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And I have zero requests from 20$ and 15$ patrons, though I've checked some old requests from March and April to confirm them, and if any 20$ /15$ patron has forgotten about his/her request they still can do it at any time, just notice me through the Patreon message system... 

And about the image, yesterday I did the last renders with this extra character, 2 days later than planned since I had to discard a whole batch of 3d exports because a new hair used was missing from them, so I had to go back to redoing them with a different one,  anyway, this extra character will act as a spy mercenary ( and I gave quite the exotic look) she looks nice, even though the renders are a bit dark... well, they are not that many... ( but sneaking/hidden/ smuggling stuff needs some level of darkness, right?)

I expect to have everything ready to send for the 6th, since there is still a lot of edition work to be done..



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