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Hello friends. So, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this. I wanted to wait until the end of November to see how things evolved. And as much as I don't want to do this, I really have no other choice. 

Starting December, the Powerful Pervert tier and the Heroic Whore tier are CANCELLED!!! 

This means that I will no longer be accepting any new story rewards from those tiers in that month. If you already paid for the tier and haven't gotten your story, you are fine and I will still get back to you with whatever you want me to write whenever I have the time. But as of December, I will not be accepting any new story rewards. 

If you really wish to continue pledging the same amount, then you can do so. I might be able to save a story slot for you in the future, but I make no promises or guarantees that I will make such a story if you remain subscribed during December.

Furthermore, this also means that Commissions are closed.

The reason I'm doing this is because I'm simply too backed up on stories to take requests for new ones. I just can't keep up with the demand and it would be irresponsible for me to accept more. I honestly never thought I would get a single 20$ patron, so I really appreciate the support. But I just really need to take the month of December to reorganize and finish everything up. I'd also like to take some time and work on some stories as well.

This doesn't mean that the two tiers are never going to come back. In fact, I'm hoping to have them come back by January, or even earlier if everything goes well. However, there will be some very important changes to both tiers:

The Powerful Pervert tier will now be 15$ with a 1.5k - 2.5k story reward

I feel like this is a fair change. My prices before were much cheaper than my commissions, at 2.5$ per word instead of the 5 I usually charge. This way, its still a bit cheaper than my commissions but it will be fairer on me overall. I am also changing the number of possible patrons to 4. It usually takes me 1-2 days to finish a 2k story, and I can do those in like a week and a half, so its a better timeframe.

The Heroic Whore tier will now be 30$ with a 3.5k - 4.5k story reward

Similar price change, still cheaper than a commission but still a bit fair I think. Another important change is the tier is now only 2 people max, since a 4k story takes me about a week if I'm busy. 

Regarding the monthly poll: 

Though I'm cancelling the other tiers, the monthly poll is still going to proceed as normal. This was one of the main reasons I started the Patreon, and I don't feel the need to scrap it for a month. I'll also still be taking suggestions and rerequests from the 5$+ tier. 

Regarding the 50$ goal rewards:

I'll get to those as soon as I can. I'm sorry I haven't even been able to make a proper announcement about that. My plan is to have second place (Spring of Virility) take the 25$ goal of a single sequel, and have the first place sequel (Best Female Lord) take the 50$ goal of multiple sequels. Then I would do one every month until I run out of sequel ideas for the Best Female Lord one. Unless anyone has any complaints, that's how its going to go. 

I think that's really it. If you have any questions for me, feel free to contact me here or on discord. I'm sorry if you pledged and you were really looking forward to a story, but I just don't have the time anymore. My life is still in a bit of a twirl, and until I can get it back together, there'll be no semblance of stability. Nevertheless, I appreciate all the support you guys have given me, and I thank you all so very much for everything <3


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