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What Kind of Sneak Peeks Do You Prefer to See?

  • Sneak Peeks of Finished Scenes 141
  • Sneak Peeks of WIP Scenes (e.g. Sketches) 177
  • 2021-01-16
  • 318 votes
{'title': 'What Kind of Sneak Peeks Do You Prefer to See?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sneak Peeks of Finished Scenes', 'votes': 141}, {'text': 'Sneak Peeks of WIP Scenes (e.g. Sketches)', 'votes': 177}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 16, 21, 6, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 318}


We've shared quite a few scenes from this chapter over the course of its development (don't worry, there are still lots more yet unspoiled!), and that's got us thinking about how we present our sneak peeks. Three fifths of you have said in a past poll that it's important to you to avoid spoilers, but nine out of ten still enjoy sneak peeks at the art. So here's the question:

When we share a sneak peek, would you prefer to see the art as it will appear in game, or would you rather see an earlier stage of the art (e.g. a sketch) so its finished look in-game isn't spoiled?

In the latter case, we would still make the full resolution finished scenes available to our Sponsor Tier in our Hi-Res Art Pack; we just wouldn't include them in the sneak peek posts.

What do you guys think? In addition to voting, feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts below, or discuss the subject in Discord!



either or both,, but leaning towards WIP, so i voted for that


I can see on one hand sketches being useful but also seeing sneak peeks of Finished scenes also coming in handy. I honestly think that as long as it doesn't give away too much of the story then either is fine.

Lunatico Ursus

I like the finished scenes, I just hope they are not too spoiler. In general they are not, I like how they have done so far


I'd be in favor for WIPs. That way, people get excited to see the end result AND it potentially can give you more teasers to post!


I would love both.


I might hesitate to post even more teasers than we already do, but we can definitely mix them up if people want!


Well thats a tough poll...

Endark Culi

I'm a fan of behind-the-scenes stuff; the development process, notes in the margins, etc., and not just the culmination. So I'm voting for WIPs!

Xilryu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:42:18 I don't mind either cause I'll still marvel over the art and scenes for the game. Admiring every second of it. <3
2021-01-17 02:42:31 I don't mind either cause I'll still marvel over the art and scenes for the game. Admiring every second of it. <3

I don't mind either cause I'll still marvel over the art and scenes for the game. Admiring every second of it. <3

Brian Stuckert

Rather go by sketches, drafts, those kinds of drawings. Rather be surprised when we see the final product or later updates. Still looking forward to the game this year. Hope it becomes successful.


I am happy with either choice. But for the finished scenes I would not want it to be something that we don't already know. As an example, if you were working on a scene with Grace (best girl in my mind) and we did not know what she was changing into then I would not want to see anything featuring that. It essentially comes down to the act that I would not want anything plot relevant to be spoiled by a scene.


We've got WIPs galore, so that would definitely open up the kinds of content we could share!


Totally understandable! We'll do our best to post only scenes that can be plausibly anticipated for a given chapter, and nothing that would be a big surprise.

Mr Tan

Is it possible for the player tier to access finished scenes as well, albeit they have to somehow enable the option to view? I think some of us do treasure these scenes even if they are spoilers


A few months ago I'd asked Patreon to create a spoiler tag that would work on both text and images, and backed it up with data from our polls indicating that a significant number of Patrons would appreciate it, but their response was vague and noncommittal :( If they ever implement it, that would be the ideal solution! In the meantime, based on these poll results, I think we'll plan on mixing up our sneak peeks, some WIP and some finalized. The final scenes can always be accessed in the in-game gallery after release!


i think the unfinished WIPS are better to give us an idea at the design and not spoil all of what happens in the game. i do love how wholesome the art feels and i can't wait to see the final chapter.