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> Ballooning Bikini Babes [...INFLATION]

The cat’s eyes whirred. Erza watched them with a gulp.

Behind her desk, Doujinshi chuckled and stroked her nonexistent beard. “Fufufu. So, nyou guys wanna see something niche after all, nya? Well, what kind of pornographer would I be if I disappointed nyou…” Her fingers struck the typewriter and blurred, clacking madly.

Erza swore.  Leaping off the bed, she charged straight for the door. She had to get away, quickly, before–


Erza jerked as if someone had kicked her in the stomach. Skidding to a stop, she looked down and found her stomach stretching, pumped up like a balloon. “Wh-what?”

“It always surprises me how popular this stuff is,” Doujinshi said without missing a key. “I like it though. Fits my style, nya.” Clack!

As Erza stared, horrorstruck, her stomach bloated–fast–skin straining to contain the gas filling her. She moaned at the feeling, rubbing it with a groan. She felt so taut she could barely believe it. What was happening to her?!

The more Doujin typed, the faster Erza swelled, her stomach bloated to a meter or more in seconds, forcing the rest of her apart in the process. She flailed as her limbs rose atop a tide of bloated flesh.

Her stomach wasn’t the only thing growing though. As her belly squeaked with the strain, her breasts and rear end took up some of the slack. She squealed as her bikini turned razor tight, threatening to slice through the assets swelling inside. Finally, it gave with a pair of tremendous snaps.

As her bloated boobs burst free, jiggling madly, Erza squealed, half in delight. As horrible as the strain on her body was, it felt good, impossibly good too. And the larger she grew, the more orgasmic it became.

Squeak! Squeaksqueaksqueak! As her body reached a diameter of four meters, Erza found her head sinking into her swollen neck and her arms and legs bloating into four stubby planetoids. Groaning–as much in delight as in pleasure–she wiggled her fingers feebly as she floated off the ground, a chubby balloon.

There, in the air, she floated less than serenely, a human blimp, stretching taut and squeaking. Moaning loud, flailing her stubby arms and kicking her fattened legs even as the toes at their ends popped–poppoppop–into fullness, she found the pressure inside her becoming impossible to bear. “Nnn~! Nnn~! Nnnnnnnn–”


Scraps of fleshy rubber fluttered to the floor.


Erza gasped and looked around. She was back on the bed again!

“Fufufu. Amazing,” said Doujinshi, resetting her typewriter, “What a wonderful performance from Erza. Bravo.”

Erza stared at her hands, trembling. “I-I’m back to normal?”

“Huh? Nyeah, I guess so.”

Erza grabbed the flattened form of Lucy. “Turn her back!” she cried, making the magazine’s pages flutter. “Turn her back!”

Doujin stuck out her tongue. “Nyo. Also:” Reaching into her chest, she pulled out a magician’s wand. “Nyou may want to hurry up and run, nya.”


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