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Since we're making good headway on all things concept art related, I thought I'd share some sneak peeks this week! With all the old sketches exported at full resolution and the written insights complete, it's just been a matter of designing a layout-- and I'm pretty excited with how it's looking so far! (Minor spoiler warning: some of the images in the book may contain spoilers for those who haven't played through all the chapters!)

Here are a few sample pages from our first draft:

The Interior Title Page and Table of Contents. Page numbers aren't final!

Some of the MacLeods' Character pages. Formats & layout are still in their draft stages, and may change in the final version!

We're also including smaller scale unlockable concept art galleries in the game's character profiles for the major characters! Once unlocked it behaves like any other gallery in game, and looks something like this:

We went with a more collage-themed style here than in the art book, to give it a different feel and fit more to a page. Some thumbnails have multiple pages behind them.

What do you guys think so far of these layouts? We're excited to exhibit the sketches and design work that went into making all the art of Changeling Tale, and can't wait to share them with you!



It looks really nice! The amount of things per page doesn't make it look too cluttered. Looking foward to the final product! 😄

Scott Wulf

Wow! That looks beautiful, truly! I'm really looking forward to it!




Looks really good


I like the layout! Can't wait to see the finished piece!


Looks like so much fun


Layout looks pretty neat. The cover is plainer than I had expected but the innards are formatted real nice! Good work! I'd say your research grinding paid off!


Thanks! Once all the pages are done, then we just have to find someone willing to print NSFW content XD


Thanks Noc! Don't worry, the cover will be much fancier-- that's just the inside cover there ; )


You could always keep it as is failing that. But take my advice, add another dog to that wolves in moonlight scene there. for added luck, you know


The book is coming along nicely!


Looking great! Will you be selling any posters or merch at AnthroCon?




I love the layout of the art book! It looks so polished!


That's the fond hope! We're aiming to have pins, stickers, prints, dakis, and any art books leftover after distributing the patron rewards!