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Attached is the high resolution background file!

Also if you didn't check out the news in the low-res post, just a heads up that:

  • Today's the last day to vote in the Patron-Decided Romance species poll (the race for third is only one vote apart right now!)
  • Patreon is having payment processor issues again, so a few folks may have their payments declined again this month... ugh.

Enjoy the pic!





Here's the download link for the current alpha: <a href="https://littlenapoleon.itch.io/changelingtalealpha/patreon-access" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://littlenapoleon.itch.io/changelingtalealpha/patreon-access</a> Marion's story line currently ends at the same place as the demo, but we'll be working on her chapter 3 next!



The artbook is something we're still compiling and we'll release it when the game is nearing completion! In the meantime, you can search for posts with the tag "Hi-Res" to find all the pieces we've released in high resolution, to date ^^ <a href="https://www.patreon.com/LittleNapoleon/posts?tag=Hi-Res">https://www.patreon.com/LittleNapoleon/posts?tag=Hi-Res</a>