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"After arriving in Hoshido, Corrin's sword: the Ganglari, dissolves into nothingness. However, unlike usual, there is no attack on the capital, and instead a pair of glasses are left in their absence. Corrin puts on the glasses thinking not much more of it. But he'll soon find the strange mystical power of these lenses, as the mo8ment he looks at someone, they turn into a stereotypical girl who lusts only for him. Soon the world of Fates turns into much more of a Harem than before."

Heyooooooo! It's December!!! I'm still working on a ton of stories. The poll ended so that's nice. I still haven't gotten to work on the previous month's poll, but that's the reason why I cancelled the two tiers this month! Hopefully, I'll be able to get caught up by the end of December so we can go back to usual. I'm going to work really hard from now on, so look forward to that! As for this story, it was really fun to do. I typicially enjoy these odd TF scenarios that I can't usually come up with, so hopefully I'll do more in the future. I was also able to manage to do a whole 8k fic in a week, where it usually takes me a week to finish 4k.  Suffice to say, I'm in the zen mode of writing right now, so I'm hoping to push out fics like its paperwork~~~ With that, I hope you enjoyed this one and cheers!