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Grace makes a decision that doesn't make a ton of sense to her, but she can't help herself...



Skippy Hugo

Blonde? Ponytail? Very 🔥

Bruce W. Liu

“His” mind transformed awhile ago, wonder how long until “he” catches it? 🤔

Bob Fink

So, I foresee Grace and Austin doing the nasty very soon. ;D

Alex Smyth

Aw, I like the original version of Grace. Cool short yet feminine hairstyle and a nice good body type. Big breasted blonde is just so cliché. If this comic ends with her staying as Grace, I hope it's as the original Grace. One of the tags for this comic is "Mental Changes". Does that mean that Danny's/Grace's attraction to men, particularly Austin and his/her desire to be more girly are because someone is magically altering his mind? If so, who? There hasn't been many characters in this comic. Danny/Grace, Austin and Austin's assistant (I think that's who that woman at the photo shoot was). Or are the mental changes have something to do with his magic power to change himself/herself? I feel like this far into a comic like this, we would have some hints as to what's causing the mental changes as the story would be building to the reveal as to who or what has been causing the mental changes in Danny/Grace. Though, there's still 6 more parts to go, so there's still plenty of comic left to figure out what's going on with Danny/Grace. Looking forward to reading and finding out.

Jacob Keller

Did I miss the post for section 4? I see it's available in the attachments but I don't recall seeing it posted... Oh well time to catch up!