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The latest build is here!  Click the link above to download the latest game version from Itch.io!

This build takes us through Marion's Chapter 2, as well as some general additions and polish to the existing game.  You can find the full list of changes attached!

We're up to over 80,000 words now, almost half again as much content as the previous build.  That's about equivalent to a 300 page book, so we're officially putting the "novel" in visual novel-- and there's still plenty more to go!  If you want to experience it all, be sure to try out multiple play-throughs for different paths.  Just a reminder, you all voted for Grace next, so we'll start coding in her Chapter 2 real soon!

Quick tip: You can use CTRL to skip quickly through text you've already read, so feel free to fast forward to the new content.  Also, a note to completionists: We had to change the nomenclature on our scene labels, which reset the flags for having read them, so folks may need to buzz through Jessie's Chapter 2 again to reactivate the chapter navigation links under Memories.

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments here or in Discord.  We love to hear your feedback!  And thank you so very, very much for your support!  You made it all possible!



Patreon access for Changeling Tale Alpha



Woo! I think peeps are gonna enjoy this one, I did! :B


Awwww yeah. Just got all the endings to the last one a few days ago. Now, I can do it all again fresh.


Absolutely smashing work! The new Marion images are fantastic, Wat is really outdoing himself. Really looking forward to Marion PT3.


Thanks a ton! We'll put up a vote soon to see whose chapter we do after Grace's Chapter 2, next ^^

John Doberson

never mind, I got it. was a suppose to put that note with the file, that has the game in it?


The text file is just the changelog to tell people what changed in the latest versions, it shouldn't effect anything in the game itself.

John Doberson

oh okay, do i Have restart the and make different chioces if I want to unlock all the scenes?


Yes, multiple playthroughs are required to see all the content in completion, if you just want to see the new stuff, I recommend romancing Marion - this build is focused on expanding her storyline.

John Doberson

oh i see now. i thought it was all available to me at the start. any code i can use to skip all that and get right to the good stuff?


There is a skip buttom, and you can hold control to skip text I believe to speed the game up :B


You know, some might say checking one's Patreon obsessive-compulsively every few minutes waiting for that new build to drop is insanity. After seeing the added content though? Completely justified. I'll just blame you for giving us such good content that I'm constantly awaiting any updates; as good as this one was, it's only made me more eager for the next chapter in all the sisters' stories. And just one more time in case it wasn't clear; I loved the new Marion artwork. The TF sequence was especially nice, but my favorite had to be the kissing scene in the clotheslines. It just seemed very well framed to me for some reason. But of course everything was great, as I have come to expect from you guys. Excellent work!


Gah you cut that off at the worst time! Wonderful though, Hope the next one isn't too far away!


Really liking the Jessie Chapter 1 additions. Hell the whole game could be about her and I'd be happy. You guys ever thought about breaking the game up into specific characters? I can see a lot of benefits from that approach.


Awesome work! You got me good with that cut off. 😂 Can't wait to see more




I just realized I only had the demo before now so the Chapter 1 Jessie stuff was new to me! Sorry for the confusing post above.


Thanks! Yeah, after Chapter 1 we end up focusing on specific girls' romances both to give them the attention they deserve, as well as to cut down on story branch permutations ^^; Grace's Chapter 2 is up next!


My biggest wish is that we could push these updates out faster! But, we want to make sure that we're doing each chapter justice, and it's really heartening to hear that the effort shows. We cannot thank you and everyone enough for supporting us and letting us make this for you guys!


Great job everyone! you know how to keep us coming back. I wonder if you will see the other sisters forms a bit further on after dealing with the love interest you've chosen?


Thanks so much! I won't go into spoiler territory here, but the answer is linked to what's triggering the TF :B


No worries, probably a lot of new stuff if you just got the alpha! :B


Really enjoyed this chapter. Curious though, will you be finishing the stories of the three sisters before adding the stories of the other romantic interests or will more be added gradually as development continues?


I think we'll probably focus down the three sisters first, but there's a possibility we could open up the fae world lines once one of the sisters' story lines is done. We'll decide once we get a little closer!

Edward Dubois

Norton threw me a couple of false-positives when I tried to run the latest version. But after adding exceptions it ran fine. It must just be that it's newly released, so he doesn't have any references to it.


I'm not sure how many downloads need to occur before Norton flags a file as safe - I suspect it may be a few - so unfortunately it's possible that the "add exception" approach will need to be done for the a while, at least until a steady build has been around for a while. Glad you were able to get it to work!


Interesting. Do you have any guesstimates on how many chapters there'll be for the sisters (I'm assuming they'll all have the same number, in the interest of fairness)?


Yep! We have 4 chapters pretty well-outlined for each sister (they share Chapter 1, but have their own Chapters 2-4). In fact, the beta tester tier can go read the working documents that summarizes those chapters, so long as they don't mind spoilers! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-working-16408333">https://www.patreon.com/posts/updated-working-16408333</a>


I absolutely loved this chapter! I need Marion's chapter 3 like yesterday.


We'll see what folks vote for next, but I agree, that cliffhanger was killer to leave off on XD