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As the rest of her team stood frozen, Blake surged forward, Collar beeping madly. “We’ll take your whole stock!” she cried, slamming her hand on the counter. “And I’ll pay the cost no matter how high!”

The deviless smirked. “Is that so? Well, I hope you’re prepared for–”


As one, the four of them looked up. The omnipresent catseyes hovering in the rafters were beeping, pupils flashing in sync. As RBY stared, light poured from the drones' pupils, forming a hologram of a very familiar face.

“Hey, everyone!” said Taberu. “Welcome to Turn 6! Guess what’s just won a vote? That’s right: a Wild Card! And nyot just one Wild Card, nya! But two! Wow! (I guess they’re just like buses, nya!) Let’s see what we got!”

Taberu vanished, replaced by a shuffling deck. After several seconds, it came to a stop, and the top card flipped to reveal a busty cowgirl, her boobs shaking and leaking as the ground beneath her shook.

“Oooh!” cried Taberu. “That’s no. 15: Milkquake! Hang on though, because we’ve got one more card to draw.”

This time, the card drawn showed a woman red-faced and coated in sweat, hand creeping between her legs.

“No. 5! Heatwave!” Taberu burst into a round of giggles. “Wow! Two island-wide events at once! This is gonna be so much fun, nya.” She stopped, frowned, and turned to someone off camera. “Hey, we’re immune to this stuff, right? It’s nyot gonna affect us, is it? …Is it?”

The hologram cut off.

“Wh-what does that mean?” cried Ruby.

Yang gulped. “I-I don’t know. I–”

The store started to shake. As one, Team RBY threw themselves at whatever they could reach: the counter, in Blake’s case. In Ruby and Yang’s: each other.

“An earthquake?” cried Blake, struggling to stay on her feet as her swollen ass threatened to drag her to the ground.

On the floor, Ruby and Yang knelt with their arms wrapped around each other. “It’s okay,” said Yang, looking around and wincing. “It’s only a weak one. It’s not that bad. It’s–”

“Y-Y-Y-Yang,” said Ruby. “My breasts feel really…”

“What?” said Yang. “What’s–The hell?!”

The feeling of her own breasts tingling told Blake what they were panicking about. Though hers were much smaller, they were shaking all the same like a pair of jellied vibrators. She gasped as a thousand tiny waves of utter pleasure rippled through her form…

…and two dark patches of wetness formed on her top’s cups.

“Aiii!” As Blake stared in shock, Ruby squealed behind her. Turning around, Blake found the sisters coated in creamy white stuff. Four thick streams of milk poured in torrents from Ruby and Yang’s pumped-up boobs, passing straight through the fabric of their tops to spray their siblings in the face.

“Well, this is fun,” said the deviless, pulling up her own cups and placing a pair of glasses underneath her nipples.

Blake groaned.

Just as she thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, she felt a sudden urge to lift her non-existent collar. Her skin itched all over; when she looked down, she found it coated in sweat. Blicking in shock, she panted for breath. She felt as if she'd just run a mile through a desert.

“What now?!” cried Yang, milk dripping from her face. As Blake watched, the two sisters reddened, sweat washing away their lactate.

Blake wanted to try and support them, but as she opened her mouth to speak, the fire raging inside her reached her sex and ignited it like a powder mag. With a squeal, she slammed her legs shut, screwed up her eyes, and tried to resist as a wave of utter ecstasy flooded her. She couldn’t hold it in for long. Finally, with a moan, she threw her head back and stuck her fingers deep inside her. Slumping to the floor, she fingered herself madly. Nearby, Ruby and Yang screamed as they gave into it too.

As the heat carried Blake over the edge to orgasm, her Collar started beeping again. Lurching to her feet, she slammed her sticky fingers on the counter. “I said I’ll take your whole stock!”

The deviless stopped stroking her cock to give her a glare. “Okay, okay, I heard yer the first time.” Rummaging beneath her counter, she produced two preprepared packages and tossed them at the sticky, sodden forms of Ruby and Yang. “There.”

“Where’s mine?” asked Blake.

The deviless simply smiled. Before Blake could react, the demon raised a hand and danced her fingers through the marks of a complex magical sign. Blake gasped as a wave of force struck her for the third time in as many minutes. With a squeal, she snapped upright.

Standing there, heart pounding, arms locked against her sides, Blake struggled against her invisible restraints without success. As she fought, she felt a sudden lightness, as if her body had been emptied out and pumped full of helium.

With a groan, she stumbled forward, her knees giving way beneath her. Landing on her stomach with a squeak, she spread her arms and bunched up her legs even as the pressure inside her doubled. Slowly, skin squeaking, she started to swell.

As a fresh bolt of utter ecstasy coursed through her nerves, Blake struggled to scream and found it impossible. Her mouth had stretched into a wide, happy smile… and stuck there, frozen. She couldn’t fight it. Staring ahead, unable even to shake, all she could do was whimper in her head as her body bulged, skin shimmering and turning glossy.

With a few final twitches, her fingers and toes plumped up and fused, till they were barely recognizable, while her boobs swelled till they were even larger than Yang’s, her nipples melting and reforming into two plastic caps. Farther backward, meanwhile, her butt–her beautiful butt, already so bloated–blew up like two fleshy hot air balloons. She wanted to scream at the utter ecstasy of the feeling.

Finally, her swollen back depressed as if a giant foot had stamped on it. Rippling, it reformed into a seat that sat neatly between her swollen cheeks. With that, Blake finished changing.

Lying there, trapped in her boiling, plastic body, Blake tried to scream. Ruby! Yang! Help me! F-f-fuck–! Help me! Nnn~!


Yang didn’t notice what had happened to Blake until the transformation was over. Pulling her sticky fingers out of her bikini bottoms, she looked up and gasped to find herself staring at a pool toy: a giant, bloated raft in the image of their former teammates, her assets swollen to ridiculous proportions.

She blinked, struggling to comprehend it. “B-Blake?”

The deviless coughed and pointed to two packages lying beside them. “There’s yer weapons, and yer swimsuits, and yer toys,” she said, picking up Blake, spinning her around, and guiding her cock between the raft’s bloated cheeks. “Nice doin’ bizniss with yer.” Schlup!

Yang whimpered.

Before she could respond, however, the cat’s eyes flashed again. “O-oh,” said a sweaty, leaky Taberu. “Also, um, just so nyou’re aware… The Hunt begins in 1 turn, nya! Nyou might want to start heading inward.”



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