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Eyes tight, face flush with exertion, Ruby Rose squirmed, struggling to snap the gummy bindings pinning her arms and legs to the cage’s wall.

“It’s–it’s no good,” she said, panting for breath. “No matter how hard you try, they just keep stretching.”

Beside her, Weiss Schnee screwed up her eyes, grit her teeth, and tried anyway. She screamed in frustration when it failed to accomplish anything.

“W-Weiss?” Ruby swallowed. “Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay!” replied Weiss. “We’ve been–we’ve been–” She realized how absurd what she was planning to say sounded and paused for a second. “–abducted by aliens!”

“Just keep struggling!” cried Yang, pinned to the opposite wall of the cage. “We’ll get out of this eventually! All we have to do is keep resisting.”

“What’s the point of escaping if we don’t know where we’re going?” asked Blake, eyes downcast. “...Even if we escape, they’ll catch us and send us right back here.”

“We–we don’t know that until we try!” said Ruby. Seeing the expression on Blake’s face, she felt she had to offer some encouragement.

“Hey, I think this stuff is starting to come off,” said Yang, giving her bindings a sharp tug.

“See?” said Ruby, throwing Blake a big grin. “We’ll be out of here in no ti–”

In a flash of pink light, Yang vanished.

The three remaining members of RWBY simply stared at the empty spot where she’d been standing. But before they had a chance to react, Blake vanished in a flash too. “Blake!” screamed Ruby.

In a third flash, Weiss disappeared too, leaving Ruby to dangle from the wall and whimper in shock, all alone, heart pounding. Was it going to happen to her too–?

As if in response, it happened to her too. Ruby screamed as the world around her turned pink, and she dropped through a vortex of swirling bubblegum to land with a gasp on the less-than-comfy cushion of Weiss. “Ow–hey!”

Looking up and rubbing her head, Ruby found they’d landed in a tiny, white-tiled room. It looked a little like the bathroom of a luxury hotel, though it was missing all the essential features, from the titular bath to the toilet.

“Wh-where are we?” asked Blake.

Ruby struggled to move, but her ankles and wrists remained as bound as ever. The best she could achieve was to sit up, her back against the cold tiles off the wall. Looking closely, she noticed they had little faces molded into them. One particular pair looked like Pyrrha and Nora. Creepy.

“Oh good, they’re already here, nya.”

Ruby looked up with a gasp, and found herself staring into the amber eyes–the slit-pupilled, cat-like eyes–of a woman dressed like a doctor. Grinning, she leaned over them, a pair of furry ears twitching atop her head and a matching tail flexing behind her back. Ruby gaped. A Faunus?

Another cat-person waltzed into the room after the first. This one had light green-hair decorated with flowers and wore a long sundress that swirled as she walked. “Oh, it’s these four again!” she said with a smile. “I remember when we had sex in that nyice autumn wood, nya?”

Ruby blinked. Wh-when they’d had what–?!

The other catgirl frowned. “Yuri, they won’t remember that. That’s nyot how the multiverse works, nya.”


As ‘Yuri’s smile fell, a ball of light brown plastic floated into the little room too. It looked a lot like a robotic eye, and Ruby flinched as it turned its gaze upon them.

The first catgirl clapped her hands. “Ready to start filming, Yuri?”

“Nyou got it, Dr. Ie*!”

* Pronounced ‘ya’, as in ‘Scram, ya varmint!’

“Alright, let’s get this show back on the road!” The brown-haired catgirl clapped her hands. “Welcome back to House Cat!, nya! Ready for another round of exciting, transformational furni–?”

“Hey!” cried Weiss, squirming against her restraints in an attempt to get back to her feet. “How dare you treat us like this!”

The brown-haired catgirl shot Weiss a withering look. “Excuse me,” she said, pupils thinning to slits, “I’m trying to introduce my show here, nya. If nyou could wait until I’ve done the introduction, that would be great, nyou know.”

“Introduc–!” The catgirl’s tail slammed into Weiss’s mouth before she had a chance to finish. “Mmmphf!”

“Anyway, where was I, nya? Oh, that’s right. Welcome back to House Cat!, nya. Ready for another round of exciting, transformational furnishing? I know I am!” With a grin, she spun to face Ruby and her team. “Say hello to Team RWBY, everyone!”

“Hello, Team RWBY,” said Yuri, giving the four of them a little wave. Dr. Ie glared at her till she lowered her hand.

With a clap, she turned back to the camera. “Nyow, what should we start with this time, nya? Ooooh, I know! Since we’re in the bathroom, I guess we should start wiiiith…!”

“The bath!” cried Yuri.

“Hmm, nyeah, I guess that’s a good idea too. Let’s start with that.” Grinning, Dr. Ie turned to face the four of them. “Which one do nyou think would make the best bath, nya?”

M-make the best bath? Ruby could only stare at her. Wh-what is she talking about?

“That’s a very good question…” Yuri tapped her chin in thought. “Well, the important thing about a bath is that it’s big enough to fit two or more people, right?

How is that the important part of a bath? thought Ruby.

“Ideally more,” Yuri continued. “The best baths are the ones nyou can have a real orgy in.” She giggled. “Anyway, since we want the biggest bath, I think we should start with the biggest girl here. Nyaaaaamely… this one!”

The catgirl bounced across the room and poked Yang in the forehead.

Yang blinked. “M-me? What are you talking about–? Hey! Hey!”

“Excellent choice, nya!” With a grin, Dr. Ie whipped out a slender brown wand. “Let’s begin~.”

A beam of pink light burst from her wand’s tip. Ruby–and the rest of her team squealed as they floated into the air, hauled off the floor by a haze of luminous manacles.

“Put us down!” cried Weiss, squirming in the magic wand’s grip.

With a smug grin, Dr. Ie dropped them all at her feet, all of them save Yang, who she instead threw back to where they’d started: the empty space by the wall where, in a finished bathroom, you’d expect the bath to sit.

As Yang groaned and struggled to right herself, Dr. Ie gave her magic wand a twist. Yang gasped as she flipped onto her back, groaning as she bent her legs and stuck out her arms, supporting herself with all four limbs. “Let me go!” she cried, contorting her face in her struggle to speak.

Dr. Ie, grinning, gave her wand another twist, and a silver pipe burst out of the tiles to slam between Yang’s butt cheeks. Yang screamed.

“Yang!” cried Ruby, trying to leap to her feet. Dr. Ie’s foot caught her ankle and knocked her down before she could manage it.

Lying there on the tiles, Ruby watched as her sister’s clothing, weapons and all, vanished in a flash of flame, leaving her naked body on full display for everyone–she flicked a glance at the camera drone–for everyone watching. “Yang!”

Yang flushed, eyes screwed up tight, as she fought to make her body move against the influence of the wand. But no matter how hard she fought, she accomplished little more than twitching.

“As fun as watching her squirm is, let’s speed this along,” said Dr. Ie. With a smile, she gave her magic wand a thrust, and Yang screamed even louder as her vulva started stretching.

Ruby blinked, too shocked even to process what she was seeing. What was happening? What was happening?!

Before her eyes, Yang’s vulva gaped, widening as if someone were trying to force a log up her birth canal. She screamed, eyes wide in shock, thick blasts of juice spurting from her pussy to splatter the tiles below her.

Ruby could only stare in shock, unable to process what was happening. She felt detached, as if she were watching everything happening on a screen, not in person. Not to her sister. She couldn’t even work up the energy to scream.

Yang’s vagina continued to grow, expanding to fill the end of the room and deepening until it all but reached the floor. In the process, it pushed her body back, slamming her wailing head and torso into the bathroom’s back wall. She didn’t even seem to notice.

Finally, having filled the slot at the end of the bathroom, Yang’s vulva ceased growing and froze, almost literally. Ruby watched, eyes wide in shock, as a smooth white spread from her sister’s clit and rolled outward over her form like a heavy winter freeze. Her trembles ceased; her fingers and toes stopped twitching. But as it neared her head, Yang’s moans only grew louder.

Ruby blushed as she realized why: Yang’s boobs, always so much larger than her own, were swelling like a pair of water balloons on the hose. Her nipples, thick and round, grew larger with them in turn, a translucent fluid sprouting from her teats. It took Ruby a second to realize what she was looking at.

Finally, the wave of whiteness reached Yang’s head, and Ruby finally recognized what it was too. Porcelain. Yang’s skin was turning to porcelain! Like a flood of liquid marble, it rolled over Yang’s face and cut off her voice in the middle of a moan. Her frozen tongue lolled in horror. Or pleasure. Or both.

This wasn’t the end though: one last change remained. As Dr. Ie gave her wand one last little twist, Yang’s nipples twitched and expanded, stretching into a pair of fat, silver taps, one hot, one cold.

Ruby whimpered.

With a chuckle of amusement, Dr. Ie lowered her wand. The light faded with a crackle. “There,” she said, “one bath, nya. What do nyou think, Yuri?”

Giggling, Yuri bounced over to the bath–to Yang–and gave her nipple-taps a sharp twist. With a hiss, water burst out of her boobs to fill the swollen basin of her pussy. Sticking a finger in, Yuri laughed again. “She feels as wet as she looks, nya.”

Just like that, the reality of Ruby’s situation caught up with her in a flash. In an instant, she was no longer watching events unfold on a screen, she was seeing it happen before her, seeing it happen to–to her sister.

Heart pounding, she tried to leap to her feet. “Yang!” she screamed. “Yang!” Beside her, Weiss whimpered, while Blake stared in horror.

Dr. Ie laughed. “Looks like someone wants to try her out, nya. What do you say, Yuri? Shall we let them try out nyour nyew bath?”

Yuri giggled. “Of course we should, nya!” As Ruby and co. stared at her in confusion, she gave Yang’s silver new nipples another sharp turn, doubling the intensity of the water flow. As Yang’s pussy filled, the catgirl slipped a hand–an entire hand!–into her cleavage and–with a pop, pulled out a bottle of bubble bath. She squirted some into Yang with a flatulent trumpet sound.

Within minutes, the bath was ready, hot and steaming and overflowing with bubbles. Flowing out of her clothes–it was like watching a hermit crab leave its shell–Yuri took a deep breath and leapt into Yang’s pussy with a splosh! “Yay!” she cried, splashing about excitedly. “It’s so nyice in here, nya! Nyou guys should join me! Come on, there’s plenty of room!”

Ruby stared at her and trembled. She–she didn’t actually expect them to–

Before she could protest, she heard the now familiar zap and squealed to find herself and her friends snatched into the air once again. As they fought, Ruby felt a sudden chill and looked down to see her restraints and clothing vanishing, eaten away by a particularly intense wave of light. She screamed and tried to bat it out, to extinguish it like a flame, but nothing she did could prevent the light from rolling up her outfit and dissolving every square inch of fabric. Weiss and Blake screamed as the same happened to their own clothes.

A moment later, the three of them hung there in the air, naked. Ruby and Weiss wailed and tried to cover themselves, while Blake tried to swim through the air and get her hands around Dr. Ie’s neck.

The Doctor herself simply watched them in amusement. “Okay, here they come, Yuri.” She gave her magic wand a thrust.

Ruby squealed as the tiled walls shot past them. They came to a stop hovering right above the bath, and then, just like that–

–gravity reasserted itself. Splosh!

Ruby screamed as the water–almost scalding–caught her skin, and someone else’s skin, well-lubricated, slammed into her own. Specifically, Weiss’s butt crashed into her exposed groin. She gasped and struggled to push Weiss off, but there was simply no space to move her.

To her horror, she realized she was practically sitting in someone’s lap herself. Who–?

A pair of wet hands grabbed her breasts and squeezed so tight she could only moan.

“Got nyour boobs!” cried Yuri, giving Ruby a good grope. She pinched Ruby’s nipples, tweaking them so hard Ruby squealed.

“Nn~!” Ruby struggled to pull free.

With some effort, Weiss and Blake managed to free themselves from the table, though the size of the bath didn’t allow them to accomplish much more than turning around. Blake ended up at the far end of the bath with Weiss all but sitting in her lap. Each time one moved, the other flushed.

One of Yuri’s hands released Ruby’s boob and danced down the length of her torso. Seeing where it was heading, Ruby squealed and slammed her thighs shut.

“Ruby!” cried Weiss, struggling to move forward. This mostly resulted in her splashing soap everywhere, which of course simply made everything worse.

Dr. Ie strolled over to the bath, her camera drone hovering just above her shoulder. “Gotta make sure we get a close-up of this,” she said, licking her lips.

The camera drone floated forward, lens focused on Ruby’s chest. She squealed and tried to cover herself.

“Nyow,” continued Ie. “As much as I’d like to spend the next few hours teasing a virgin bathing in her own sister’s pussy, we do have a show to film here, nya, so let’s get on with it!” Grinning, she jabbed a finger at Yuri. “Yuri! What else does a bathroom nyeed, nya?”

Yuri stopped groping Ruby to tap her chin in thought. “Hmm, how about a sink, nya?”

“Excellent choice!” Dr. Ie turned on Blake with a grin that could have melted steel. “Nyou look like nyou’d make an excellent sink, nya~.”

Blake blanched, pushing against Weiss in a desperate attempt to get as far away from Dr. Ie as possible. “Wh-what are you–?” Even as she protested, she managed to get to her feet. Unfortunately, baths, especially full baths made out of vaginas, are notoriously slippery. With a squeal, she slipped and ended up sitting on Weiss’s shoulders.

“Blake!” cried Weiss, struggling under the weight of Blake’s famous booty.

Dr. Ie simply smirked. “Lemme give nyou a hand, nya.” With a flick of her wand, Blake shot up out of the bath and flew, trailing water and soap, across the room.

“Wait!” she cried, flailing for something to grab onto. “Don’t–!”

Ruby struggled to stand. “Stop it!” she went to cry. “St–!” Yuri’s hands seized her boobs again and pinched Ruby’s nipples tight. Her protest cut out, replaced by a little moan.

Blake, meanwhile, slammed buttfirst into the wall and clung to it like a paperclip stuck to a magnet. Face red, eyes shaking, she strained to pull free, but Dr. Ie’s magic was as firm as a tyrant’s grip.

Grinning, Ie gave her wand a twist.

With a squeak, Blake’s lower arms vanished into the tiles of the wall, and she thrust her pelvis upward, raising her sex to point at the ceiling. As it trembled–just like Yang’s–her eyes end wide. “No!” she screamed. “Nonono! Don’t–Nnnn~!”

Her vagina stretched as if she was giving birth to the world’s largest but least visible baby. “Nnn~! Ah!”

“Blake!” Thick tears dripped from Ruby’s eyes.

Blake’s pussy swelled like a puddle in a storm, stretched till it was several feet wide, equally long, and half as deep. Staring at it, she gaped, clearly too stunned to speak.

Behind her, the wall trembled: from the porcelain burst a large, silver pipe. It curled upward with speed, fast and slick. As it slammed into Blake’s ass, she finally regained her voice. “Aiiii!”

The pipe bugled, and Blake’s body pulsed in turn with it. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, her eyes rolled back in their sockets, and her boobs swelled like two fat sacks of juice.

Ruby whimpered, as another patch of whiteness appeared on Blake’s clit and spread rapidly, rapidly outward. Was it going to happen to all of them? Were they all going to end up as porcelain?

The white soon reached Blake’s face, freezing her expression in a look of utter lust. Finally, like Yang, her nipples swelled and converted, disgorging a pair of fat, silver taps, already leaking.

Marching over, Dr. Ie placed her finger on them. “Oooh, she’s begging me to turn them. ‘Please, please, I’m so full! I’m so full!’ Nyahahaha! Should I do it, nya!”

“Aw, don’t be a meanie,” said Yuri, “let her empty her boobs, nya?”

Ruby shivered in horror. Was this what they considered mercy?

Rolling her eyes, Dr. Ie gave Blake’s taps a sharp twist, and the hissing of water soon filled the bathroom. “Purrfect,” said Dr. Ie with a smirk.

Leaving Blake to run, she turned back to the bathroom. “Having fun in there?” she asked, giving Weiss and Ruby an insidious smile.

“N-no!” cried Weiss. “Turn them back!”

Dr. Ie ignored her. “Nyou know,” she said, turning her gaze to Yuri. “Mayve these two would enjoy themselves more together, nya~.”

Yuri giggled. “Oh! Oh, let me, nya!”

Reaching back into her cleavage, she reached a magic wand identical in every way to Dr. Ie’s save its bright green coloration. Looking back over her shoulder at it, Ruby whimpered. What were they planning to do now–?

The magic struck her faster than she expected, flinging her up into the air and slamming her back down with a splash. She squealed as she landed on Weiss, the impact forcing the two of them down under the water, face pressed against face, chest squished against chest, and sex all but rubbing against sex. The two of them squealed and strained to pull themselves way–unfortunately, this only meant brushing against each other harder.

With a gasp, they broke the surface, gagging desperately for air. For some reason, their bodies refused to obey them properly–when she went to grab the sides of the bath to support herself, Ruby found her hands curling around Weiss’s thighs. Squealing in surprise, she snatched them away and reached for something firmer.

Somehow, she ended up grabbing Weiss’s butt. “W-Weiss! I-I didn’t mean to–”

Weiss, red-faced, wasn’t having much more luck. “G-get off of me!” Struggling to push Ruby away, she succeeded solely in grabbing her breasts and squeezing them tighter instead. Ruby squealed.

Behind her, Yuri giggled. “Nyow give her a nyice, sloppy kiss on the lips, nya~.” She wiggled her wand.

Ruby found herself jerked forward like a puppet. “W-wait,” she cried as her face flew towards Weiss’s. “W-wait, don’t–”

At the last second, just as they were about to kiss, Ruby found her head snapped downward, down away from Weiss’s face and down towards another, no less kissable pair of lips. She struck the water with a splash and met Weiss’s pussy with a squeal. Even as she gasped and struggled to pull away, her tongue moved on its own, questing deep into the sticky depths of Weiss’s sex. She heard Weiss’s scream even through the water.

She couldn’t tell exactly how long she spent down there. It felt like forever, though in reality it couldn’t have lasted much longer than her breath. Finally, she burst free, face sodden, lips sticky.

Weiss simply stared at her, red-faced, too stunned to speak.

Yuri giggled. “Did nyou enjoy that, nya?”

Ruby gasped for air. She couldn’t find the breath to speak.

“Nyot to interrupt nyour fun, nya, but we do still have a show to film.” Dr. Ie stood looming over them, arms crossed, eyes tight.

“Why don’t nyou join us in here?” said Yuri, giving the water a splash. “Come on, it’s nyice and hoooot~.”

“Maybe once we finish,” said Dr. Ie, rolling her eyes, “in the meantime… Hurry up and pick the nyext piece of furniture, nya!”

“Hmm.” Yuri tapped her chin. “How abooooout…?” Yuri turned her eyes on Weiss. “Some special soapy lotion, nya?”

Dr. Ie’s grin widened. “Ohoh. I think I know exactly what nyou mean, nya~.” She licked her lips.

Weiss, still red-faced from Ruby treating her like a Weiss-cream, shivered, panting for breath as she tried to escape the bath. “N-no…” she said, voice trembling. “N-no, no… Please, don’t make me like them–!”


Weiss screamed as the magic lightning struck her, wrenching her straight out of the bath and into the air with a moan. Hovering there, dripping soap and water both, she whimpered as the magic coursed through her flesh and grounded itself in her pussy as if her clit were a lightning bolt.

The two of them stared, trembling, as Weiss’s clit shivered and stretched, growing as long and hard and veiny as a–

Ruby stammered, struggling to put her thoughts into words. –as a penis! As a penis!

Weiss herself simply shrugged and went to grab it, perhaps out of sheer surprise or perhaps in some futile attempt to push it back down where it belonged. Unfortunately, we have it on good authority that touching one’s genitals feels very good indeed, and Weiss’s fresh round of moaning seemed to support this hypothesis.

Hands locked on her cock, like a victim of electrocution still gripping the fatal wire, Weiss threw back her head and screamed even louder, trembling as pleasure coursed through her form. She didn’t even notice her pussy vomiting out a pair of giant balls. Nor did she react when it sealed itself shut behind them, leaving her with a set of genitals more suited to a man twice her size. All she could do was clench her cock and pump it as hard as her little limbs enabled.

“Weiss!” cried Ruby.

Just as it seemed Weiss would burst (in one or more senses of the word), she stopped squirming and froze as if trapped in some Ice Dust. A thin gurgle escaped her lips, and with that, she went utterly silent.

Ruby could only watch, quaking in horror, as her teammate and closest friend shrank, her legs collapsing to form a flat base, while a button formed from her head like a scholar’s cap. Finally, her skin turned as white as her namesake, white and faintly translucent, just enough to see the thick liquid filling her from foot to crown.

Dr. Ie snatched her out of the air with a laugh. “Wanna try some?” she said, offering her to Yuri.

“Oooh, please, nya~.”

Ruby watched, too shocked even to speak, as Dr. Ie’s thumb pressed down on Weiss’s head-button, her former teammate’s body bulged, and a fat spurt of thick white fluid spurted out of Weiss’s tiny penis. It landed on Yuri’s hands with a splat. “Oooh, I like the smell, nya.” She rubbed it all over herself with a laugh.

Ruby could only whimper.

“What’s the matter, nya?” asked Yuri. “Do nyou want to try it too, nya? Here, let me.” Accepting another squirt of Weiss’s ejaculate, she rubbed her hands till it was nice and soapy before turning her attention to Ruby’s body with a smirk. “Hold still~.”

“Nn–no!” Ruby squirmed, straining to pull away, as Yuri seized her boobs and squished them together, making Ruby squeal as she rubbed them about, up and down, up and down, letting the fat slip through her fingers.

Ruby screwed up her eyes and shuddered as Weiss’s bubbly semen spread over her boobs. “Stop, please–!”

Yuri giggled. “Okay, nya. I was all finished anyway.”

Ruby whimpered. She wanted to cry. What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to fight back without her weapon or her clothing or even her teammates? All she had was her body, and her captors had already proved they could beat her in raw strength. All she could do was sit here and wait, wait to see what awful fate they had cooked up for her.

Casting her gaze over the room, she shivered at what she saw. At Yang around her, at Blake pinned to the wall, at Weiss sitting naked and perverse in Dr. Ie’s sticky paw. Was that going to be her next? What were they going to do to her?

She whimpered. And if they did it to her too, who would be left to save them…?

Yuri and Dr. Ie shared a glance. “Well, time to finish off this portion of the show,” said Dr. Ie, grinning smugly. “We've got one special human left… and one little feature Yuri’s bathroom is still missing.”

Ruby froze. In her panic, she hadn’t even considered what the bathroom might be missing. Heart pounding, she cast her eyes over the room again.

And stopped breathing as she realized there was one thing she couldn’t see.

“N-no. No. Nononono!” She tried to stand and jump out of the bath, but Yuri’s stiflingly tender embrace kept her pinned right where she sat. “No! No! Please–please, you can’t do this to me!”

Dr. Ie simply laughed. “Aw, don’t be like that, nya. We can’t just let nyou go. After all, what’s the point of a bathroom without a toilet?” Her grin stretched; she raised her wand.

“No!” cried Ruby. “Nononono!”


The magic wand’s beam struck her right in the chest and wrenched her out of the water as if she weighed no more than the soap. Screaming, dripping wet, she flailed as she floated to the far corner of the bathroom. “No! No! Yang, help me! Help me! Yang!”

Yang’s mask of terrified lust didn’t move in the slightest.

Coming to a stop in the far corner of the room, Ruby found herself flipped upside down and her body folded neatly, if not completely, in half. With her face and feet both aimed towards the ceiling, she squirmed, struggling to move her arms, but all she could do was watch as they seized her buttcheeks and froze that way. “Y-Yang! Help me! Help me!”


In a single instant, something cold–no, two somethings–wormed their way through Ruby’s legs and butt cheeks to crash into the unprotected holes hidden between them. Ruby screamed, shaking in her luminous restraints as the pipes forced themselves deeper, far deeper, than they had any right to go, and she felt the maddening feeling of water pooling inside her. Worse still was the pleasure of penetration–she’d never felt anything so good in her life.

“Yang!” Unable to bear the ecstasy, Ruby thrashed in absolute panic. “Yang! Help mmmphf!”

Ruby’s eyes opened wide. They weren’t the only thing. Looking down, she watched in horror as her mouth performed the world’s most exaggerated yawn, stretching to several times its former size and then some.

As her mouth grew, her legs melded together and bulked up, feet flattening into the lid of what was becoming her basin, while a bright silver handle sprouted from her knees. The sight of it only emphasized her changing reality. She had a handle now–a handle so they could flush her. She screamed, though it came out as a gurgle.

Though she couldn’t see it, the tiles beneath her were rising, rising to form a cradle in which her floating body would sit. She squirmed as it touched her back, though she couldn’t pull herself out of it. Movement was becoming harder with every second that passed.

Continuing to grow, her mouth forced aside the rest of her face to make room for its expansion. Swept aside, her other features faded, melded with the porcelain of her changing flesh till she was completely unrecognizable. Deepening, her head swelled to make a bowl, the bowl of a toilet, and nothing more–certainly not a huntress.

As the last of her motion vanished, Ruby gave one last gurgle to feel her mouth filling with water. A moment later, her skin shimmered and hardened to porcelain, as if caught in the gaze of a particularly strange medusa. Looking up at the ceiling, mouth wide open and ready to eat, she pleaded inside for someone, anyone, to save her.

Please–Nn~!–please don’t leave me like this! Help! Somebody help me!

As if to mock her, an amused face loomed over her, smirking. Dr. Ie looked like she’d never seen something so funny. “And there we have it. Goodbye, Ruby Rose. Hello, Porcelain Throne.”

The camera played a laugh track.

Ruby found herself laughing along, despite her situation. That’s right! Th-this was all a big joke, right? They w-wouldn’t actually turn her into a toilet and leave her like this, would they?

They’d turn her back as soon as the show was over… They had to.

They had to.

“Well, it’s time for another break,” droned Dr. Ie. “Next up is the bedroom. Make sure to vote for who nyou want to see as Yuri’s duvet, pillow, and mattress! Nyahahaha…”

As Dr. Ie’s voice trailed off, Ruby heard a click. The camera turned away.

“Phew,” said Dr. Ie, wiping her brow, “I’m glad that’s over with.”

“That was fun,” said Yuri, splashing in Yang’s pussy. “I wish I’d had chance to play with the other rooms’ prey.”

“Mmmn.” Dr. Ie wiggled uncomfortably on the spot. “Anyway, um, I don’t know about nyou, but after all that, I kinda need the little catgirl’s room, nya.”

“Oh!” Yuri blushed. “Let me get out of nyour way.”

Ruby heard the sound of footsteps, followed by a slamming door.

If she had any hopes they might be leaving her on her own, they were soon dashed by Dr. Ie’s grinning face appearing over her again. “Nyow, let’s see how good at nyour nyew job nyou are, nya.~”

She turned. Her pants fell.

And Ruby could only scream as the fat ass inside them dropped, falling towards her face like a moon out of the sky.


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