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As we finish illustrating and coding Marion's final chapter, our writer is wrapping up Jessie's story line for our next build! We have a pretty good idea how it will end — several endings, in fact! — but before everything is set in stone, we wanted to reach out to you guys for your input.

Patrons in the Beta Tester Tier can get a sneak peek of what we have in mind in our recently updated Working Documents (Major spoilers!).

What elements would you like to see in the end of Jessie's story? What scenes would you like to see, and how do you envision the epilogue to Malcolm & Jessie's romance? Let us know in the comments below or in Discord!

(Image courtesy of the meme master himself, General Irrelevant!)




I've said it before and will say it for every one of the girl's chapters. I want to see their family in the epilogue, show us Malcolm and his love either it be Grace/Jessie/Marion with a son or daughter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you can't without having children but it seems appropriate. One idea I have is that at the end of the arc, you have a montage of pictures of Malcolm and his love doing things together like taking a trip to Glasgow with Jessie, or visiting the Bahamas with Grace. Then other stuff like bike riding with Jessie, her performing at a concert hall or something like that, and then the image would be Malcolm and his girl at their cottage with a baby.


Personally, I'd love a TGTF of Malcom for letting his newly acquired infection go wild. An adventuring "sisters" kind of ending.


I just wanna see a scene of Jessie and Malcolm howling together within the luminosity of the pale moonlight. Both of them being able to wildly enjoy their freedoms without reserve or anything holding themselves back


Jessie bites her sisters and everyone becomes a lycanthrope. All live like a pack of wolves. Also, have Jessie sing as a wolf.

Tmothy B. Ross

A good ending with an elderly Jessie and Malcolm visiting their grandchildren for Christmas.


This would be SO fantastic. Cute, wholesome endings are my jam. I’d love to see epilogue scenes like this for all three of the sisters.

Lunatico Ursus

Maybe a TF ending for Malcolm


Lots of TF


I would say for Jessie considering what happened in chapter 3 it should end happily. Now it could end with Malcolm and her heading to the big city after peace is made in their home village seeing as how her father at the end of chapter 3 really didn't like her on stage as a flapper girl. Perhaps the ending could be she makes it big with Malcom helping her emotionally (Like keeping her head in check so the fame doesn't get to her head) and other support. Perhaps maybe even forming a couple duo (For all we know maybe Malcom has a hidden untapped talent). Another possible ending is that Jessie realizes that what she wants is not the city life after all. Obviously loving times with her wolf form and who knows maybe part of the magic is Malcom getting his own wolf form. However the best way to cap it all off regardless is seeing the family the two will raise.


Has anything been set up for Marion and Grace at the end of Jessie's story? Like anything for a epilogue. I know its weird but I don't remember them having a B plot during Jessie's story.


Jessie is not suited to a quiet, pastoral life. Her leaving seems more like an inevitability. I doubt Jessie's traveling will be stopped by Malcolm or her father, the bigger question is whether or not Malcolm leaves with her. It might be good for him. To experience the greater world, outside of the narrow frame of war, accompanied by someone who can experience things with clear eyes. Even if it becomes impossible to travel to human cities, the fae world could be a means of escape for the both of them. I don't think it's right to have Malcolm force himself in between Jessie and Owen, this is Jessie's fight. I imagine that she has a climactic confrontation with her father and , inevitably, she will leave. Malcolm's involvement is likely more about whether he chooses to be an ally or an intervening force; if he can help to make Jessie's parting with her father and sisters amicable or if she has to cut all ties and slip away in to the night. How, all depends on Owen MacLeod's character. You could even make a sort of golf minigame by using the dialogue options to have Malcolm choose the right club for a given situation. It could even be so bad it's funny, with Malcolm breaking Owen's club if he messes up too much "Who uses a driver as a sand wedge!?". I can also imagine a path where Malcolm tries to play the savior and loses Jessie because of it...Granted I think Jessie's story has the potential to be the most dramatic or even tragic of the three sisters (sorta fitting considering her personality). This story's bad end could have some deaths in it.

Lunatico Ursus

by the way. Any approximate of when the new built could come out? impatience is killing me XD




This is the largest chapter we've done so far and it's our first "ending" for a romance, so it's taking a bit longer than normal. The goal is always to get it to you guys as soon as possible, and we're working on it every day, any guess other than that would just be a guess, unfortunately!


While I could see a more wolfish transformation based on how the last chapter ended, I think Malcolm becoming a stag like in his dream would allow for a very interesting hunter and prey dynamic between the two of them as well as tying a nice little narrative bow with the callback. Also on a completely different note as a funnier ending I could see something happening where the wolfness spreads throughout the town and it just becomes a secret of everyone living there.

Rey Fox

I dunno, I don't even want to look at the longer suggestions on here, I'd rather let the story happen. I'm just waiting for the tearful reunion of Mal and Jess out on the moors somewhere.


Oh my god... I don't know... Like... I really had a rough time with the last chapter since I didn't want Jessie to leave but also didn't want to prevent her for living her dreams... I'd really like that worked out more, maybe multiple endings. Maybe one where Malcolm leaves with Jessie, one where Jessie stays and... well.. a break up? God I'd hate that... I can imagine that Malcolm gets "infected" with lycanthropy and becoming a werewolf himself. For certain scènes... Maybe a little bit of petplay roleplay? where Jessie (or Malcolm) is wearing a leash while the are doing it. I don't know... I love Jessie's arc, she is a precious doggo.

Thistle Fox

I’m just hoping for a happy ending for Jessie. She’s a good girl with big dreams, and I hope she gets to see some of them come true.


Hmm probably more TF and well a good ending for Malcolm and Jessie. if i haven't said already.

Travis Sebastian

Having just joined this Patreon a few days ago and getting to play the full Jessie stories, I have to say the ending dearest to my heart is where Malcolm is ecstatic to have become a werewolf and both he and Jessie remain as werewolves when they move to Glasgow. The only thing I'm a little bummed out about is that they never let Marion in on the secret at the end in that story line.

Travis Sebastian

Well, having done the Jessie story this past weekend, Grace seems like she'd definitely be on board with getting bitten by Jessie. I wouldn't mind seeing that happen in Chapter 5 or after. Not sure how Marion would take it, given that they never told her that Jessie and Malcolm are werewolves.

Travis Sebastian

Yeah. That's my impression too. I would imagine that on subsequent visits back home, Jessie and Malcolm would want to spend most of their time as wolves/wulvers while in the safe company of Agnes and Grace. It would be only a matter of time before Marion found out.