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Good afternoon, everyone!

Here is the next big update of Haley's Secret. With this new character in place, I'd like to get a few lineups in place and get some awesome before and afters. There's going to be A LOT of growing coming in the next few updates. Can you guess why? I hope you're all prepared!

Next up, Libidine!




Love having Jasmine back in action! Nice

Max C

It's so funny. Now that I'm actively learning Blender, I'm like "Ooohh... I like what he did with the lighting on that wooden door!" or "The diffusion coming through those windows! He picked great coloring for that!" Learning how the sausage is made can actually be a good thing. LOL!


Haha, that's great to hear! I'm glad your greater insight into the building process provides a deeper level of appreciation for Haley's Secret(and more!) ;)