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While getting the game ready for launch is our main priority, we do have a few other plans in the works-- one of which is having a presence at one of America's biggest furry conventions! We're happy to announce that we just received confirmation that our AnthroCon booth has been accepted!

A photo of our Demo Booth at Anthro New England 2018, the only other time we've shown off CT at a convention, when the game was still early in development. At the time we were set up in the Game Room, but at AnthroCon we will have a proper booth in the Dealer's Hall!

Since the convention isn't until summer (6/29-7/2), we'll have plenty of time to prepare our booth-- and by then, we should have a fully launched build to share with visitors! We're also hopeful that we've been seated next to a table belonging to our friends behind fellow transformation-themed visual novel, Mice Tea. If you like Changeling Tale, you should definitely check them out!

We'll post a reminder and an update with our booth's location closer to the event! It's still a few months out, but we wanted to share the news while there's still time to make travel plans. For those of you planning on attending the convention, we hope to see you there!


Jonathan Kevin Broadhead

That's wonderful news one of my friends is going to have a stall at Anthrocon this year as well.

Lunatico Ursus

I wish you much success in the con. I would like to see some day a collaboration with Mice Tea XD. just imagine certain cafeteria employees interacting with fae magic. or certain sisters enjoying a mysterious tea XD


I don't attend cons but congratulations regardless!


It's a fun experience if you've never been! Truly amazing seeing all those fursuiters in one place.


So is mice tea a steam game like changeling tale?


Hey! Sounds amazing! Congratulations on being invited to this event. Great luck! ✌👍

Giza White Mage

That's wonderful, I'll see you there!


Nice so the patreon is to flesh out everything for the draft/game (votes, storyboard drawing and such)?


Will try and stop by you know how busy my cons are XD

Giza White Mage

I was there, but I don't think we were actually able to connect because of my staffing duties.


Wow! This is good news. Happy about it and I already feel your anticipation from this!)) I am very glad that now you will have a proper booth in the Dealer's Hall


Mice Tea dev here! At this point the story is complete and we’re focusing on polishing the game before release. The Patreon is currently for getting early access to the game as well as monthly stickers for those at $10/month or higher

