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Just a quick heads up that Patreon's Itch.io integration seems to be down! We learned about the problem yesterday, and we and several other game projects have support tickets in with Patreon and Itch.io to resolve the issue.

Hopefully it won't take long for them to fix the problem, but until then, if you need to download the current Early Access build, please DM either myself or Watsup here or on Discord and we will send you a direct link. There will also be a brand new Early Access build just around the corner with Jessie's completed final chapter, so if you plan on playing Jessie's path, you may wish to wait just a little longer until the build with her full story line is available!

EDIT: The Itch.io portal is up and running again! You should be able to download the current Early Access normally again. If you continue to run into any issues, let us know!



Seems like everything related to patreon is having problems, for me at least. Still haven’t gotten any of my other pledges to go through this month.


It sounds like their IT team is buried in tickets, so there must be a lot afoot right now. But the Itch.io portal seems to be fixed, so at least that's one less bug to worry about! Hope your other pledges go through soon!