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For Jessie's final chapter, we're experimenting with a new approach to creating a sex scene. Rather than write the scene and illustrate it according to the script like we normally do, we decided to let Wat create the most sumptuous images he could come up with and write the scene accordingly.

Wat came up with 35 sketches. Thirty-five of them. I think he likes Jessie!

As an approach, I think it's made the scene much more fluid, allowing more to be shown and less written. It's also a ton of art to have to ink and color-- and while I can't guarantee every piece will make it into the final cut, I will do my best ^^; 

Without spoiling all of the art, here is a sneak peek at some of the pieces Wat drew! He also posted a few other sketches recently on his own Patreon. I'm looking forward to fleshing these out!

These and more will feature in the upcoming Beta Build, which we should have ready for our Beta Tester tier either by the next post or the following one!  #Soon




Mmm yes, these look great. All this is good practice for the next and best sister. 😉


Malcolm's cute over there has also changed to a wolf's! I can't wait.


I find the lack of collars disturbing.


OH this chapters gonna be REAL good. I can feel it XD

Scott Wulf

Hot Damn! Gonna howl at the moon after seeing those, or maybe just spend some extra time with Jessie...gonna go with that plan....hot damn...


I'm excited and its turning out great. It's going to be some knotty fun when finished ;3

Swex The Mischievous Fox

knot knownig how it is ending aaaaarg some really nice sketches!! realy looking forward to the next part of Jessie her story


Yes indeed. Wat promised me collars once the sketches were complete. Promised! Totally!


Oh hot god damn, I would just love to do this to Jessie both in human and wolf form for her. Such a hottie and good girl. Love her so much.


35 sketches? I'd say someone was inspired. ;3


35 sketches, that's actually pretty nice considering how long that could take for some people XD


Id only pick out a portion to import into the game. 30 pics for one sex scene is too much.

Tmothy B. Ross

Nice. Looking forward to this. Maybe post the sketches not chosen on patreon after the chapter releases.


That's fair! I'll release one more alpha so we can see how it flows as Wat drew it, and we can make decisions if we need to cut anything from there ^^


Yeah, we'll definitely make sure anything left on the cutting room floor are seen either in an unlockable gallery, on patreon, or in the art book!


Love the pictures and the idea to make it more visual than written. Jessie is definitely the more sexy looking, can't wait for the final chapter!!!


Lots of good woof lewds :B

Alastor is god

Love chapter 5 of Jessie's story. I think im getting to attached to her and hate to think that her story is over soon


It will be bittersweet for us to complete her story as well, but we'll try to make sure her chapter finishes with a flourish!