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Since it gives away a scene that takes place in the next chapter, I'll attach this background down below some news ; )

Today's the last day for voting on the Patron-Decided Romance's species!  Dragon and Fox are in the lead, and Bird and Otter are only one vote apart for 3rd (!), so if you are in the voter tier and want to swing the race fir 3rd one way or another, click here and get that vote in today!

Patreon's also having difficulties maintaining a consistent payment processing partner who will permit adult content creators, again, so a few of you may experience declined payments... again.  Patreon said they'll send an email with instructions to anyone encountering an issue, and on behalf of them my apologies for all this hassle.  Hopefully next month things will stabilize... guess we'll see @_@

Alright, onto the background!

All I'll say is, this scene idea has been around since the very beginning, I've been looking forward to writing/illustrating it the whole time, and, finally getting to do so, it did not disappoint!




First :V


don't worry. Thanks to paypal, the failed payment goes through.


Also may jump to $25 when I have enough.