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Attending AnthroCon this weekend? A few folks from the team are, too, and they've got flyers and a special gift for patrons!  They're at the Zoo right now and will be around through Sunday, so go say hi to Wat and the crew if you like!

Unfortunately I couldn't make it this year, but it's giving me the opportunity to get some extra work done this week. Next up is Grace's Chapter 2, but as a little in-between build we are going to release an Animation Update that will refurbish the last of the static backgrounds. (The original plan had been to sprinkle in these updates from build to build, but since they are manipulated with different code than static backgrounds, it's for the best that we bring them up to date before the game gets any bigger!)  Time permitting, we'll take advantage of the update to add some additional features, as well as bring the Demo up to date.  More info to come!

Hope all our Canadian and American supporters had a nice Canada Day/Fourth of July, and wishing everyone a good start to the summer!  Or winter, if you're in the southern hemisphere.  I think that covers everyone-- and thank you all again for your support!




Come say hi, we're in the zoo and have CT flyers on the table!


*says hi vicariously through other visiting fans because he won’t be able to make it there in person*


Hey, small note, we're out of the general audience flyers... but we're still hanging out in the zoo :D


The special gift is still available.


Good luck this weekend. I hope you get done what you planned to.


Sorry I missed you, AC's usually pretty busy

Giza White Mage

Sorry this White Mage missed you at AC, I was exceptionally busy staffing the con this year.