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First CYOA Story! (And fate of monthly Patron Polls...)

  • Slut Slot Machine (Three Houses) 3
  • Confidence is Everything 8
  • Flayn's Amulet of Swap 5
  • Absolute Power Morgan 2
  • 2023-01-07
  • —2023-01-23
  • 18 votes
{'title': 'First CYOA Story! (And fate of monthly Patron Polls...)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Slut Slot Machine (Three Houses)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Confidence is Everything', 'votes': 8}, {'text': "Flayn's Amulet of Swap", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Absolute Power Morgan', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 23, 23, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 7, 11, 59, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 18}


Hey y'all! Hope you've been having a wonderful 2023 so far. I haven't!! Seems like a whackaroonied my nutsies too hard and now I was kind of basically forced to stop writing and masturbating to take a rest. It's been honestly a whirlwhind of a week. Most of it bad, but the rest I was given certainly helped some. Though the year has started with a lil' misstep, I'm still gonna do my best to make it work out!

Anyways, that's enough boring life stuff. Time to talk about cool stories! I've been giving a lot of thought on what to do with the Patreon Polls. In all honesty I do like the concept, and it seems you guys enjoy them too. But considering how long they take, it's really hard for me to keep up with them all. I can barely finish the prompts, and then I'm forcPered to do these long stories. A boy like me can only do so much.

So I've come up with a pretty decent compromise. Just like how I'm doing with prompts, I'll be temporarily stopping Patreon Poll stories. The old ones will get finished, as is my main goal this year. But I won't be having any new polls until my plate is totally clean. Once I'm finished, the monthly polls will return in the same way they've been implemented right now, once every two months. However, that does leave a gap for those months, as well as the forseeable future. A gap which I know exactly how I'm going to fill...

Introducing the First CYOA story!!! I've been thinking about a way to increase Patron interaction, and I feel like this is a good way of doing it. The CYOA stories work pretty similar to the Patron Polls. However, instead of voting for the specific story, you'll be voting for outcomes in the fic. These outcomes will be different depending on the story. Sometimes you'll be picking which characters get transformed, others times it'll be the specific transformations, etc, etc. The good thing about these CYOA is that I'll be doing them about once a month, so instead of writing a whole story like in the polls, I'll be writing a singular chapter or scene. That way my workload is greatly reduced, but you guys still get some fun content! 

With that being said, since this is the first CYOA, I'll let you decide which one we do first. We might do the other ones later or not- Depending on how I feel. For now, let's get into the concepts!!!

Slut Slot Machine (Three Houses): The Slut Slot Machine is a perverted magical device from an unknown dimension with the power to alter people and even reality itself for its sick, twisted gains. It looks like a regular, commonplace roulette machine, with three spinning wheels and a big lever. However, it uses its magic to urge people to pull on its lever, changing them forever depending on what their result is. What sort of mayhem will such a machine carry out in Garreg Mach? (Based on an old story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17316299)

Confidence is Everything: Giggles and whispering spreads through the steamy Askrian bathrooms as the girls notice Raigh has unknowingly entered the female baths instead of the males. One of the lady comes to confront him about his mistake, but somehow Raigh is so adamant and insistent, that as soon as he declares that this is the male's bathroom, that all of the girls around him start growing cocks, becoming totally unable to refute him. And the more crazy things he spouts off, the more the poor ladies in the bathroom unwittingly transform to his whims.

Flayn's Amulet of Swap: While cleaning the ancient, dusty storage rooms of Garreg Mach, Flayn comes across a funny little amulet with the ability to swap attributes between people. Whether it's bodies, relationships, parts or more, the Amulet seems to swap without consequence, allowing Flayn to go on a little prank rampage. The only question is how far will she go?

Absolute Power Morgan: As a reward for all of his suffering as well as almost perishing in the battle against Grima, Robins' son Morgan is granted a peculiar power by an unknown deity: The ability to alter reality to his whims. There is nothing out of Morgan's grasp, as long as he can dream it, it can come true. The only problem is the more he uses his power, the harder it is to hold back. Absolute power corrupts absolutely after all. 


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