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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please keep in my that polls like this aren't a "winner takes all" poll. I'm looking for feedback and will make decisions based on what I see and what I think is best for the campaign and my own well-being.

Hi there, hello.

Here's a pic of Trinity to kick things off, and there's one below to thank you for taking the time to read and for any potential feedback you're willing to give. Also, I'll be discussing some things that current Patrons have talked about in their feedback, but please know I value all feedback even though it's hard to hear sometimes.

This is the first Campaign Update poll I'm running for the year, and I figured it would be best to start here because everything really hinges on it (Sexual Content and Theme polls will follow later).

But before we get to the poll, let me lay out how I approach this campaign.

When I started making comics back in 2016 I did so because there a dearth of content on TG Comics, and I thought... Hey, I could do that. Only here's the deal: I knew that I couldn't match the quality of SturkWurk, CBlack and InfinitySign (amongst others) so I aimed to create comics that had a much smaller scope that I could then produce more quickly.

I've been reluctant to talk about this because it feels self deprecating, but I aim to make "Good" comics. I figured people would like to see more pages of comics even if they weren't as exceptional as the others, and people seemed to like it. Polls run early in the campaign showed this was a popular approach, so it became what I did. I streamlined to process to give the people what they want: A ton of sexy TG content delivered faster than any one else...

Only now it's become a running joke in the community.

I can't count how many times I've seen comments that say TGTrinity only creates pointless comics where a man becomes a woman by choice and immediately has sex. These comments use to really make me feel bad as I was only making the kind of comics I wanted to read, but I've since gotten over it and am aware it's an issue for a lot of you out there. I'm proud of the comics I make, and while I'm appreciative of the hundreds of you supporting me now I'm also aware that literally thousands have signed up and left this campaign.

All that being said, I believe I've learned enough over the last 10 years of being Trinity that I can tackle and make this big TG epics that Sturk and CBlack create, but that comes at a cost. Any rise in quality from where I am now (which again, I'm very proud of what I make) would result in a drop in pages produced weekly. Upping the quality of the comics would mean less time to render.

Lastly, there's this: Part of me wants to try and put all my focus into one story at a time. I feel like creating multiple stories at the same time makes them feel more alike than even I'm aware of, and I don't think that's good for quality.

So, here we are. I really want to know what the community wants from me, and here's the best way I can lay it out:

Option 1: Keep Things As They Are

  • The campaign continues as as laid out right now, with 120 pages available from multiple comics

Option 2: Up The Quality Slightly

  • Drop to 100 pages weekly from multiple comics
  • Put more focus on character development before transformation and life after

Option 3: We Want The Absolute Best!

  • Drop to 80 pages weekly from one comic
  • Put more focus on character development before transformation and life after
  • Include more crowded scenes in bars, clubs, workplaces, gyms, etc.
  • Comic available to all $6+ tiers with higher tiers getting access earlier

I'll wrap up by coming right out and saying that if I had a vote, it'd be option three. Making a ton a tiny comics has been fun, but I'm ready to sink my teeth into some bigger comics where I can really let loose and have potentially more fun!

Thanks for taking the time to read and for being such amazing Patrons, and here's the other pic I promised of Trinity :)




Having just been through Immersion and Newfangled, I think you are (somehow) selling yourself short. Those were not just pages with great boobs to look at (but there were!) but those stories were well written and had quality character arcs. If you are talking that type, sure. But getting into two-three year things? I don’t know that you have to go there.


So, I have a couple thoughts of my own that maybe you'll find useful? Not a creator myself so take this as you will. I voted for "go big or go home" but I voted that way for saying you should embrace any desires you have to improve and extend your storytelling more than saying that I want bigger and prettier pictures. It's less the idea of better or more complex imagery that makes me vote for taking your time and more about complex stories. Deeper into some of the characters. More about lives. Build on your storyteller desires. With that said, don't lose what got you where you are. To the people complaining about all your art being guys who are transformed into girls who wanted it or enjoy it or find peace in it, well, that's why I'm here and paying. The people that are complaining aren't paying. The people that are paying aren't complaining. Don't change from that formula too much, if those are the stories you like to write too. I keep thinking here about how it seems a lot of authors start by writing short stories and move into novels. (and then some into trilogies, and decologies and more). If you want to write bigger deeper stories, go for it. I like the idea of deeper stories. More around the smut, but still the smut :) I enjoy your art, and appreciate the improvements. I also understand the improvements take time so balance is good. Anyway, rambling. I like your work. I like your TG transformations most, I trust you to pick what's best for you and us. You first mostly, because if you don't like it, then you can't make something we'll like.


I have been *enjoying* your comics for a while now and I think you have a lots of talent. I also voted for deeper stories, because you tend to overuse the same sex scenes and same boobs. A bit of waste in my view. I would love to see you drawing more varied body proportions, different sex scenes or characters with more nuanced thoughts in relation to their transformations. Here are some ideas: 1) Woman blushing, or feeling shy during sex. In immersion, you had main character with religious restrictions. But they did not feel shy as in 'I want that dick, but I shouldn't'. 2) Man making a sacrifice to become hot woman. They could pay a lot of money, sacrifice career etc. Friends or family might disaprove their decision. Or s/he has regrets about turning into woman. 3) Man turns into woman, and must do *erotic stuff* to turn back. In the end, s/he is stuck (againts his/her will) being hot woman everyone wants. Well, I suppose the most important thing is that you should draw comics you find erotic yourself. My point is that erotic comics easily gets repetitive (I think that is an issue with every adult entertainment artist) eventhought what people like me would enjoy can be wide and varied.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I had another thing I wanted to say but my other post was already too long, as usual. I'm sure you've looked into the on-line viewing habits and commenting habits of the 'typical' viewer. There was a time, years ago, when Kannel was going through a bad patch and was attacking his readers because they weren't commenting (life stuff - he got better). It prompted me to do some research into it (because science), so I could understand what was 'normal' and maybe provide helpful feedback (or righteous indignation – whatever. Go, Nemesis!). I forget all the numbers now (not my field), but basically, the big take homes were: 1. only a very small proportion of readers read the whole post and they tend to be older. The older the reader, the more they are likely to read. 2. An even tinier percentage of people comment. Most who do comment, do not comment regularly or consistently. 3. Many who comment, don’t read the full post before they comment. 4. The majority of people will move on before they read for 30 seconds. 5. People comment for different reasons: (a) to show how much they know; (b) to get attention; (c) to try to correct/oppose something that conflicts with their world view; (d) to represent a point of view they feel is not being adequately represented; (e) to be validated, reinforced, recognised as being real, even if they’re not; (f) to ‘troll’ / get a response out of someone – manipulate / have power over someone else’s behaviour, irrespective of what the argument is and whether they agree or not. There were others, and this research was done on sites that readers paid to view, like Patreon, not free sites or clickbait. In short, most people comment for selfish reasons and aren’t really primarily motivated to be helpful, / benevolent / constructive, even if they think they are. This made me examine my own behaviours too. I know (now) there is a selfish element to my posting and commenting, possibly all of those things above, but I do actually also (believe I) have a bit of the ‘kindred spirit’ thing happening, and I’m trying to be positive, informative and helpful (so you like me more and I can subconsciously manipulate you to write more stories with the things that I like in them). Altruistic, little me. The reason I say all this (finally) is that it means only a small portion of your readership will read through your entire posts. An even smaller portion will comment and those who comment regularly (like me), are a very small proportion of your readership and probably all a very specific part of the demographic, probably older, which may not be representative of your wider readership or the demographic you want to target. That means that reading our comments and conducting polls may not give you a representative view of your actual readership or even an accurate view of the specific group who do respond (subconsciously for selfish reasons). You may need to consider more objective metrics from Patreon to give you a better idea of what is really happening. (No, I don’t work for Patreon, so I don’t know what metrics are actually available, but science). Chat GPT seems to know everything. Ask that. It's amazing and seems to be mostly accurate. Anyway, as usual, I used a brick wall of words to make a point. Hopefully, it helps you plan a successful strategy, both financially and holistically Qapla'!