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While we work on coding and illustrating Jessie's final chapter, our writer is preparing Grace's story line to be ready for us down the line!

What elements would you like to see in the end of Grace's story? What scenes would you like to see, and how do you envision the climax and epilogue to Malcolm & Grace's romance? Let us know in the comments below or in Discord!

(Image courtesy of an artist who Definitely Gets It, General Irrelevant!)




Seeing as Grace probably doesn’t fit in the house anymore, I’d love it if she were able to outfit a little homestead out of the ship, where she can live in privacy with Malcolm, while still maintaining contact with Marion (and Jessie?).


I for one would like to see her and Malcolm have children and also them traveling to see the places she wanted to see. TBH, It's actually really hard me for to think of anything else, really funny since Grace my favorite of the 3 sisters.


I’d absolutely love to see some kind of tail play scene, a tail that hefty is just BOUND to catch Malcolm’s eye. And I’d love to see it creatively incorporated into one of the NSFW scenes.


I bet Malcolm and Grace could definitely take their own place in the fish market considering Grace is exceptionally well at catching fish.


Serious: One of the endings involves them actually going to the Caribbean for a honeymoon. More undersea (underloch?) exploration and adventures as Grace continues to both test her abilities and show Malcolm the world she loves so much. More funny and charming antics involving the couple's size difference and Grace's personality Silly: Grace catches fish for her and Malcolm to enjoy during another romantic evening beside the loch. When Malcolm asks how many she's caught, she says about Tree Fiddy. Grace and Malcolm escape the town by reenacting the ending scene of Free Willy.


I've already spoken my piece about the matter at length, instead I'll add something I missed, we know Marion ends up with someone so perhaps we could get a little lore regarding their relationship?


More transformations...

Tmothy B. Ross

As for endings, I would like to see one where the couple settle on a more coastal homestead. Maybe at a lighthouse.


Female Malcolm transformation as a ending path would be nice to see.


If she can transform at her will in the end. Malcolm will be a fisherman Or open recovering sunken goods business and Grace can help him with her amazing power and charms. Or MORE TRANSFORMATION PLEASE!


maybe malcom trying to pull out and her shoving him back in with her tail so he can't. sounds like something she would do


I wonder if we got that for Marion's? XP I haven't played yet


Maybe a fishing expedition and Grace tricks Malcolm into getting transformed himself XD


I mean, I would like to play a female Malcolm version for each of the sisters as a path to take.

Fox Face

Would love for a pregnant epilogue with an underwater Grace.

Eric Strause

Some sort of adventure that ends up getting Malcolm transformed into a sea dragon like Grace





Brian Stuckert

I seen the notes for the ending, and I'm not too crazy about it personally. I guess I see why Grace would want to live on some island away from people with Malcom, but it seems it might be a lonely life for them, plus she does not seem to give the people the chance to accept creatures like her.

Brian Stuckert

I guess with one of the others' ideas, maybe living in a costal town would be a better option and she could help with fishing and other things around the water. Maybe once in a while Grace and Malcom could explore the ocean/waters and maybe discover other places. Maybe Grace can really help make amazing discoveries for the world in deep waters and ways to push news ways for the future, maybe even find underwater civilizations like Mermaids.

Brian Stuckert

Speaking of Malcom becoming female, maybe he can somehow transform to a mermaid or some female water creature and dive deep underwater with Grace. Also maybe Grace could have a way to adjust and change her size so she does not have trouble moving into certain parts of land or parts underwater. That is all I can think of.

Brian Stuckert

Good luck on the path and I am looking forward to the ending of Jessie. As I read, it seems like a great best ending for her and Malcom. It would be a great way to make the world aware there are such creatures out there and they don't have to be afraid of them. Maybe pictures of them can be taken along with earlier movie cameras. As for them having a child or children, maybe it would be nice to see a few after they are born, looking cute and maybe playing.


I really hope that Malcom gets to transform into an aquatic form as part of the final chapter. They make such a great couple but I can’t help but feel like the “species” gap is almost too big between them. Seeing them both swimming off beneath the waves together as equals, without Grace having to top Malcom up with air every few seconds, or helping him in rough water would be absolutely fantastic.


I would second this though I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. They seem perfect for each other to live under the sea.


Maybe giving her a bit more power over her transformation instead of making it a permanent change. At least between the last and second-to-last stage of her transformation (so not quite like Jessie), assuming that there isn't more to come. And just living the good live. Going on adventures to see remote places she wanted to see sounds like a perfectly fine ending. :) Wholesome is what I would call it.


I really want see the scene of Malcom drifting on the water on Grace's Boobs, from the original Grace design. It would show the size difference when compared to her form in Chapter 3. And if she gets bigger, have Grace Unbirth Malcom. Calling her ride the first submarine ride. Another idea is to make her cave livable for her and Malcom. Calling her Loch Ness, so the town doesn't know that it was Grace, save the good witch. Speaking of which, Malcom and Grace should see her for an "Optional" control on her transformations, which would have different outcome. Also want to see Jessie's reaction to Grace, and Marion's reaction with the fisherman and the bartender.


If i had anything i wanted to see in this chapter its transformation allowing Grace to further grow in her size , maybe and i second this an optional to have some control over her transformations and a result if she doesn't to make it interesting. And the reactions around Grace and Macolm's reaction would be great too. And hopefully a wholesome good ending, while two others that are different and require a drastic change in the choices to do so.


I honestly want to see Grace grow bigger. I would assume being a giant sea dragon will draw lots of attention from the towns people. Seeing Grace deal with the attention and not to mention the size difference with Malcom sounds interesting to me.