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Dakimakura Reverse Side Options (Input)

  • Human Form 24
  • Mid-Transformation 136
  • Final Form (same as front side) 34
  • 2023-01-16
  • 194 votes
{'title': 'Dakimakura Reverse Side Options (Input)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Human Form', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Mid-Transformation', 'votes': 136}, {'text': 'Final Form (same as front side)', 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 16, 3, 11, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 194}


With our table at Anthrocon confirmed, we're doing our best to make sure we have some merchandise ready in time for the convention! Some of the most requested items are, of course, dakimakuras (body pillows), which we plan to make for each of the MacLeod sisters.

One side of the body pillow will feature a front-facing sister in a final post-TF form. The opposite side will naturally depict the same girl in a rear-facing position, just like a typical dakimakura. That said, because we are a transformation-themed project, we have the option to present the character here in a different form! Is that something you'd be interested in?

While the team will make the ultimate decision, we'd definitely like to hear what you think. Please give us your feedback: What form should the reverse side of the body pillow depict?



I would so buy these though I won't be able to make it too the con, though I wouldn't mind buying them online too since they will definitely be amazing .


I'd happily take mid tf or human form! I think it's a nice action thing that breaks up the monotony of the usual dakimakura. It might catch more eyes! But despite your and Wat's statements about the quality of the sister's human forms, I think they would be cute to have as a design for each side. Either that or a mix? Jessie with Mid TF and Post Marion with human [or ""Human"", have her with her tail, ear and horns popping out like in the first reveal during the church outing] and Post TF and Grace...well, Grace is a difficult one. There already IS a Grace daki. BUT it could do with some retouching by LN to make it truly complete! If you wanted one from scratch though, why not a Mid TF of her human form [her scales coming in, tail starting to develop, we webbed hands and feet] and the back part could be her truly final form. Either with her entire body to scale or just a close up of her face and cleavage to give that sense that she's too big to fit on the canvas of the pillow.


I'd love to get me some, but I'm not gonna be there.

Jared K Gonzalez

...okay need to plan a few hundred extra bucks now lol. But yeah personally either a human side or a Mid TF would be neat.

Isac Arellano

if you make a section on website were we can buy merchandise i would be happy to contribute by buying some :)


We'll try to make them available to all for a limited time later this year, while supplies last!


I agree, it's a great opportunity for TF-themed characters! Glad to see it looks like most feel the same way!


All excellent ideas! I'm really glad folks are receptive to the idea of mixed form dakis, I think it will make them pretty unique!


Good to know, hopefully I'll be able to get one of each.


Def Mid...in a good way!