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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this picture because there's a double meaning behind it! Yes, I can balance champagne on my nice, big tits. But I'm also balancing life with fun.

As you all know, I'm the fun loving party girl that has worked so hard to achieve my dreams and help others do the same. You see it in my updates.

But what you don't see is the hard work that's put in every day to make those dreams a reality and stuff. I guess what I want to say is... Try hard! Do your best! Yes, my updates are not as frequent now, but I want every one of my followers to believe in themselves. Take things one step at a time, one day at a time.

I love you all, and I'm sorry I've been so busy that I haven't updated. But like the post suggests, I'm doing my best to do a balancing act between work and play. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them for you. And remember, Mandi believes in you!!!






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