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We're getting into the home stretch now!  Next week we'll come to you with at least 3 character concepts for the new romance, which you'll get to vote on. The concepts will mix and match the top-ranked entries from the polls we've had to date:
  • Top Species: Dragon, Fox, Otter, Avian
  • Romance Type: M/F (we may include one F/F option, since it only lost by one vote!)
  • Top TF Themes: TG-TF, Going into Heat, Pregnancy, Slow TF, Eggs/Oviposition, Multibreast

For our last bit of input before The Big Vote, we want your ideas on the Patron-Decided Romance's Character Background!

This is a tricky one, because only certain ideas will work in the worlds we've built, but we don't want to give away too much just yet and spoil the story.  That said, if any of your ideas happen to be a good fit and sound fun, we'll definitely consider including them in the character concepts!

The character can live in the Human World or in the Fae World, and your feedback can be broad or specific-- but keep in mind that broad suggestions are more likely to fit.  Here are some things to think about:

  • Occupation?
  • How do the New Romance and Malcolm meet?
  • What kind of personality does he or she have?
  • How do Malcolm and the New Romance fall for each other?

Remember that the romance will involve a mix of the top species, genders and TF themes listed above.  Give us your suggestions and if there are any we like that fit, we'll see if we can squeeze them into the character concepts!

Then, next week will be The Big Vote :D  Woohoo!




Occupation: Engineer. The Scots have a reputation for ingenuity during the time period and what better way to show it off than, say, a lady (or a guy that ends up a lady) that happens to turn wrenches and such. Not many motors up that way, but maybe they're down on their luck and can only afford to live out of the way like that? All kinds of fun to be had there! EDIT: Or a steam engineer specifically. Bigger market for those, and they're considered better for remote areas like this village -- and yeah, the dragon would make a great steam engineer! I can provide references and such for steam engines of the time, but the big reason they're better for rural areas (if you don't already know, sorry if you do!) is they'll burn basically anything. (=


The occupation could dovetail with an aspect of themselves. Dragons could be blacksmiths. An otter could be a carpenter or a fisherman. Things like that An avian character could be a midwife, working with the ovi theme


A fox is responsible for the loss of chickens in nearby homesteads, and a fox-hunt is organized. Malcolm is invited and agrees to join. During the hunt the fox is wounded but the trail is lost, and the hunters split up to search. Malcolm soon finds an injured girl nearby (who is of course the fox) and treats her as best he can before taking her back to (her home, the village, whatever works. Also possible she's a feral with no home). Story evolves from there.


Another soldier returning from war, perhaps paralleling Malcolm's character growth but struggles even more integrating with society. Drives people away, until Malcolm reaches out to help a fellow soldier. This aggression might even be caused by the soldier's slow change into a female dragon in heat, leading to the other tf themes of pregnancy and eggs.


Not good with this, but I will try my best :) I think of a WW1 nurse. She would have seen alot like Malcome and that could be the commonground for them. They could meet kinda early or later in the Story. Otter would fit I think.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:46:20 Oooooh I do like that one. <3
2018-10-01 19:05:20 Oooooh I do like that one. <3

Oooooh I do like that one. <3


Idea number 1: romance is a dragon guarding the entrance/ exit to the fae world: it/Malcom first meet when he stumbles into the fae world, and it trys to capture/light Malcom on fire. Malcom is able to outsmart the dragon though. And tricks it into subduing itself. When Malcom frees the dragon it begins to take a liking to him for his honest nature, and things take off from there. Personality would probably be a bit of a an arrogant jerk, but as the story progressed Malcom’s kindness could rub off a bit

Lord Zero 1606

Really like the idea, it would give Malcom a person knowing exactly what he is going through. Have him be older than Malcom and maybe turn him into a former role model from his youth. It would gives us a bit more background and I think seeing him change gender would get some interesting reactions out of Malcom.


Perhaps... A medic who has already met with Malcolm in the past? He or she could’ve helped Malcolm by healing wounds, following his company/group during the war. A brave one, not afraid of anything and who longs for a world without war; he/she engaged to save people and after the war, comes back to his/her hometown... Which just so happens to be Malcolm’s town too. They meet at the market someday and can’t quite believe fate made them meet again. Perhaps the romance is already aware of the fae world and knows or seeks to change themselves somehow. And on a fateful night, Malcolm follows them and they both end up cursed/enchanted to change. It would be nice to have them interact together talking about the war and what comes after, the romance option seeking to help Malcolm overcome the bad memories.


Idea 2: romance is a war refugee from the content arrives in town shortly after Malcom. This person saw lots of the trenches as either a soldier or a nurse (perhaps fighting for the enemy?) gender and what they tf into could vary depending on what you think fit the themes best. but the arc of their romance would hinge on the fact that this person starts off feeling just as isolated (if not more) as Malcom, which serves as their initial connection, Since unlike Malcom, they didn’t even have a home or family to return to. Dialog could include discussions of places both they saw during the war, or the current events. I don’t really have any specific ideas on what the tf/themes would be, only that it’s a character type that isn’t currently in game that would be a good way to develop some more of Malcom’s character/backstory. They could also serve as a good way to provide exposition dumps to the player without forcing Malcom to ask questions about ach-be-crieg he should already know the answer to.


Side note: Passports became a thing in 1914 as a war measure, so the idea of free movement between countries was still fresh in peoples' minds -- that said, I'm not sure how much freedom of movement the average, say, German or Austrian would have into the UK at this time given the passport situation.


Reposed. Say here's an idea! What if this character has a reverse roll? What if the new character seeks love in order to change back into their human form, but doesn't want to be human anymore? (Dragon). She will be something like Norse Valkyrie in appearance and behavior. Make her firebreath while getting drunk and likes warriors and soldiers alike. Making her older and wiser than her appearance, but vain and proud all the same. Imagine a winged armored lady just walk into a bar one day, everybody is just gazing at her, but she only looks at our hero and that's how we begin. She lays unfertilized eggs too!


Repost As for the Fox, she's kitsune from the ninetails story, not from Naruto, were this is a continuation of the original story: <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_spirit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_spirit</a> the fox disguised herself as a woman to be with the human she fell in love with, but was discovered of her true self, and had to flee further West to avoid being killed. This story is how she finds this village and tries to settle here, far from the ninetails homeland, saying that there are many of her kind like her, except that she's a special case. Now our hero will find out about it, and will try to accept her in all forms, though she was feral by birth. She can also help others with their TF, and be friendly towards them, making a harem route possible with her. A very challenging story route for them. Make her a magical witch too to make her even more interesting! Multibreasts would be just the perfect touch!

Tmothy B. Ross

I Like the whole soldier or nurse/medic idea. Meeting Malcom at some point before the story begins can be used to help develop Malcom's character. I see this character coming home (lets say... London), being unable to cope with easing back into civilian life, and moves to a small town in Scotland for a change of pace (and form). If we go with a soldier, make them a man. Either the transformations into another species are slowly turning him into a woman or he is cursed shortly after his arrival to become a woman. With the species transformation a mishap in his attempt to reverse the curse and turn back into a man. If we go with the nurse/medic, make them a woman who may or may not have had feeling for Malcom during the war. She could be possessed by a spirit leading to her transformation.

James Parsons

I had this idea for a character in the game who is basically Arthur Weasley(Ron's dad) from "Harry Potter" meets Maurice(Belle's dad) from "Disney's Beauty and the Beast". A Fae who is absolutely fascinated with the inventions and machines of humanity. He/she loves learning how they work and even experimenting on them with Fea magic to crate something new. Often with explosive results. I'm thinking he/she is a dragon Alchemist/inventor that learned how to forge metals with his/her fire breath to enchant the metal from Lo’Crav and is a good friend of Effie. Effie offend sells/trades parts, books, and magnetizes all about human inventions. Malcolm can learn of this character from Lo’Crav and choose to seek him/her for help or he can simply run into him/her when his/her latest projects explodes. This character has boundless enthusiasm and eternal optimism. Despite all the times his/her project turn to ash and how other fea see him/her as mad freak. He/she dose not see him/herself as a failure. 'for from the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success"! it is this positive out look on live even in the face of such adversity that renews Malcom's love of life. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOyIJVUaoeg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOyIJVUaoeg</a>


Man everyone stole my idea's. Oh well, I would suggest a former soldier or buddy from the war. Starts off as M/M the friend could be like a femboy and slowly TF's into a girl.


Richard Briar was a soldier and a friend during the war. Outspoken and sometimes brash, he has an arsenal of jokes and puns to bring a laugh or two. In the course of the conflict, Briar was wounded by an artillery shell or a landmine and survived, but not without some form of injury. Unable to feel his legs due to the blast, he was sent to the hospital where he spent years on recovery. As war came to an end, Briar would reach out to Malcolm where they would meet at the local pub. Surprisingly, even though he could never walk again, he was still the same as before, telling jokes and telling stories in the war. But old scars remain and the horror creep to every soul that was inflicted in the war. Time would tell if Briar would express his true feelings or remain to hide behind a mask of laughter.


I would suspect the soldier would be a dragon or some avian creature. Though he could never walk, he will be able to soar to the heavens. With Malcolm at his side and a bond grew to never before, what sort of outcome would these two might happen? What sort of result do we get?

Isac Arellano

fae world, goods provider/delivery, dominating female, malcolm is kind/easygoing saw to much "tough guy" attitude during war she likes how accommodating he is and he does nice things for her even without her having to imply or ask for it. Take it away george :p


Newcomer in town. Shy/bashful lady. Malcolm helps her find a place to stay. Finds old cabin she can rent. In the basement, they find some sort of relic connected to the fae world, which when they both grab it it does a thing. Together they start changing. Initiate tg/tf! For both! Slowly. They have to experience/cope with changes together, at first even in the human world. Creates complications for Malcolm now too, not just his partner! Not too many details, but I thought I'd leave it fairly open. Plus, we don't have an exactly super shy type yet. Effie to a degree, but not exactly. Idk if this is the kind of response you want or more details or what.


ooh, maybe add in @OPjack 's idea about her being a nurse from the war! I like that a lot! Also, you already know I'm an otter proponent....hehe. Not sure if shy personality would fit with WWI nurse, but it could work


Don't know if this will fit but how about a more tom boy type character. I know grace is kind of like that, but I mean even more so, like the rough and tumble type. Which could fit any of the proposed species. Maybe a traveler or a run away from home who is visiting and hears he's a war veteran. She's jealous of him, and you could have a good bit of development on how much this upsets malcom. Like I love the idea of them starting off on a horribly wrong foot, since so far all the romances have started on the right foot. I think maybe have them get on the right foot by malcom saving her maybe? This part could be more up in the air.

Fox Face

Co-signing this one. Perfect idea that would integrate well into themes of setting.

Sam wolf

My idea, a Traveling merchant. Not just town to town, but from the human world to the Fae world, trading and selling ...mostly innocent trinkets from the fae to the humans, so he may bring back..well mostly beer and whiskey to the Fae. Upon meeting malcolm, and seeing hes a returning soldier gifts him a little FOX charm, for Luck. He soon starts having dreams, odd dreams, where’s hes..a she! And a fox! Each night he wakes up a little more feminine and foxy. Seeking out the traveling merchant, he learns that they arent what they seem..and he doesnt seem to know why Malcolm is changing! After confessing their true nature as a fox, they travel to the fae world to seek help

Sean Parker

My idea for a tg-tf one would be a male soldier from the war who was a courier, and delivered messages from place to place using a biplane, and develops a love of flying from this. Because of all of his traveling he would tired but cheerful, and know of gossip and interesting things he shares with towns he comes through. After the war, he decided he liked traveling and became a mail courier minus the plane. One day he is traveling through our characters town on a mail run, and runs into Malcolm. He says he has a package the his grandmother ordered or it that its addressed to him, and inside is some trinket that causes the change. (Egg for Dragon, Feather for Bird, etc) Malcolm could keep this at home or carry it around town, and it could cause him to slowly change into a female bird or dragon when talking with the mail courier, and having him show how big and wide the world is, and that it's even more beautiful in the air. After that, it'll turn into dealing with what Malcolm is turning into, and figuring out how long the courier will actually be in town. Maybe for a week or so, and you can convince him to stay a little longer as feelings develop, or maybe have an ending where Malcolm goes with him. FLy off into the sunset if you will.

James Parsons

For TF's I have this ideas that the character is a female dragon who gives her blood to Malcolm after he was badly hurt to save his life. I'm thinking he was hurt when another of the dragon's projects goes wrong. This will cause the dragon to doubt herself. for the first time something she made hurt someone and she blames herself.


What about for the f/f bird TF, Its a Female pilot who had been pretending to a male in order to fight in the war. Shes tough and boisterous and doesn't initially like Malcolm. However they are able to find common ground when weird stuff starts to happen....... ; )

Liane Rabbitfangs

I think an interesting idea would be a female otter meeting Malcolm as he rests by the loch on a walk. Through some means, possibly a magical object of some sort, they both are transformed, but each only part way so that the otter becomes an anthro mixture of human and otter as does Malcolm and during the process of transformation or because of it, they form a bond which becomes a romance. That's pretty vague, but I do like the idea of Malcolm and a female otter TFing in some way and forming a romantic relationship.


Hey, this fits too! Many birds, it's the females that have mostly what we would think of as "masculine" traits.


I love otters but I can also see this plot line being done with a vixen or bird as well.

Liane Rabbitfangs

It definitely could, but I said otter because I'm a big fan of otters, vixens are much more commonly portrayed than otters, and birds I'm just not much of a fan of.


so here's how this can go, Malcolm goes out on a ride when he spots a castle in the distance, he remembers it as the abandoned castle that no one lives in these days and stands there as a monument though a female in town seems to be interested in restoring the castle to its former glory, a few days go by and even though this female has been in the town talking about it all these days, this one day she has not shown herself, so Malcolm goes to the castle to find out what happens as he suddenly finds out that a male dragon is there, this is when he finds out about the curse and well becomes a dragoness himself, this process can be slow so he visits the castle every day changing more and more so he becomes a dragoness that is soon in heat, so then pregnancy and some oviposition can happen ^w^


I dunno about you guys, but i'm definitely a fan of the otter being the f/f option.


Foxs have a connotation of being thieves so I think it would be fun to play on that. Have the fox literally steal Malcom's manhood one little piece at a time. The two of them will meet a couple times with the charismatic and sly fox charming and changing Malcom. Every caress or playful grope further cementing our protagonists more feminine form. At first it will because the fox is mischievous but then Malcom will need something from the fox and have to seek him (or her) out until he is hot bothered and gives into the vulpine whiles letting the fox mold his (now her) body for his pleasure. Otters are playful so it would be fun to work with that theme. Perhaps the otter jumps into the boat Malcom is rowing as an entrance. starting a habit of being very spontaneous. The otter can be a flirt to help ignite a spark between the two. She (or he) playful nature can help malcom move past the horrors of war and enjoy the moment. we can tie his transformation to how much hes able to deal with the trama and accepting the new him(or her) as a way to finally let go of the war. Dragons are mighty and domineering. For this lover I'd suggest it be more of a dom and sub relationship. With malcom starting this path when he has to travel to the dragons castle for something. With the dragon lord knowing that his newest pet will be back because Malcom will eventually need/want more of it. Each visit furthering not only malcoms physical transformation into one more suited to please the dragon but his release of control over his own agency to the dragon until she is a happy subservient lover of the lord of the castle. I've got nothing for avian, I'd rather that birds not be chosen.