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Patron Decided Romance - Concept Poll

  • Concept 1 (Veteran, Dragon, M/F) 69
  • Concept 2 (Fae Researcher, Fox, M/F) 16
  • Concept 3 (Ferrywoman, Otter, F/F) 61
  • Concept 4 (Nurse, Avian, M/F) 18
  • 2018-10-08
  • —2018-10-21
  • 164 votes
{'title': 'Patron Decided Romance - Concept Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Concept 1 (Veteran, Dragon, M/F)', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'Concept 2 (Fae Researcher, Fox, M/F)', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Concept 3 (Ferrywoman, Otter, F/F)', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'Concept 4 (Nurse, Avian, M/F)', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 21, 18, 44, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 8, 19, 20, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 164}


You've let us know what you want to see-- now it's finally time for the big poll!

Here are four character concepts we've come up with based on your ideas and your top picks from the previous polls.  We're keeping the descriptions intentionally vague to avoid spoilers, but rest assured, we have a story waiting in the wings for whichever one of these wins!

Choose one of the four character concepts below:

Concept 1 (Veteran, Dragon, M/F):

  • Friend of Malcolm's who was disabled in the war
  • Dragon, M/F Relationship
  • A positive story about camaraderie and overcoming disability
  • TF Themes: TG-TF, Size Growth, Instinct, Difficult Decisions/Major Consequences, Flight

Concept 2 (Fae Researcher, Fox, M/F):

  • Researcher in the Fae world, fascinated by humans
  • Fox, M/F Relationship
  • A story that delves more into the lore of the Human and Fae worlds
  • TF Themes: Going into Heat, Instinct, Slow TF

Concept 3 (Ferrywoman, Otter, F/F):

  • Ferrywoman in Malcolm's home town
  • Otter, F/F Relationship
  • A story modeled on traditional Scottish folklore
  • TF Themes: TG-TF, Going into Heat, Instinct, Multibreast, Human to Feral TF, Feral to Anthro TF, TF in Public, Difficult Decisions/Major Consequences

Concept 4 (Nurse, Avian, M/F):

  • Nurse Malcolm met during the war
  • Avian, M/F Relationship
  • A story about healing the wounds of the past
  • TF Themes: Pregnancy, Eggs, Slow TF, Flight

If you have any questions, let us know in the comments below or in Discord.  Voting ends in two weeks' time, so it won't be long until we know who the Patron Decided romance will be!  Have fun and good luck!



Really hope 3 or 4 takes it !


Big fan of 2 and 3, but I think Dragon will win with a landslide;)


They all sound so good! Whichever wins will be a welcoming addition regardless.

Drek the Bat

Love what you have all come up with! Otterwomans list of themes is too good to pass up :D

James Parsons

What will happen if there is a tie?


1 and 3 are both really good!


I really wish we could get all of them one day.


It was pretty tricky to pick between 2 and 3, but the M/F made the decision for me to pick 2.


i really love 1 and feel it will be a very emotional and feel trip

Some Foxy

Damn it... Can't seem to make a decision on which one to choose!


fingers crossed on 3


I'm thrilled that you put the concept 1 on. Cannot wait for the result


Otterwoman? I love it!

Tmothy B. Ross

As interesting as concepts 2, 3, and 4 would be....... Sorry, dragons have always held a bigger interest with me.


it looks like otter has a chance! I'm so excited!!!!


We know that with you guys though, whatever wins will be awesome!


Ideas 1 and 2 is great. Wish we could choose more options in this pole.


Whatever themes don't make it into Changeling Tale, we'll definitely consider for the next game!

LittleNapoleon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:46:16 LL & I collectively d'awed when we saw the idea! It was too good--and too poignant--to pass up! Thanks a ton for the suggestion!
2018-10-08 23:37:37 LL & I collectively d'awed when we saw the idea! It was too good--and too poignant--to pass up! Thanks a ton for the suggestion!

LL & I collectively d'awed when we saw the idea! It was too good--and too poignant--to pass up! Thanks a ton for the suggestion!


I'll be honest, I'm surprised otter's doing so well, and I'm glad it's making for such a close poll! We'll be happy whatever wins!


I wish these were labelled with which include malcolm transforming, only one that's for sure is option 3. i assume others do too


Come on! Otter fans, f/f fans, feral fans, and multibreast fans unite! We can do it!

Liane Rabbitfangs

I'm sure we'll ALL be happy no matter which one wins, but I'm gonna be extra happy if it's #3, for a bunch of reasons. >:3


Number One is hands down the one for me. I can already feel the emotional impact from it and I haven't even read the first word.


I wish this wasn't done with first pass the post voting over some sort of ranked voting system. At least the votes are public and switchable so I can move it off of 2 since it seems to be a dead option at this point.


Ah, I see...so this means everyone better vote otter to ensure mc tf! Alert the media! ;D


Apologies, we've requested ranked voting every single month on the Patreon community page and it is always shot down :(

Ethura Grym

I find the four interesting idea, I would like all the reads ... the choice is really hard ...


isn't it? 3 is my pick because species and unbeatable tf themes imo, but i wouldn't be upset with any of these. that's the good part about it being hard to choose :)

Val Salia

Could always link to an external poll site on occasion if it's really needed!


Ok, since people are having issues with the way the poll works (because patreon). Do others think there should be a run off poll between the remaining three spots to discount the votes the first place would get so as to have a final run between the winner of both polls in a single head to head? Wondering this because it is clear that people would love to rank their votes if they could and it seems like a fair way to find out how much interest was there for the other three ideas since they did pull high in the other polls beforehand.


The poll allows vote switching and is going to be up for 2 weeks, I think we want to have the poll finished soon so we can figure out how to work the character into the game :B If your vote is in 3rd or 4th place, you can switch to your second pick :V


yeah, hey peeps you should do that! ....and switch to 3....hehe. We're closing the gap!


We really wouldn't need to go to a round of three before just moving to a head to head of the top two. Even now if every vote for 2 transferred to 4 it would still only have 26% of the vote (at the time of writing this) which is far less than the votes for 3.


Some day Patreon will implement that sort of poll, and a lot of creators will rejoice @_@ In the meantime, my recommendation is to check in closer to the end of the poll and switch your vote if you like!


We'll make sure to give everyone a heads up near the end of voting to let you change your vote if you like!


Since it seems unlikely the only pregnancy option will be chosen, will any other romance options currently included involve pregnancy? I would absolutely love even just one romance in the game that combined TGTF with pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a tough theme for this particular game, since we'd want to treat it tastefully and really integrate it into the character concept as critical to her character development. Given that the other existing romance options have other primary themes, we'd rather not tack pregnancy on and not do it justice! The next game will probably be a bit less serious--more light-hearted--so we'll definitely keep it in mind for the next one!


I understand, thanks for explaining. I know you guys will do great justice to whatever option wins regardless!


Rip options 2 and 4....3 could really use your votes ;) Check out the themes, they can't be beat!

James Parsons

I'm a little confused about Concept #1. Is it meant to take place in the Fae realm or human world and who is getting TG Malcolm or his war buddy?


oh, i was imagining malcolm would tg....but that's awesome too!


is it possible the the options that don't win could be dlc?


I wouldn't expect so-- we've got a lot of ideas we're excited about for the next game, so we're bound to move on when Changeling Tale is done ^^;


Agh, that's a shame, especially since it's so close....oh well. Either option will be great, and I'm sure that we'll be happy in the long run to get this mysterious next project out as soon as possible!


Have you ever considered a Crossover fan VN between two existing franchises? There's this one called "Turnabout Storm" that meshed Phoenix Wright and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (of all things! XD) quite well!


You mean for the next game? That sounds like fun, but I imagine we'll stick to original material just in case there'd be any IP issues ^^;


Aww now I'm sad that I didn't become a contributor sooner. I am still working my way in the story but I would love to see more tales reminencet to the region this is in ya know? Reading some of the comments though shows that you are also working on another game. I am curious to see where this game will help you jump off to! And no, I won't ask for detials, clearly you post when you need and are happy to do so. So I'll be happy when you do and, till that time, will be happy with such a wonderful masterpiece as this story! Naturally, I'm also curious to know if there is ​any other F/F storylines in this game. And, becuse ​being equal is cool, if there is also a​n​y M/M storylines as well.​


Oh, this is the only game we're working on right now ^^ We're just planning ahead and collecting ideas for what we'll work on next when Changeling Tale's done, since we definitely want to continue making games! As for what's in store for Changeling Tale itself, we have several M/F and F/F relationships planned, but no M/M ones this time around. I don't want to go too much into spoilers here, but if you use Discord at all we do have a Spoilers channel where folks are free to discuss them!