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Hey everyone,

I'm still rendering a mega post for Haley's Secret, but I wanted to leave you with a juicy preview of one of the mini-stories that we'll be receiving in February.

Pirates! YAAarrrgghh! How was my impression? Bad? Ya, probably. Vara(the elf in the first pic) can probably do it a lot better.

"I was just a simple elf, forced into servitude with a band of rough pirates. But I outsmarted them all, rising through the ranks to become their leader. With my ship and crew, I've found treasures beyond measure, enhancing my body and making me irresistible. My hunger for more treasure only grows stronger." - Vara

I've included a number of VERY ROUGH previews outside of the Vara illustration, just as a sneak peek! Some images may not make it into next month's associated image pack/mini-story, but please enjoy them nonetheless!

Time for me to dive back into Haley's Secret!

Thanks, everyone!



Phillip Webster

That womb tattoo git me feeling a certain kinda way

Vincent Hudon

Wonderful! thank you so much for this!