of course, remained speared on her double-ended dildo. As she picked them up, they silently begged her to free them. Trapped on the edge of orgasm, their brains were bubbling with pleasure, frothing in their desperation to cum.

“Maybe in a second,” said Yuri.

“Of course, we couldn’t just leave the bed bare,” said Dr. Ie, squeezing Rossweisse. “We’ve included some fun toys for Yuri too!” Spinning the former teacher around, she revealed the dakimakura’s backside
 and the hole placed in the center of its giant, flat buttcheeks. With a wink at the camera, she stuck her thumb in it.

Yuri giggled at the resultant scream.

Her point made, Dr. Ie tossed Rossweisse aside without a thought. “And with that, I’m afraid we’ve come to the end of the show! Which means

Exactly how Dr. Ie removed her entire outfit in a single hand motion, Yuri would never know, but the message was pretty obvious. Especially once she jumped onto Rias and started winking.

With a grin, Yuri pulled Koneko and Ravel off her dildo. “Coming!” she cried, tossing the two aside. They struck the floor and bounced, screams of ecstasy resounding in their minds.

Flowing out of her own outfit, Yuri landed besides Ie with a giggle.

As the camera floated over them, Ie gave it one last grin. “Well, that’s all, folks! See nyou again this time nyext week for anyother exciting episode of
 House Cat!”


The screen fizzles and goes black.


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