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"Manuela's Magical Curriculum: Garreg Mach's new professor, Byleth, seems  to be having a lot of success with the students of her house, so  Manuela asks for some assistance with teaching. In return, Byleth hands  Manuela a curriculum where she can write anything she wants her students  to learn at the start of the week. At first, Mauela uses the curriculum  normally. But when she finds out that her students will literally learn  'anything' that's written on the curriculum, the woman starts to use  this knowledge to fix her love life."

Woooo! Well, here's a powerful fic to start of the month right! Sorry for the lack of upload last week, I wanted to make sure this titanic fic ended up just right~ And not to toot my own horn, but I think I did a pretty good gosh darn job! Writing this fic was quite the fun endeavor, so hopefully that excitement bleeds over onto what I wrote. After this, its back to business as usual. Just got a few more things I need to catch up to, and then I can finally work on personal projects! And perhaps even open the larger tiers later? I guess we'll see... Until then- I hope you liked this one and cheers~


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