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My newest Pitch Winning Comic is now available on TG Comics, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Beautiful is a simple comic about a man wishing to be like the beautiful women he's always admired and someone, or something, hears his wish...

Read it on TG Comics, and please leave a comment with your thoughts if you have a moment to spare :) 




I read it on TGComics… a very nice story. And your artwork was on point as usual. Great work.


Why you dont Post the comic here on patreon? I havent an account on TG Comics.

Alison St John

Can't wait to read the story 💕


U don’t need an account to look at it,it’s a free site for a lot of it’s comics


I thought it was a good comic

Kaffeyette Lektor

I liked it. Simple and effective. She looks like Colleen from 'Costumed'.