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Calla White

any1 having issues downloading the latest build? itch.io keeps throwing an error as if im not subscribed and I am...


Having the same issue I cant download the latest build because Itch.io won't let me even tho I am defiantly subscribed


Thanks for reporting this, I just sent off a message to Patreon a bit ago and they seem to have fixed it! Can you give the download a shot and see if it works now?


Have you removed the early access build since it so close to the release date? I didn't think about that when I just now became an patron just so I can see the early build.


The Early Access Build is still up for now! Once you have linked your Patreon account, you should be able to access it by clicking the top link in the above post!

Mystery Soup

Hi, I've been a member for quite a while but only recently checked back in. Is it still possible to download the key or have I missed the release and need to go through steam?


If you signed up prior to the games release we can work something out, you'll have to DM Little Napoleon though!


You're still eligible! You should have a link to the form in your Patron Direct Message inbox-- fill out the form, and we'll have a key to you in the next few days!

Mystery Soup

Lovely, thank you indeed! Also, despite being a little late, congrats on the release! It’s cool to see it available in its entirety!


Thanks so much! You should find a link to your Itch key now in your Patreon Direct Message inbox!


Everything looks and sounds good from all the posts! ^^ Is there a difference between 0.4.21, and 0.4.22? I tried 0.4.21 back in november-ish and just noticed the number was a teeny bit different. Just a small bug fix or something?


Pretty much! We added the new logo and added animation to the first TF scene, fixed some image bugs, and made some adjustments to sprites for anatomy and consistency ^^


Always loved keys to maps and this is a great one. You guys put so much care into your game, your sites you use and into us. You’re definitely one of the most awesome developers out there! I really hope you guys make it big and help to influence the field into a more inclusive and friendly environment as you have done so far!!


Thank you for the support, we'll keep trying to meet everyone's expectations :B


Thank you so much for the kind words! We really do strive to set a high standard with this project and this project's community, and we're glad the effort is well-received!


why is there not a android link anymore?


The Android build is the .apk file ^^ There should be a little Android icon next to it on the download screen.

Special K

I cant open the game anylonger


Which build and operating system are you using, and can you screenshot the error you get for us?

Special K

I had issues with the previous version and this latest, my system was identifying it as suspicious preventing it opening and even when instructing it to allow anyways it would flag it as a virus and quarantine files. With some internal files removed i would only get unable to locate exe file, deletion and re-downloading would result the same but i have finally got the program running removing quarantined files and put them into a trusted file list so the antivirus wouldnt ruin the files anymore.


I just became a patron, and for some reason, the early access version of the game, despite downloading fine won’t seem to run at all for me.


specifically, it is a 0xc00007b error, and i've tried all the generic fixes with no luck


Hi Kwin-- I looked up what this issue might be in relation to Ren'Py games and wasn't able to get a solid answer, but I'd recommend trying two things: 1) Update DirectX to the latest version, and 2) Freshly download Changeling Tale with any antivirus software in sleep mode, so it doesn't accidentally quarantine a game file that it doesn't recognize. Let us know if that helps; if it still doesn't work, are you running the game on 32bit or 64bit Windows?


all that work and all I needed to do was follow your second suggestion, thanks so much!


I'm absolutely blown away by this vn. Every aspect is so professional: the plot, the setting, the dialogue, the character development, the music, and especially the art! Though the process will be almost completely unbearable, I'll have to wait until the game's completed to play any more, since I don't think I can stomach another "to be continued". Until then, the least I can do is contribute as much as my student-debt ridden butt can spare. Since I can't spare much, I'd just like the Helmet Fox team to know how much I appreciate your commitment, passion, and willingness to put yourselves out there and share your talents with the world.


Thanks for the positive review and for your support! We're all really dedicated to the project, and are happy to hear when readers are loving so many aspects of it. We'll keep working hard toward release so you can enjoy the rest of it!

Jonathan Kevin Broadhead

I wanted to write a review to say there how much I appreciate this game but Cam literally took the words out of my mouth and conveyed the way I appreciate the game with much more elegant than I could ever muster. Well done.


i still like to write a story to a possible ending for Marion chapter as a option more than anything if a possibility i understand it your project but i just want to throw that idea out there.

James Kane

Hi! I can’t open it I am on mac and cannot make me the owner. I am in finder right now and the “make me the owner” button is greyed out. Any tips?


Hi James-- Does it work if you extract the files out of the zip and into a different folder/drive?

James Kane

No, even if I expand the zip into another folder, it still doesn't allow me to open it.


Just to confirm, the folder you are extracting to isn't inside your downloads folder, right?

James Kane

From the website it has been automatically extracting into downloads. Is there a way not to extract it into downloads on a mac?


You need to move the file into another directory before you run it, OSX will not let you run executable files in the downloads directory to protect you from viruses. When you download it, make it a folder somewhere, then move it there - even your desktop. Files should be drag and drop.


I found a copy of this online and my heart was lost to it so quickly. The characters and the charm the amount of love put into this. I was crying both from happiness and from sadness at scenes and this is a truly breath taking work of art. After seeing it I knew I had to support it. I love how gentle the path I am on is yet at the same time the vulnerability and just passion behind everything. To say this is an emotional ride for me is an understatement. Several projects I've pulled back on so I can show as much support to this as I can as I really hope this carries on its own adventure. This is very unique. I've always had a huge soft spot for relationships that go beyond boundaries out of love and the idea of human or beyond, for the love to not diminish in the slightest hits me to my core how much passion and love that sentiment speaks as well as trust. Honestly would go for £100 a month which is most of what I have left over but alas can't select a custom amount haha Thank you for creating this for so many to be able to experience its honestly breath taking.


Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words and generosity! With support like yours, we're able to continue the project that means so much to all of us. You really don't know how much your contribution means. We love hearing that the story is touching readers and impacting their lives positively. That's ultimately the end goal for the team and the visual novel as a whole. I'll pass along your words to the others, and let them know they're doing a great job. Hope the upcoming chapters hit the mark for you, as well. Thanks again! We can't do this without our amazing patrons, like you!


Very deserved words! I have been around a fair bit reading and playing games and novels and in terms of story and just character building nothing has come close to this. Its lovely to see how supportive and responsive you are to patreons too even so far into it all. Thank you and regardless how it goes with the current foundation I would say you I'm hooked at this point. :)

Aetas Lupa

I am so invested in this story. Thank you for putting this together.

corpsse progress

for some reason the android version just black screens when I load it up. do you know of any fixes for this?


Deleting the game and clearing the cache seems to fix this for some people, have you been able to load it up before or is the first time using it?

corpsse progress

its my first time loading the game on android. ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling which didnt seem to work but i will try the cache clearing idea

corpsse progress

tried it, no such luck. not sure if its my device being weird but ive never had this problem with apks before


Hm, again I'm not entirely sure what the issue is, we're not really able to debug issues with phones because we don't have access to every type of phone :/

Danny Schoofs (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:45:22 I simply love the game & would actually like a Nintendo switch port of it ;) Also hope more stories come out (Actually also interested in Effie's, Hazel's & Alana's stories, tbh) Also, such a beautifull musical score... & ofc, on my mind, are there even more cow girls anywhere, in this beautifull tale? Or are we gonna see Marion's kids someday...?
2021-04-30 22:36:32 I simply love the game & would actually like a Nintendo switch port of it ;) Also hope more stories come out (Actually also interested in Effie's, Hazel's & Alana's stories, tbh) Also, such a beautifull musical score... & ofc, on my mind, are there even more cow girls anywhere, in this beautifull tale? Or are we gonna see Marion's kids someday...?

I simply love the game & would actually like a Nintendo switch port of it ;) Also hope more stories come out (Actually also interested in Effie's, Hazel's & Alana's stories, tbh) Also, such a beautifull musical score... & ofc, on my mind, are there even more cow girls anywhere, in this beautifull tale? Or are we gonna see Marion's kids someday...?


Thanks so much for the kind words Danny! I'd love to see Changeling Tale on Switch, too, but I'm not sure our SFW mode would cut it for Nintendo's censors, haha. While Marion is our only cowgirl, she is not our only ruminant, and we have eleven total romantic storylines in store when all is said and done!


I think I'll finally dl the latest build and give it a try. It'll be my first time since the very first build of it.