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Having just finished the last of Jessie's frame assets, and with only epilogue art and a few odd scenes to go, it looks like the next Early Access build will be ready to release in around two weeks! Since the stuff I've been finishing has too many spoilers to post, and with this big milestone just ahead, I thought now might be a good time to share with newcomers how far we've come since the early days of the project.

When I started work on Changeling Tale in early 2017, I was both excited and terrified. It felt amazing to embark on this dream project, but... I didn't have a team yet. I was learning how to code in Ren'Py on the fly. And most importantly, I didn't know if the story would resonate with readers.

It did! Even when Changeling Tale was nothing but a handful of mocked up screenshots and a synopsis, it received support beyond anything I could have imagined-- something that was and continues to be incredibly humbling. I was able to assemble the team, and a few months later, the first Demo Build of Changeling Tale was released: Jessie's Chapter 2.

While it was a little unorthodox to start in the middle of the story, we wanted to let players dive into the plot and get a feel for what Changeling Tale would ultimately be. It also let us pioneer our storytelling methods, experiment with how to show action, and construct a foundation that we've been building on ever since.

Jessie's Chapter 2 was about 11k words long, and had 65 unique scenes and frames. Each chapter since then has matched or exceeded the previous as we've grown as artists and storytellers. Fast forward to today, and we are wrapping up Jessie's final chapter with over 44k words and 131 unique scenes and frames.

Of course, more isn't necessarily better! We've pushed ourselves with each chapter, and with this one we bit off more than we could chew-- at least, within a reasonable time frame. We'll be dialing back the scope a little with Grace's final chapter while still striving for the high bar set by her sisters' finales!

Also, numbers don't tell the whole story. They don't speak to the great team we have, nor to the helpful feedback you've given us to make Changeling Tale the best it can be. They don't describe the amazing community that has grown up around this game, nor the way it inspires and motivates us. And they *certainly* can't quantify the amount of gratitude we have for each and every one of you helping make Changeling Tale become a reality!

...That said, numbers *can* be pretty cool ; ) Some of you have asked for the game's statistics, so I tallied a few totals and made these charts. While they don't show the entire picture, they help illustrate how far we've come and where we are today. As a creator, it's eye-popping to see the sum totals of 5 years of work, even if those totals are a bit abstract. We have come a long way, and we still have quite a journey ahead-- one we hope you will continue to take with us!

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts! And if you find information like this interesting, let us know and we can provide updates from time to time!




It’s great to hear all the progress you guys made! Just ludicrous to think how much content has been added over the years. Amazing job all of you!

Lunatico Ursus

it's pretty cool how far this project has come. and it excites me to think how far it can still go. congratulations


Nice! You guys have been great and have grown a lot. So many words! 😲Congratulations on the achievement that is Changeling Tale! 👍

Jared K Gonzalez

I know I've been a late newcomer to the story, even though I heard about it way back in March 2021, it wasn't till about 2 weeks ago did i finally sit down to try it. What I found was a project with miraculous amounts of love for the craft, and talents abroad. I wish I would of looked into this sooner so that i could of contributed a tad bit more with this heartfelt work of art.


Thanks! The project has always felt huge, but it even took me by surprise just how big those numbers were!


We really appreciate the kind words! And speaking of words, all of you who've played through all three paths have effectively read a 550 page book, single-spaced!


Every time we hear from one of you about how much you enjoy the game or how much the story has positively impacted you, then we, as a team, know we're on the right track. Thank you so much for giving Changeling Tale a try, for your support, and for your very generous review!


I discovered this game about a week ago and I am loving it. I'm excited to see what is coming. Also, how many paths are in the game right now?


Glad you found us! Right now there are three paths in the game. One is complete, another will be completed this month, and the third will be finished by the end of the year.


I found this game about a week ago and I've gotta say, you and your team have done a great job with it. I'm not one to get emotional over games but Grace's route and character spoke to me in a way that no other videogame character has. I even found myself tear up multiple times, which is something I rarely do. I can't wait for Grace's final chapter and congratulations to you and your team on this upcoming milestone!


It's always humbling to hear when someone has been touched emotionally by these characters and their stories. Thank you so much for supporting and playing the game! We hope you enjoy Grace's upcoming big finale!

James Sargeant

This game is hands down one of the best I've ever seen. The story is amazing and emotional. Dont even care about the adult aspect.

James Sargeant

Your welcome, is there more to the two younger sisters story, because they seemed shorter than graces


I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand-- Grace is the youngest sister, and her chapter is the shortest for now as we have not yet completed her final chapter. Marion's story is complete, and Jessie's finale will be released very soon! Both Marion and Jessie's stories have multiple endings, which may impact the length of the story you read.

James Sargeant

Sorry thinking marion, I read something like 4 books a week. I have trouble with names. Is there going to be walkthrough made for the game or is that what that book is for.


We aren't planning on making a full walkthrough, although we have created an in-game hint system (in the preferences menu) that indicates important choices and which choices lead to which characters' story lines. We've also pinned a list of the locations of all the Easter Eggs in the spoilers channel of our Discord server. If the community wants to create a more comprehensive walkthrough, we would welcome it!

James Sargeant

Sweet already preordered the game on steam