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Thank you again to everyone who gave their input in our recent posts about naming the ship and Grace's sprite design! If you want to be surprised with how they are presented in game, you may wish to stop reading here. But if you don't mind spoilers, read on!

Ship's Name

I'm excited to share that we've added a system by which you can custom name the ship... and Grace may make a unique comment on it! We've taken every name you've given us-176 and counting-and are creating short, bespoke responses to as many of them as we can. We hope that makes the game feel just that much more alive! If you have any more ship name suggestions of 6 letters or fewer, let us know here or in the comments on the original post! 

Grace's Sprite

We were quite surprised that the well-endowed Grace design nearly tied with the flat Grace design, with both receiving about 3/7 of the votes. We're not ones to want to disappoint anyone, so you'll be happy to know that all three designs will be present in game!

Here's a sneak peek of the finalized sprites!

  • Flat: This version can be seen playing in SFW mode.

  • Endowed: This version can be seen playing in NSFW mode.

  • Ludicrously Endowed: We salute all of you who voted for these oversized mammaries, which were half-intended as a joke! This version can be seen by unlocking a special easter egg... somewhere... which will impact all subsequent Grace sprites and scenes accordingly. Happy hunting!




Y'all are just spoiling us now. X3


That so cool that you guys are adding customization into the game!


Shocked Grace with the large chest alt just makes me chuckle, it’s like she realizes how ludicrous it is and is genuinely surprised they got even larger lol


I dont know if these have been suggested already, but I like Selkie and Naiad. Both are mythological water creatures, One Scottish, one Greek. Selkies that marry humans will leave them to pine and die alone, which I feel accurately represents Malcoms fear of Grace leaving him. Naiads are tied to a body of water and can only live in and around it, representing Grace being essentially trapped in the loch by Malcoms love, and the fact that if she ever does leave, she will essentially be abandoning her humanity and her existence as "Grace". Edit to add: I also like Pledge a lot, as the ship is a physical embodiment of their pledge to love one another

Scott Wulf

Well...Those are certainly sights for 4-eyes....I wonder how much hunting one will have ta do for said egg.,...damn straight I am aiming straight towards the top....though it's all loverly...


Can't believe that there was 176 names given for the ship. Also, 3 variants of Grace's form is great! Though it leaves a big question: is she ever going to switch between feral and anthro, or would she remain in her feral form at the end of the story?


I'd call this the ideal outcome for both features. Thank you for putting in all this extra work!

Rey Fox

Current end of Chapter 3 form is best. Maybe just because I don't want poor Malcolm to get crushed. Although my personal perception is that this is for if Grace goes fully native and Malcolm loses her. But then again, if she still has boobies, then maybe they really are destined to be together. 😛 Or maybe he needs to be blessed by the fae as well...


This is the best possible scenario!


It may not be easy to find the Easter Egg, but I'm sure the intrepid explorers who do will be happy to share it on Discord!


Chapter 3 did end on a high note-- you'll all find out pretty soon where it goes from there!