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Licking her lips, Taberu strode forward, rubbing her swollen belly with a pudgy hand. “Nyou know, nya? I know exactly what to do. I think I’ll eat all three of nyou together. Doesn’t that sound delicious? Nyahaha!”

A squeak escaped Ruby Rose’s lips.

“No!” cried Blake. “Please, you can’t!”

Yang thrashed against her restraints.

As Tabby strode forward, belly rumbling, however, one of the other catgirls raised her voice. “Hey! Dat’s nyot fair!”

“Nyeah!” cried another. “Tabby, nyou’re so greedy! Nyou said nyou were going to share!”

“Oh nyeah?!” cried Tabby, rounding on them with a glare. “If nyou wanna eat them, why don’t nyou fight me for them, nya?”

There was a small pause as every Bakeneko in the village considered this option, followed by a scream as they all pounced her.

As the cannibal catgirls brawled on the sand, Ruby’s Collar beeped. Heart pounding, she wrenched her wrists out of her poorly-tied restraints and looked around desperately for an escape route. Blake and Yang followed suit without a word.

Finally, Ruby’s eye caught the hotel in the distance. With a final glance to check the Bakeneko were still fighting, she drew in a deep breath and ran for it.

The three of them got all the way to the edge of the village before anyone noticed. “Hey!” cried a catgirl, sticking her head out of the scrum. “Dey’re getting away!

“After them!” cried Taberu. “Quickly! (But nyot too quickly, nya.)”

Hearing the catgirls storming after her, Ruby froze in fear.

“Come on!” cried Yang, grabbing her by the shoulder. Dragging her on, she led them to the minefield of Xs surrounding the village. This time, they couldn't afford to take it slowly. With one last look back, they surged ahead, hopping between safe spots as fast as they were able. Ruby whimpered with each jump.

Yang was the first to mess up: the sand shifted between her as she jumped, throwing her off course, and when she landed, her foot sliced through one of the pink crosses. It went off like a smoke bomb, filling the air with pink haze.

“Yang!” cried Ruby and Blake in unison.

The smoke soon cleared to reveal Yang unharmed. At least on the surface. With a moan, she dropped to her knees and clutched her chest, screwing her eyes up and whimpering. It took Ruby a second to realize why.

As she watched, horrorstruck, Yang’s boobs swelled like a pair of balloons, their fresh new fat spilled over the cups and strings of her already skimpy top. By the time they stopped, it looked like someone had tied a pair of beachballs to her chest.

Groping her new assets, Yang moaned.

The sound of high-pitched yelling snatched Ruby’s attention away from her. Turning back, she saw the Bakeneko hopscotching their way between the Xs, growing closer with every second. “Yang! We have to move!”

“I-I’m okay,” said Yang, struggling to her feet. She wobbled unsteadily, clearly unbalanced, but at least her new boobs weren’t so heavy as to trap her.

As one, the three sped on. Yang’s new breasts bounced like a pair of giant puddings.

Blake was the next to make a mistake, throwing herself too far and skidding to a stop on an X. She squealed as it went off beneath her, hiding her form in a plume of thick pink smoke.


The smoke cleared to reveal the faunus on her butt, moaning as it swelled inside her bottoms. Ruby winced as they vanished between her cheeks, earning a fresh round of panicked screams from their owner.

Together, Yang and Ruby hurried over to her. Grabbing her arms, they helped her to stand, leaving two fat craters in the sand behind her. Blake’s new cheeks clapped with every step as they ran on.

The cries of the catgirls were growing quieter now. Either they’d given up, or they’d hit enough Xs to keep them from continuing. Ahead, the Hotel loomed larger and larger with the second. Ruby saw what looked like a pleasant seaside town, complete with a pier and beachside storefronts.

All of a sudden, the sand beneath her shifted–Ruby screamed as she slipped. She flailed her arms in one last attempt to recover her balance, before striking the sand–and two Xs–front first.

A deafening bang hit her ears, while pink smoke filled her eyes. A blast of energy struck her body like a hammer, sending a wave of erotic tingling flowing through her form. She moaned as it settled in her rear and her chest, two tight knots of pressure, growing, growing, growing…

As the pink smoke cleared, Ruby sat up and whimpered.

“Ruby!” cried Blake and Yang, rushing over to her as fast as safely possible.

Ruby moaned. Her breasts and rear felt as if they were on fire. Clasping the former, she shivered at the feeling–it was like every square inch had become as sensitive as her clit.

As she watched, eyes trembling in their sockets, her boobs bloated, stretching her bikini top taut. As she squeaked at the feeling, she felt a similar pressure in her butt. Looking over her shoulder, she watched her buttcheeks grow like two loaves in the oven, sucking her bottoms between them as they swelled. She squealed as the fabric sliced into her ass.

By the time Yang and Blake reached her, her boobs had grown so large they were spilling over the cups of her top, while her bottoms had entirely disappeared between the bloated cheeks of her rear.

“Ruby!” cried Yang, grabbing her hand.

Ruby whimpered. She seemed to have stopped growing, and she no longer felt so sensitive, but her new curves were still straining against her swimsuit, every slight jiggle striking her with a fresh pang of pleasure.

Looking down at herself, she moaned in horror. Her boobs were almost as big as Yang’s–her butt almost as big as Blake’s. She looked like a pumped-up, inflated parody of herself.

“Ruby, we need to keep moving!” said Blake, squeezing her hand.

Screwing up her eyes, Ruby drew in a deep breath and nodded. Together, the three of them set off again. Every step made her new assets shake, ringing the bell of her mind with fresh knells of pleasure.


The Hotel loomed over them, tall and red and crooked, a rusted nail hammered into the earth.

They weren’t quite there yet though. Around the tower festered a quaint seaside town of cobblestone roads and colored houses, like mushrooms growing in the shade of a rotten stump,  ‘Hellmouth,’ said the sign above the gate.

As they crept through, a woman–red, half-naked, and horned–strode past them and whistled. “Mornin’, luvvies,” she said with a smirk. “Welcome to ‘Ellmuff. Gizzus a shout if you’re lookin' for some fun.” Slipping a card into Ruby’s cleavage, she marched on.

Hugging her chest, Ruby groaned. “Now what do we do?”

Her Collar beeped.


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