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Alrighty! Well, February is now over, which means we'll get to check out this month's winner.

Pretty one sided haha. But honestly, that's cool cus this was my favorite option on the poll :3

Since you guys gave me such a great response to this last poll and since I'm excited to start working on the story, I've already started working on February's winner! If all goes well, it should hopefully go up this week, but I tend to get carried away with these sort of stories so we'll see hahaha. 

Like always, I've updated the rerequest list with previous stories and will now be accepting rerequests and requests for this month's poll. https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-monthly-33849300

Make sure to get your rerequests in~ I'm a little dry on ideas atm, so I'll probably start recycling some stuff I like from the rerequest bin. Specially cus there's so many stories in there lol.


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