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Hopefully,   The rise of the Queen chapter 1 will be sent tomorrow to all May patrons.  I said that I would be ready for today, but I had a bunch of issues: I had some problems with some greek decorations I wanted to add to the vignettes, and I lost a lot of time with it, to finally rescue just  part of it, I had to edit a bunch of renders because a bugged shadow, I also have added an introduction page to the story, to explain and add more depth to the world setting ( which means a lot of text  to write out of thin air)   there is still a  lot of work to do, but I think a day would be enough to finish it all: 

PS: By the way I also lost a lot of time with the Greek language, just to realize that using greek would be a mess, I mean the current title in modern Greek would be :  Ánodos tis Vasílissas. If people have already got confused with normal titles while doing requests...  

******* Update: I 'm sorry, but after a whole day of work I' m still not done with it, I have all the edition done, and I have made the first correction pass, but it's just too late,  it's a lot of text, I'm spent, and I'm sure that I'm missing mistakes left and right... so I will finish the correction and proofreading tomorrow, and It shouldn't take that much time at this point... PS2: yes, this project is being hard a s hell to end... 



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