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Hope you lot enjoyed the prison content! There's no real need to vote for it this time, since I intend to finish the mining event by this update anyway. But you can still do it if you want... so I guess this is a reminder that you can vote for more than one option :P

The poll will close on 1st Feb when I start writing again.


James Marquardt

I vote for more content for the naughty Goodboy from the Marketplace. Im almost back too where i was in V.09... So i vote Market; conditionally, because apparently its arguably a Better Route. (Spoiler<==] ×J×a×i×L×


If you would ask for which character new content should come, I think the outcome would be much more clear... our good boy would get a lot of votes (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ


I would love see more construction site content. Gotta love big, sweaty, muscly dudes hard at work


why is everyone unanimously calling him goodboy now? :shock: but if it's the thief you're talking about, his 'good' route actually continues in the cathedral


I'm waiting for some nice group action in coliseum. All those fighters. And maybe big strong guy will learn to share 😌


Voted coliseum specifically for Alexi. The world needs more Polar bears!