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Lori stared at her reflection, her heart still pounding from the intense pleasure she had just experienced. She tried to steady her thoughts, placing her hands on either side of her head as if to physically hold herself together. "Focus, Lori," she whispered to herself. "You need to get back to reality and figure this out."


The sound of the hotel phone ringing jolted her from her self-directed pep talk. She turned towards the phone, the shrill ring cutting through the quiet room. She quickly walked over to it, the click of her heels on the floor echoing in the space.


She picked up the receiver, her voice a mix of anticipation and trepidation. "Hello?"


"Hello, Miss Pleas—," the receptionist's deep Russian accent rolled through the line..


Lori's brow furrowed slightly but she dismissed it as his accent. "Yes, this is Lori."


"We haf found your phone and wallet," he said, his tone professional but with a hint of warmth.


A wave of relief washed over Lori. "Oh my god, that's wonderful! Thank you so much!" She couldn't hide the enthusiasm in her voice.


"You are velcome. You can collect them at reception anytime," the receptionist replied before the line went dead.


Lori hung up the phone, a smile spreading across her face. Finally, some hope! She quickly turned back to her suitcase, her eyes scanning the scattered contents. Her gaze landed on the black faux leather mini shorts she had worn earlier. She picked them up, her fingers running over the smooth material.


"Alright, let's find a top to go with these," she said to herself, her tone upbeat. She rifled through the suitcase, pulling out various items until she found it. "Something not too tight..." she muttered, "Oh, the matching top!"





I really look forward to each new post of this story. Awesome job! Thank you for your hard work! ❤️

ivan 1986

Hopefully she gets a BBL and some makeup with plump lips next!