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Hugging the box in her hands tight, Ruby struggled not to burst into tears as her feet carried her out of the store. “We can’t just leave her there!”

“What are we supposed to do?!” cried Yang, frustration briefly breaking through her sympathy. “We can’t fight them!”

Ruby flinched, and Yang went quiet. She hugged her box tight to her chest too.

Their Collars marched them out of the store and across the street to the promenade overlooking the beach, where they plopped their boxes–the boxes they’d traded Blake for–on a bench, followed by their butts.

(As they sat, they heard a scream of intense lust.)

Grabbing the packages, they ripped them open. Inside, each found three things: a water gun, a new–and slightly larger–bikini, and a pool toy.

Both went for the bikini first. Yang especially felt as if her current top would burst at any second. As they held them up, however, they couldn’t help but notice a crowd of devils had gathered to watch.

Ruby blushed. “Isn’t there anywhere we can change?” she asked, looking around for cover.

Before Yang could answer, her Collar beeped. With a squeal, she grabbed her bikini top and ripped it off in a single sharp motion, followed by her bottoms. Ruby squeaked as she did the same.

“Yang!” she cried, struggling to cover herself.

“Just put your new one on!” cried Yang, face red.

Someone in the crowd took a photograph.

Slipping her arms through the straps of her new top, Yang adjusted the cups and winced at the feeling. It fit her new boobs far better than her previous one, but it was still scandalously skimpy.

Besides her, Ruby blushed as she struggled to cover as much of her own swollen chest as possible. Seeing Ruby so perversely well-endowed made Yang want to scream in sisterly frustration. It was like waking up and finding her sibling working as a prostitute. They were larger than hers had been.

Now, the two turned their attention to the pool toys. Both had received a swim ring: Ruby’s was a dark, reddish brown with a scarlet ribbon spiraling around it,, while Yang’s was yellow and covered in painted holes, like Swiss cheese.

“Wh-what are we supposed to do with these?” asked Ruby, squeezing hers cautiously. “Do you really think they used to be people?”

Images of Blake’s fate flashed through Yang’s mind. She bit her tongue and tightened her fist. “Just–just put them on for now.”

After a failed attempt to force the rings over their swollen chests, the pair settled for stepping into them instead. Finally, the two picked up their guns and inspected them–the tanks felt hot to the touch.

“Do we really have to fight?” said Ruby, hugging hers to her chest, as if for comfort.

“I doubt we’ll have a choice,” said Yang, flatly. Her Collar beeped, turning her gaze to the Pyramid looming in the center of the Island. “...Come on, I think we need to get moving.”

As the two made to leave, the cat’s eyes floating around them beeped.

“Hey, everyone!” cried the familiar voice of Taberu. “It’s time for more Wild Cards! That’s right, you triggered two more! Let’s see what we’ve got, nya!”

A deck of cards appeared in the air and shuffled itself. Finally, two flipped off the top: one showed a flood of colorful fluid bursting from a pipe, while the second displayed a group of people shopping in the nude.

“Oooh!” said Taberu. “We got two zone-specific cards this time. It’s no. 9: Chemical Spill! and no. 12: Flash Sale! If nyou’re in the relevant areas… enjoy!”

She vanished with a zzzip, and the pair’s legs carried them forward. As they walked, their hearts pounding in trepidation–any second, their boobs might start leaking or their bodies could go into heat again.

In the end, nothing happened. “I guess we got lucky this time,” said Yang. She didn’t feel it.

Step by step, the cobblestones beneath their feet gained a layer of sand as the island’s central desert wore away at the stonework. Behind them, the Hotel and the resort town faded into the distance, while the Pyramid ahead grew larger with the second. Soon, its bulk filled their eyes, its vast wall the end of vision.

In its center stood a giant stone gate flanked by two guardian sphinxes… or, in this case, lewd stone catgirls. As Ruby and Yang approached, their Collars stopped beeping, the eyes of the sphinxes flashed, and the giant stone doors swung open with a resounding thoom. Wind rushed past their faces like the roar of some great lion.

“I think this is it,” said Yang, leveling her gun.

Ruby swallowed.

The two stepped in, and the door slammed behind them. Around them stretched a corridor of large sandstone bricks lit by statues of catgirls with bowls of flame in their hands. The pair’s footsteps echoed as they advanced.

After almost a full minute of walking, the corridor came to an end, and the two of them found themselves looking down on a vast pit of sand filled with rocks and broken statues. Yang frowned. It reminded her of Amity Colosseum…

A cough from above drew their attention upward. Looking up, they found a catgirl in a regal dress sitting in the air, casually flipping through a pornographic magazine. A fancy crown adorned her head. Her eyes studied them with a look of utter boredom.

“Welcome to Prizefight Pyramid,” said Queen Hentai, stifling a yawn. “We recommend nyou prepare nyourselves for battle.”


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