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Was one week enough for Kara as Terry, or was it too good to give up...




good good finish


what is the story about!! soory my english is not good to understand everything ne explanation hiflt good when reading


Trinity will the full pdf of this be on Patreon or TG Comics

Faye Fatale

Alls well that ends well.

Bob Fink

What an awesome ending, and what a lucky guy he turned out to be!


Ohhh i understand the storie🥰I love it


Name distracted - expected ending to be darker. Or with pregnancy :) ...Instead you played with words - well played :D


This storie is amazing i read 20% befor


I like the ambiguity of the ending. Kara and Terry both seem better suited to their new roles, but are these roles themselves toxic? Did the comet's disappearance mean that New Terry was right or did he just use his powers to drive it away? The story seems to allow for multiple possibilities.

Andy M

Love it. So hot.

Andy M

As much as I love these stories, I do get weirded out at the ID change, where they have lost their identity of self. Keeping their old mental selves with extended personalities seems better. There are so many ways of seeing this. Still enjoy the fantasy here.


I left a lot open to interpretation, and I'm happy you picked up on that :)


Two identity deaths is pretty dark for me, but I totally get it could have gone waaay darker :D