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 You might recognize this scene of Grace taking Malcolm for a spin underwater-- it's some of the first concept art we drew for the game! And now that we're at the point in the story line where it will be used, we've updated it to include how Grace looks today. Her form's come a long way since the early days, eh?



Here are both versions, to show how far we've come (and in case there are any original Grace form fans out there, as well!). Patreon is having some technical difficulties right now with the tier selector, so we'll have the full resolution version out to those of you in that reward tier as soon as it's working again.

One last thing: We got some really helpful feedback from last week's post about how deeply you'd like us to hide clues to the overarching story line in Changeling Tale! People seem pretty evenly split between narrative-based and lightly hidden clues, so we will plan on providing a variety of both, making the more important mysteries a bit easier and the less important ones a bit harder-- but not too hard ; ) We'll also be adding some cues early on in the game to make the Easter Egg system a little more intuitive for people new to Changeling Tale. Thank you to everyone who commented and contributed! If you have any questions about it, let us know.




Really amazing seeing how far things have come. I think I like her new design a lot more.

Giza White Mage

Not gonna lie--that jellyfish scares the hell outta me.


Theres a soul/souless joke here somewhere. Jokes aside; i like it. Lets just hope that if if Malc has to rely on grace for air that she keeps those "tongue twisters" to a minimum.


Onward and upward.


They're really crazy, yeah @_@ We saw a barrel jelly off of a pier once, it was the size of a dumpster, haha


I like the compromise on the clues bit. Nice update to Grace.


Yes, it is a good idea with clues. It is necessary to make them simpler and more understandable. Thanks in advance. Thanks also for the provided preview of the underwater scenes.


I still think my idea of giving the player the choice for which one they want to do for clues could be better. But thats just me.


Honestly, this piece was what convinced me to check CT out in the first place!


We definitely want to provide a range for the player, and it's an interesting idea you have! But I think it's a bit overambitious for our project ^^;


So this for Chapter 3 or 4 of Grace sorry I get confused.

Mr Tan

I was just wondering how do you get the "slurp" achievement for Marion. Tried clicking on the udders but didn't work, is there a way to click?


For the "slurp" achievement, you'll have to check a different scene ; ) Feel free to reach out via DM or check our spoilers channel in Discord if you need more hints!