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Occasionally people ask us how close Changeling Tale is to completion, and it's a tough  question to answer, because Changeling isn't exactly a normal game with a linear narrative.  It might be better compared to a serialized or graphic novel, where it's less about the whole picture, and more about each issue that gets released!

That  said, now that we've hit our last Romance Funding Goal, Changeling Tale's scope has been finalized and we can share with you how much has been done and how much content there is still to do.  I want to stress that while this reflects our progress, it does not project how long the game will take to complete, because the rate at which we can work is dependent on the size of the team we can support.   

We've weighted each story segment according to the amount of planning and estimated content their associated chapters entail (see this Key for details).  These segments are listed anonymously so as to avoid spoilers, but we will reveal them as they become available in-game.  They are listed in mostly no particular order because it's up to you, the patrons, which segment we work on next!

Hopefully this helps visualize the state of the game!  We'll try to keep this chart updated  after every major release.  If you have any questions, let us know in the comments below or in Discord!



Just a heads up everyone, I moved the key into a link because it was being enormously upscaled by Patreon!


That's interesting. It certainly gives a pretty clear picture on the magnitude you're dealing with here.


Wow, really impressive, how much thought you've put in this!


Good! I'm glad it's visually legible-- I was having a tough time figuring out how to present the information in a simple and concise format!


Well, it's not often you see this level of organization in those "open end/no release date" kind of patreons. Please don't get me wrong, I have full fate in you and your team and the progress you make is obvious... It's just, that I try to not have me spoiled with demos and pictures you've been releasing, so I can enjoy the finished game in all it's glory, when it's released - that's actually the reason I havent commented until now, so for me it's great to see the actual state of progress :)


so Marion still have one chapter left? im worried this is her final chapter XD Thanks for the info I love the game and everytime gets better and better


I'm glad this helps! We've always had a pretty concrete idea of the scope of this project, barring the funding goal expansions we didn't know if we would hit, but a final release date is just too hard to nail down given the fluctuations in support and the fact that this is our first time doing a project like this. That's why we decided to go with serial releases-- and while you're more than welcome to wait 'til the end (just beware that that may be a while), just know that story we are releasing in early access builds is entirely linear, so you don't need to worry about those builds' content spoiling anything in the final game ^^


I fully understand, why you can't give a finale release date... It's already rather impressive, what you've managed to do this far, considering, it's you're first project - and it's a quite extensive one at that. I know, that the final release is more or less written in the stars and I'm willing to support you and your team till then (or longer) - depending on my financial situation that is. And while I appreciate the serial release plan, I'm just not one, who enjoys such "little snippets" of a game, a story or similar - eh, I'm not sure, how to really put it :) Please don't take that as me criticising you, these are just my preferences. What I've seen so far - artworks, trailers, the beautifull soundtrack - are amazing. After all, there are reasons, why I - and others as well - are pumping hundreds of dollars overall in such a "little" graphic novell. We have faith in your work and want to see you succeed :)


I hope there would be happy pregnancy and birthing and happy baby endings to it would make perfect endings


Please don't stop this this is so beautiful art your doing to this game I just love it so much keep it up ❤❤❤❤❤❤