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Tentatively, she reached down with her long red nails, her fingers trembling as they approached the piercing. The cool metal felt foreign and shocking against her skin. She brushed the barbell lightly, feeling a sharp jolt of sensation that caused her to gasp. The touch sent a wave of unexpected pleasure coursing through her body, making her knees weak.


"Oh my god," she whispered, her voice a breathless murmur. The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced before. It was as if the piercing had amplified her sensitivity, turning the lightest touch into an electrifying caress.


Lori's initial shock gave way to a growing curiosity. She explored the piercing with more confidence, her fingers deftly manipulating the barbell. Each movement sent ripples of pleasure through her, causing her breath to hitch and her heart to race. Her reflection in the mirror showed a woman in the throes of unexpected ecstasy, her face flushed, and her eyes half-closed in pleasure.


As she continued to explore, Lori's moans grew louder, echoing in the quiet of the hotel room. The combination of her touch and the piercing created a symphony of sensations that built to an overwhelming crescendo. She felt herself edging closer to a climax, her body responding eagerly to the stimulation.


Finally, with one last, deliberate touch, Lori's body convulsed in a powerful orgasm. She cried out, her voice a mix of surprise and pleasure, as the waves of ecstasy washed over her. Her knees buckled, and she leaned against the mirror for support, her body trembling with the intensity of her release.




I love this series!!! 😍🥰🥵🔥🔥 The new piercing is great as well as the implant scars!!


realy awesome, love your wrting. It compliment it very well.