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Collar beeping, Erza lurched into action, running straight for the bedroom window. Pushing past Doujinshi, she bent her legs and flung herself at the glass, arms raised to shield her face from the shards.


The next thing Erza knew, she was floating in the air, suspended in a timeless cloud of broken glass. Heart pounding, she looked around and found herself uninjured. The Hotel stood behind her. Ahead: a beach. To her right: a towering pyramid. She had just enough time to process its size before time resumed and gravity seized her. Screaming, she fell.

One moment, the pool lay a thousand meters below her. The next–


Shooting down through the water, Erza bounced off the bottom of the pool with a gasp. Gagging for breath, she flailed desperately for the surface, kicking herself up as fast as her stunned body was able. It took her several seconds to reach it–the pool must be fifty meters deep!

Finally–just as she thought she wouldn’t make it–she burst through and gasped for air. Floating to the top of the water, she lay there on her back, panting. Lucy…

Someone poked her with a stick. “You alroight, mam?” said a red-skinned devil in a lifeguard’s uniform.

Erza nodded.

“Good. Try to stick yer hands in front of yer next time ya go divin’, okay? S’not good to belly flop. Okay?” The lifeguard turned and padded away.

Groaning, Erza paddled to the side of the pool and pulled herself out. Empty deck chairs surrounded her, each covered with a black-red-gold flag. Otherwise, the place appeared to be empty–even the tiki hut-style bar was barren of patrons.

Grabbing one of the towels, she dried herself off. Where do I now? she wondered. Do I try and rescue Lucy, or–?


Looking up, Erza watched as a swarm of cat’s eyes descended from the heights of the hotel. Hovering over her, they produced a flickering image.

“Hey, everyone!” said Taberu. “Welcome to Turn 6! Guess what’s just won a vote? That’s right: a Wild Card! And nyot just one Wild Card, nya! But two! Wow! (I guess they’re just like buses, nya!) Let’s see what we got!”

The catgirl vanished, replaced by a deck of cards, which swiftly shuffled to reveal a woman in a bikini, her boobs jiggling and leaking like taps.

“Oooh!” cried Taberu. “That’s no. 15: Milkquake! Hang on though, because we’ve got one more card to draw.”

This time, the card flipped to reveal a red-faced woman, hands trapped between her thighs.

“No. 5! Heatwave!” Taberu burst into a round of giggles. “Wow! Two island-wide events at once! This is gonna be so much fun, nya.” She stopped, frowned, and turned to someone off camera. “Hey, we’re immune to this stuff, right? It’s nyot gonna affect us, is it? …Is it?”

M-milkquake? thought Erza. Heatwave?

She barely had time to process what this might mean before the world started shaking. With a gasp, she grabbed a parasol for support and clung on tight as everything vibrated. (Or seemed to, anyway. Strangely, none of the water in the pool rippled, nor did any cups in the bar fall off of the counter.)

As she struggled to stay on her feet, Erza washed a sudden wash of pleasure from her breasts and looked down to find them quaking madly. As she stared in shock, a terrible pressure filled them. Gasping, she knelt to her knees and squeezed them as it grew, stronger and stronger, tighter and tighter, until–

“Ai!” Erza squealed as milk poured from her nipples, soaking its way straight through her bikini and dribbling out of the cups both. She moaned as it poured onto her thighs.

As she moaned at the feeling, a heat welled in her groin and set her sex on fire. With a fresh scream, she shuddered and slammed her legs shut, screwing her eyes shut closed as she fought against the wave of utter lust wracking her leaking form. A puddle soon formed on the tiles beneath her.

Finally, with a moan, Erza gave up, thought of Jellal, and slipped her fingers deep into the sticky depths of her vagina. 


Slowly, the heat and the leaking faded. Panting for breath, Erza lay there feeling ashamed. Her friend had been reduced to pornography, and now she was lying here having fun with her own body…

BEEP! The cat’s eyes above flashed again.

“O-oh,” said Taberu, nipples and skin alike pouring. “Also, um, just so nyou’re aware… The Hunt begins in 1 turn, nya! Nyou might want to start heading inward.”

Erza hissed. She had to move.



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