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“I have a great idea, friends!” said Ruby, twirling around and making her swollen new assets swing. “Since we’re at the beach, why don’t we visit that delightful beach store?”

“Wow! Great idea, Ruby!” Blake and Yang all but threw up their arms in agreement.

As their Collars stopped beeping, the three shared a glance. Blake looked like she wanted to scream. “They want us to go shopping?!

Covering her face, Ruby groaned. “I can’t keep doing this. I–I–”

Yang squeezed her hand and went to say something consoling when the thought of Weiss’s frozen form vanishing between Taberu’s jaws trapped the words in her throat. “...At least we can get some bigger swimsuits,” she said, pinching the straps of her top and wincing.

Squeezing her sister’s hand, Yang led the three of them along the cobblestone street. Red-skinned women with horns and pointed tails pointed and leered at them as they walked–RBY blushed and struggled to keep their bloated assets from jiggling.

The Beach Store looked innocent enough from outside: pool toys covered its front, beach balls, and palm trees and swim rings and more. In any other set of circumstances, it might have been a nice, wholesome place to visit.

Inside, it lost a little of its innocence.

As they entered, Ruby squeaked. “Is that–? That’s–!” She pointed.

Yang followed her gaze and found herself staring at an inflatable raft in the shape of a naked, pink-haired woman, her pumped-up chest and rear on full display. It took a second for Yang to realize why she recognized it. “You–you don’t think–?”

The thought of what had happened to Weiss flashed through all three of their minds simultaneously. These cat-freaks had already proven what they’d do to people who lost their little game. Why should the failed entrants have met any more merciful a fate?

“They’re all here,” said Ruby, quivering in horror.

Sure enough, Yang found more than one of the pool toys familiar. The orange flamingo, the pink and blue swim ring, the azure lilo with golden stitches, all resembled one or more of the women they’d been trapped with during their kidnapping. Even the giant teacup toy hanging from the ceiling bore a resemblance to one of the girls they’d been shipped here with.

“Mornin’ luvvies,” came a voice from the counter. “What can I do ya for this fine Tuesday morning?”

Yang looked up and found herself staring at another voluptuous deviless. This one wore nothing more than a tight, black bikini… its bottoms straining to contain a swollen, vein-riddled cock.

Yang gaped at it for several seconds, mouth opening and closing. She’d never seen anything so–

The deviless smiled. “You gals look like yer could use some new swimsuits.” She chuckled as they flushed in embarrassment. “Or perraps yer more interested in our toys? We had a new selection delivered right this mornin’. All one of a kind. Very unique. And the best part is, all their valves also serve as onaholes!”

Snatching up a burgundy beachball, she dropped her bottoms, popped the toy’s cap, and slammed her massive penis straight into the hole. “See,” she said, pumping it up and down as RBY stared in horror. “Fun and multi-purpose!” She studied them and frowned. “Ah, never mind. Y’don’t have the equipment for it anyway. Say, maybe these’ll be more down yer alleyway.” With a grunt, she pulled the beachball off her penis, snapped its cap shut and tossed it aside, before marching over to a wall covered in colorful water guns. “What d’ya think of these bad boys?” she said, picking up one that looked like a machine gun. “Bet this’d make quick work of the other competitors, would’n it?”

Yang shared a glance with her teammates, unsure whether to trust the demon or treat her as another sick trap. Blake shrugged. Ruby just looked fearful. In the end, Yang turned back. “...What kind of currency do you take?”

The deviless smiled sickly. “Why don’t you make your choice and worry about that after?” she said, licking her lips. “I’m sure you’ve got something to trade me. Just keep in mind… The more you buy, the more you’ll have to pay.” She winked.

Yang frowned. She didn’t like the sound of that at all. “What do you–?”



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