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While Wat and I've been publicly working on pins, stickers, dakis and the art book, our R&D division (led by Nocturn3) has been secretly developing some exclusive Changeling Tale merchandise -- and we're excited to say these brand new items are available NOW, today only!

Let's take a look!

Marion-Os: Start your day off right with Marion-Os™! Filling and containing a full day's worth of vitamins and minerals, a bowl of Marion-Os™ will keep your tummy full and happy all day!

Wulver's Wrath: Feeling tired? Need a kick in the ass? Something that will engage your "Flight or Fight" response? Try WULVER'S WRATH™! A blend of Caffeine, Taurine, CoQ10,  Benzoylmethylecgonine and Yerba Mate that will keep you awake and strong enough to break a rifle in half!* Feel the call of the wild! Drink Wulver's Wrath today!

*(Note: Claims of superhuman strength have not been proven true by the FDA)

Grace's Grand Brand Beauty Cream: Made with all natural ingredients, Grace's Grand Brand Beauty Cream™ is guaranteed to leave your skin feeling soft and smelling good. From a few drops for your hands to a hearty glob for your legs, this creamy goo will do right by you!

Again, these exciting items are available today (April 1st) only, so be sure to put in your orders today!

And our enormous thanks to Nocturn3 for developing these while the rest of the team has been working on Changeling Tale proper!