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Hiya everybody!!!! Oh my gosh, I had sooooooo much to drink last night at the club. I met a wonderful boy there with a wonderful cock! Hehe! So after a long night of partying and other things, I thought I'd update you on my life right now!

I'm still a personal trainer, getting girls in shape to become their bimbo best. I want to prepare their bodies so that they can make appointments to get breast implants and the training will make sure that their backs are strong enough to hold up the extra weight!

I'm still searching for a man (or woman) that will put a ring on my finger, but I'm in no rush. All of the parties and all of the drinks and all of the dancing are so much fun. I don't want to give that up!

I'm free to answer any questions that you may have, so please feel free to ask away and I'll reply as soon as I'm able. I've become somewhat of a local celebrity because of my workout regimens and because of my body too! I still escort on the side, but not as much as I used to because I'm getting paid so well just from girls that want to get in shape and look like me! It's so rewarding to be able to help out and give back!

Anyway, I've attached a picture with this note so that you can see what I've been up to. As you can tell, Drunk Mandi is quite the silly girl! I hope every one of you are well. I love you all!






Hi Mandi, Will we get to see you take women from plain Jane to their bimbo best?


Hello! How much did all of your surgeries cost?


How many girls or boys did you help find their inner bimbo. And who had the biggest change.