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"Garreg Mach's newest professor, Byleth, is absolutely deadset on having the cute healer Mercedes join his class. For some reason, he's become completely smitten with the girl. He's just not sure if it's her pretty face, kind personality, or that incredibly muscled and well-toned adonis physique..."


Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for the patience thus far. It's been a little bit of a rowdier January than I'd like if I have to be entirely honest. To the point where it's thrown a lot of my plans out of the loop, as well as totally decimated my motivation. That being said, I feel like I'm slowly recovering so that hopefully I can make the most of February. 

Here's my current state of affairs at the moment. I haven't finished this month's prompts, and I most likely won't be able to finish them until next week if not more. There's also not been any progress on other stories unfortunately. I have, however, been working a little bit on the presentation of my content as you might have seen. So hopefully you guys will enjoy a little bit more high quality content than before. Plus, I dug a little story from the backlogs so that we can have a little bit more content this January.

For next month, my plans are to finish the prompts, start the CYOA story (which I'm actually really excited for and looking forward to), and then finish a couple of monthly poll stories if possible. I know I said this last January, but I feel pretty confident going into February that things are going to improve. I mean, I already took this year's early hit so things can't get worse am I right? 

This story was written in a fervent state of arousal because I was watching a cool stream of a Three Houses Headswap mod where Mercedes was given Raphael's body. In an instant, my body went into hyperdrive and I had to write this (despite the fact I was supposed to be writing other things). I think my shame over doing personal stuff over duties was probably what prevented me from posting for so long haha. Regardless, I had a fun time making it and hopefully you have a fun time reading it! Once again, thanks for your continued support and cheers!

But that's enough me blathering on and on. Without further ado, here's the story!


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