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Ode to the Living Wood

Brambles thick with twisted vines  
Thorny, weaving, bleak, unkind  
Neither rustic forest, nor noble trees  
These trunks hold tales within their leaves  

The living wood birth dryad sylphs
Sown by beithirs’ wooden horns
Saplings grow, bearing leathered fruit
Appearing charred and fallen, shorn
Alive they be, with flick’ring soot
From husks emerge the wood nymphs, born

Where dragons and their secrets sleep
Be wary of them— cautious, fair— 
And they will guide you through their lair
Out amongst the clearings, steep
Interlopers dare breathe shared air

Dare not burn the living wood,
Its smoke a deadly fire
Ne’er slice the branch, nary a twig
Its sap will spill, a singeing ire

All you see is trembling overgrowth,
So close the Corryvrecken whirl,
Grown of fire, no man knoweth
Those roots that run deeper and deeper still


Our sixth Baird's entry is sturdy and magic-imbued living wood! You never know what you may stumble on whilst foraging in the forest on a foggy evening.

Month by month, we'll keep filling out the compendium with new and  mysterious creatures voted on by you. Sponsors can vote on next month's  entry here:


Our author thought to mix it up this time by writing the passage in the form of an ode. Did you enjoy it? Should we add some variety to Baird's posts by departing from prose every so often? Let us know what you think in the comments!




The fog and spiralling wood texture on the dryad are quite nice! An excellent entry for the month. I think the ode style works. It kinda through me off because my brain keeps of trying to read it in rhyme but its a good change of pace!

Scott Wulf

Very nicely done, and a tale of warning to those who would go out without a thought to the woods about them. Glorious visage as well! I look forward to the day when there be enough of these to actually consider compiling together into a book format! Just one more investment on mine part....as if tha' be botherin' me in the slightest!!! Bring it on!!!


That is one creature that I did not heard of before...it reminds me of my OC. Gotta look at the lore later this week. It sounds intriguing.


Oh! I'm always looking forward to new entries for the compendium. Be it for the lore or the art. Great job again! 👏

Isac Arellano

I enjoyed the ode format quite a bit keep up the good work 🐻


OOoih, this looks even better in sepia tones than it did on stream when i last saw it being worked on. So great !


I wasn't expecting the living wood to take on such an appearance. It is quite the sight to see nature given living form..


Haha, yeah, odes are a little wonky that way, with the rhymes on the last and third-to-last lines ^^


Thanks! We'll definitely make these available in-game once there's enough to compile into a "book" there!