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As Zelda–or what had been her–suckled at Yuri’s nipple, the catgirl giggled and gave Samus a cheerful smile. “So, um, what do nyou want to do, nya? Would nyou like some tea?”

What Samus really wanted to do was strike her, but the Collar around her neck kept her from making that kind of movement. Instead, ignoring the catgirl’s question, she turned and strolled straight across the clearing, through the treeline, and into the depths of the jungle.

“O-oh, okay!” came Yuri’s voice, growing quieter with the second. “That’s, um, probably the right choice, nya! I’m going to have to start hunting soon so nyou should get as far away as possible…”

As the catgirl’s voice trailed off, Samus marched on like a soldier, forcing her way through vines and bushes, sweeping aside leaves, and skirting around tree trunks.

The jungle itself seemed to protest against her. Trees squirted her with sap; veins coiled around her thighs; bulbous, thick-lipped plants tried to suckle at her breasts and genitalia. With every step, the humidity grew worse. By the time she’d reached the jungle’s edge, sweat coated every inch of her. Part of her wanted nothing more than to strip off and throw herself in the ocean.

Emerging from the jungle, she strolled across a soft white beach. Ahead loomed a vast industrial refinery, all tangled pipes and belching smokestacks. ‘WETSHIRT WATERPARK!’ said the sign above its gate.

The words tripped Samus’s memory. Wasn’t this where the blonde and the blue-haired woman had been sent?

Cautiously, she approached the gate. There was no sign of them around, but she couldn’t rule out an ambush. After all, they were supposed to be competitors…

“Hello!” cried a high-pitched voice.

Samus jolted, ready to fight, as her keen senses tracked the sound to a box beside the gate.

“Welcome to Wetshirt Waterpark! Tickets are currently free of charge! Would nyou like to enter, nya?”

Samus scowled. Should she? Or should she turn back? No–she’d prefer not to venture unarmed into unexplored territory, but to retreat would put her at risk of encountering ‘Yuri’. The safest choice was still to proceed. She needed a weapon.

Cautiously, she nodded.

“Great!” said the voice from the box. “Oh! But first things first, I forgot to mention our dress code…”


Sodden and scowling, Samus stepped into the park. As the gate squeaked shut behind her, she picked out a sign bearing a map of the local area. Scanning its contents, she made a mental list of the most viable destinations.

Before she could decide on one, however, her keen ears picked out the sound of footsteps against metal. At once, she froze, ready to leap into cover at any second. Someone was approaching.

As she planned her response, her Collar beeped.


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