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Hark! It has come time to discuss the epic creature of the dark skies and chilling landscape, the nightmarish fever dream that haunts youth and adults alike... the dragon. 
Fiery and huge, with a typical wingspan measured in rods, the dragon is so easy to picture, yet so hard to describe. Born of a single, mottled egg, this fearsome beast doubles in size within hours, reaching its adult height in mere days. Should ye stumble upon a dragon bairn, count yerself lucky when you both steal a glimpse of the rare spectacle and survive the encounter without the fierce mother dragon eating you whole.
The garbled call can be heard from leagues off. Their sharp-tipped wings— covered in glittery scales—  flap so hard tree limbs will snap. The fire from their roar will char a home to the ground in the blink of an eye. Fire-breathing dragons can be tamed by few; witches all. Ne’er follow a siren to the cave of a dragon lest ye are looking to be tormented. 
What good these dragons be? While the males are full of unquenchable rage and desire for destruction, it is well-known that the female of the species possess a cunning nature, one that is both alluring and also just as deadly. Beware her hypnotic gaze, those glowing red eyes of mystery and deceit. They will lure you with the taunt of pleasure, only to offer you a slow death filled with unimaginable pain. But whilst on the prowl nightly, these female dragons protect all, summoning vengeance only on those most deserving, providing shelter and rescue to those most in need.
In 1889, a young woman claimed to have found cracked dragon egg shells the size of human heads on the shores of Ach-na-Creige near castle ruins. Her story was never confirmed, but the shell fragments are on prominent display to this day at the Northern Shores Hightower Museum in Plockton. Curators claim the shells glow during specific moon cycles, and offer restorative properties to various skin conditions when handled deftly.


For our eighth Baird's illustration, at last we have the much anticipated dragon! So majestic.

I'm working on setting up the code for Baird's in-game as well, so you can look forward to perusing these entries in Changeling Tale next build-- if you've played enough of the game to unlock them all!

Month by month, we'll keep filling out the compendium with new and mysterious creatures voted on by you. Sponsors can vote on next month's entry here:





Once again, awesome art! It captures greatly how comfortable and relaxed she is...makes me want to take a nap too. 😆 Gorgeous!


Whoa.. better stay away from them dragons. No wonder they are epic creatures to lay...I mean slay


Dragons can and will snuggle if ye be of pure heart. No better companion to travel the lands, light your fires, and protect their hooman treasure.


Dragons oh yes love them dragons oh oh ooohhhh yes i see this one playing out well.